I think I may be almost done re-uploading everything. :)

Thank you bailieboro for the beta! Now I must catch up on all my fanfic reading!

Warnings: girl!Merlin, forced-marriage, early written fic.




The throne room seems longer than usual today, larger in all aspects, really. You slowly let out an anxious sigh, straightening your shoulders. You want them to know that you don't want to be here. Yes. All those people, waiting expectantly for you to proceed down the aisle have the right to be aware that you were forced into this. You wanted no part of it; not in the beginning, not in the middle, and especially not now!

The music begins, and all eyes in the throne room turn towards you, the nervous, shaking, servant girl in the overly-large white dress. You fidget under the uncomfortable garments, surprised that dressed like this you were able to arrive at the ceremony, and wondering how you will be able to walk down the aisle without tripping on the heavy, material. The servants tried their best to make it fit but your lanky frame makes any size of clothing look loose and too big for your body.

Another nervous sigh.

Breathe in! Breathe out!

Maybe if you scream, they will call this entire Handfasting Ceremony off.

The thought, however, immediately vanishes as you see the dangerous glare from the king at the far end of the hall. He's watching you. Warning you! You don't need magic and telepathy to know that he will not hesitate to smite you where you stand, should you run like hell out of Camelot.

It was either this or the pyre, you remind yourself, folding you arms. He made a deal with you, blackmail, more like it! Blackmail so cruel and selfish that only a bloody Pendragon could think it up, let alone execute it.

"You will marry my son."

The memory makes you shudder. You had then realized that he wanted your magic. He wanted the lineage of the last Dragonlord. He has wanted it for some time after the knights had discovered a hidden dragon's den. He wants to be the only one with that awesome power. He didn't need to say it, you already knew.

Despite what the Prat thinks, you're not a complete idiot. You, actually think you are quite clever...not unlike a genius who is simply misunderstood.

The king sends you another glare and you take a faltering step forward, your long, much too elegant gown dragging and catching on the uneven flagstone floor.

Another nervous sigh.

Breathe in! Breathe out!

Your master and soon to be unwilling husband is standing expectantly at the dais. He wears a gleeful mask but you know him too well. He doesn't want to marry you, either. It will break your friendship, your bond. Possibly, destroying all that there is to your destiny. All your hard work, right down the drain! Didn't even hesitate to pour it in!

Another nervous sigh.

Breathe in! Breathe out!

You take four hesitant steps forward, anything to keep the king's eyes off your shaking, nervous, completely pissed self.

Then you trip...

...all the court watching, as the greatest sorceress in the universe falls flat on her face...

You feel the Prat's eyes roll in his big head, as you grunt in embarrassment.

Indeed, this was going to be a long, horribly, terrifying day.