The Hunger Games trilogy is owned by Suzanne Collins. The Hunger Games film is owned by Suzanne Collins, Lionsgate and their affiliates.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all characters, themes, and content therein belong to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy Productions.

I am making no money from this endeavor. As for any original content: Any likeness, similarities, and resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places, and events are unintentional and purely coincidental.

This fic has elements unique to both the book and the movie for The Hunger Games as well as elements from the Season 8 comic version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Unbeta'd and all mistakes are my own. Please feel free to contact me if you wish to Beta.

Everything was always silent before a battle. It seemed like every May or so there was always a major apocalypse to be averted. There were a few scattered through out the year but they were mostly pretenders to the throne who didn't know what they were doing and easily overcome.

Unfortunately this was not currently the case.

Nemesis sat in the chinook, strapped in and contemplated her place in the Slayer army. The thumping of the blades as they flew through the air over Egypt was the only thing heard as each Slayer had nothing to say. Normally the girls were quite loquacious but for this battle, not a word was uttered the entire ride except from the hushed conversations between Buffy and Willow. Before every major battle, she always remembered what brought her there.

She was only sixteen but had been recruited at ten years old, the youngest Potential their psychics had ever found. Mr. Harris had come to her home and offered her a place in an exclusive boarding school that was touted as the best military learning institution in the country. She wasn't sure if they had done recon on her family or if it was a convenient cover but the one eyed man had won over her parents in spades. She had come from a long history of military and police so a sense of duty and honor had always been instilled in her. She had plans of joining the Marines like her brothers and father before her ; then going into government security once she retired from the military. It was an easy transition into Slayerhood once she found out the truth when she arrived at the school.

Most of the girls were overwhelmed with the idea of being a Slayer, when they were first told their true heritage. Some came to accept their role and others had turned it down, opting for their powers to be bound and never to think of it again. Nemesis embraced being a Slayer from the start: honor, valor, duty, and destiny; these where things she held dear and in high regard. Even though her parents would never know her true identity, she would never be able to look them in the eyes or stand proud before them if she turned away from her appointed lot in life. Despite not having her powers yet, she felt the pull and a sense of belonging with the Slayer army. She was exactly where she was supposed to be. There was no doubt, no fear, and no going back.

She saw the awakened Slayers' amazing feats of strength, their agility, their natural ability at hunting and yearned to be just like them so she put her all into training. The instruction was harsh and brutal but it was all to make her the best Slayer she could be. They had destroyed who she was to make something better. It was something she had heard repeatedly in her Marine household.

She was a formidable opponent after three years of training and they had taken her out into the field even though she had not awakened yet and only thirteen. They didn't let her partake in most of the fighting but she was being mentored on tactics and evasion. She had yearned to get into the heat of things but knew when to follow orders. Nemesis was desperate to prove herself so she always signed up for new combat training and even survival training. Her ultimate goal was to become a traveling Slayer; one who would go from town to town, seeking out super natural activity in rural areas that usually got the short end of the stick when it came to their protection. Coming from a small town herself, she felt that it wasn't fair that most Slayer cells and resources were focused only in big cities and towns that had a specific magical epicenter.

She wasn't considered a full fledged Slayer until she was Called but she was making herself known to those in command. She worked harder and sustained the most injuries a Potential had since Buffy awakened the lines. Several broken bones later, her tenacity made her stand out and it was what convinced Willow to tap her for the new group of Slayers they were building for special training.

After the incident where Buffy met Willow's future insane self, she wanted to make sure that future didn't happen or a repeat of the past. So they had started to gather up Slayers for magical training as well as a more intense combat regimen. The red haired witch agreed and wanted a squad of Elite Slayers that could take her out if the need arose. No Slayer liked the idea of possibly having to kill a beloved mentor but Nemesis saw the wisdom in such a precaution. Willow had goddess level power and if she were ever to turn, even the Slayer army would have trouble subduing her. So Nemesis and fourteen others had been chosen to participate in the new squad. Half were cut within the first week, unable to take the new schooling. Even for a Slayer, most could not handle two weeks straight of constant exercise drills and exhaustion. Nemesis had considered dropping out more than once but the constant memory of her family kept her in it; it's what drove her on. She couldn't fathom letting them or the team down. She took special pride in being the only Potential to pass the course.

Three more dropped out weeks later when it turned out they didn't have a proclivity for magic. Nemesis was slightly disappointed in herself when she wasn't in the top three of her group in terms of magical ability but she at least was easily one of their top fighters. The magic lessons were a bit boring to her and she felt she'd rather do a lot of things herself than rely on spells. She was more hands on and the piles of books brought her to tears. She trudged through it nonetheless. She learned every medicinal and magical herb there could be found and how to use them. She stayed up late nights learning Latin and other ancient dead languages; she memorized Celtic runes and all the properties of crystals and other precious gems. The next three years she ate and breathed magic and combat. She still wasn't as powerful as the others but she could hold her own. She mostly relied on her own strength and fighting abilities but she found that creating protective barriers and other spells could be useful when in a tight spot. It was especially handy when weaponless.

The day she was awakened was the best day of her life. She had been eating in the mess hall with the other Elite Slayers, talking this and that. Her birthday was coming up and everyone had been making a big deal of it. She thought it was just another day in light of her duty but to most Slayers another year on earth was quite the accomplishment. While she ate a slice of pizza, she suddenly fell back as if an invisible force had roundhouse kicked her in the head. Visions of a thousand different lifetimes whirled through her head seemingly all at once. She was a Native American princess, a Lady-in-Waiting for Marie Antionette, a woman in white accused of being a witch. It was the consciousness of every Slayer before her and she became part of that chain, adding to the legacy. She was truly apart of something epic and meaningful. For her age, she was stronger and faster than the average girl due to her training. Becoming a full Slayer she felt unstoppable. She finally felt she was complete and in league with all her sister Slayers, who she now shared a deeper connection with.

Nemesis personally hated the silence that permeated the aircraft and looked to her fellow Elite member, otherwise known as the Jedi once they discovered telekinesis, and decided to make some noise.

"Fury, do you think these demons will be hot?" Nemesis asked offhandedly.

The Slayer frowned and then rolled her eyes, used to Nemesis' penchant for the outlandish.

"No, Nem. I do not think these demons will be hot. When are they ever hot?"

"I'm sick of fighting ugly demons. I want hot demons. Like Balthazar in Constantine hot. Gavin Rossdale made one fine ass demon."

"I hear that," the raven haired Revenge piped in.

The entire Slayer army, including the Jedi, was going to the battle and Nemesis couldn't ask for a better team to fight with.

Fury, their appointed leader, was known for her frenzied and unyielding attacks on demons and vampires.

Revenge was beautiful as she was deadly. Undefeated with a knife and feared among the demon underground. She could make demons and vampires smile while she killed them.

Wrath and Blaze, twin sister Slayers; the first ever documented and their resident bomb and pyrotechnic experts respectively.

These were all nicknames given to them as they got to know each other, saw their fighting styles, or general demeanor. She had come to trust these girl's with her life and served proudly with them. She didn't even know their the names they were born with and they didn't know hers. It was one of the first rules of magic that was taught to them. Names were powerful and it gave others power over them if they knew their true name. Only Buffy, Willow, the rest of the Scoobies, and her parents knew her name.

"I don't think this is an appropriate conversation to have before we fight," a nasally voice intruded in on the conversation.

There were a few Slayers she couldn't stand though.

"Why don't you suck my dick Chloe?" Nemesis responded.

The prim and prissy Slayer looked scandalized and gave her an ugly and disapproving look.

Nemesis had run-ins with the other Slayer before, mostly when the uptight girl would rat her out to the Watchers about "insubordinate and destructive' behavior. Nemesis was known as the party girl Slayer in addition to being in the Elite. She liked to drink and smoke pot on occasion and she didn't understand the other girl's problem. She felt that if she was old enough to put her life on the line for the sake of humanity, then she was old enough to have a drink and had license to partake in what some might consider illegal narcotics.

"I can't believe we share a demon essence with her. Anyway, I'd totally take a demon to pound town if they looked like Gavin Rossdale."

"Didn't you try to bone that blonde vampire that helps Buffy?" Blaze asked.

"Tried being the operative word. Crashed and burned being the most apt description. Spear or whatever his name is, I later find out was one of Buffy's vampire paramours other than Angel. So if our esteemed leader supreme has a thing for vamps, they got to be awesome in the sack right? Know how to give a good in and out," she said as she crudely thrust her hips mimicking the act.

Some of the Slayers who weren't used to Nemesis blushed at the display while the others laughed. Only Chloe turned up her nose and looked away.

"So who are we fighting?" Nemesis asked.

"We had a briefing about it three days ago," Wrath said astonished that Nemesis seemed to have forgotten.

"Come on, that was three days ago. Plus, the name is a total misnomer. Slayer briefings are not brief. It went on for like over an hour and I was jonesing for some time with Armageddon Booty Call Bradley."

"That guy you call every time we have an apocalypse?"

"You know it. If I'm going to die for the human race then I'm sure as hell going to have at least one more weekend of hot wild monkey sex. Makes me glad we get these at least three times a year."

"I talked to him once…he seems nice," Blaze said conversationally.

"Psst. He's dumb, pretty, and puts out; just how I like'm," Nemesis replied impishly.

"So anyway, what're the deets on this Big Bad?" she asked again.

"Demon Cult of Apep, Egyptian god of Chaos; they're bringing about the end of the world through…chaos-y things."

"Why aren't there ever any cool demon cults that bring in the apocalypse in a fun way?"

"Like how?"

"Like why aren't there cults to Bacchus that try to bring in the end of the world via orgies and binge drinking? I could be down with that kind of ending. Why is it always death and destruction with these guys?"

"Generally that's what makes them evil demons."

"Well if they tried to end the world in sex and booze, they'd be a lot more successful I'll tell you what."

"So you'd destroy the world with sex and wine?"

"Hell yes."

"I suspect you've been trying that on your own, at least if last weekends party was any indication. I always knew you were the silent Big Bad."

"Damn you, you figured out my secret!"

"You're out of your mind," Revenge said with a laugh.

"Thanks for fixing my dresser by the way," the older Slayer said as an afterthought.

"No problem…unless we don't win this fight. Then I spent three hours fixing your antique dresser for nothing and I'll be kind of pissed," Nemesis replied.

"Well I appreciate it either way. Not sure why we call you Nemesis instead of Handyman or something."

"One, because I'm the mother fuckin' goddess of divine justice; and two, if anything I'd be mother fuckin' MacGuyver if I had any other nickname. Recognize."

Nemesis emphasized her point by fist pumping and making an exploding sound with Fury.

The conversation died down and she compulsively moved her knee up and down. Her hands were not idle either as they played with the balisong she always carried with her. Flipping the knife out of its handle in quick precise movements as only someone who has practiced several hours a day since they were ten years old could. The swish and flick of the blade made her neighbors nervous and Revenge said something after she couldn't it anymore.

"Nem! Put the butterfly knife away would ya? And stop bouncing your knee, you're making me nervous."

"I'm bored."

"We're about to fight a demon horde to prevent the apocalypse. How are you bored?"

"I don't know. It's just part of what makes me amazing."

The other Slayers never knew if Nemesis was that cocky or if she was kidding; they were pretty certain it was a mix, so they laughed and Wrath asked what they were all thinking.

"Did you eat candy?"

"Chica, I am jacked up on Code Red and Swedish Fish. I'm fuckin' ready to go and kick some Chaos demon ass!"

A cheer in the passenger bay rose up and several clinked their weapons. Willow and Buffy smiled indulgently at them and gave their own small cheers.

Still no one was willing to give up any titillating conversation so Nemesis had to amuse herself, which was never a good idea.

"It's been said and done; every beautiful thought has been already sung. And now here's another one," she sang off key but didn't care, she never did.

"No," one of the senior Slayers in the front said darkly. "I am not about to go into battle and possibly die listening to you sing Selena Gomez terribly."

Nemesis did not have a vulgar retort as she had respect for the elder Slayers and instead tried another song.

"Just a small town girl, living in a lonely world…"

"No. No Journey. And nothing bastardized by Glee."

That didn't leave Nemesis with many options and was slightly affronted because she loved the musical show.

"Oh mama, I'm in fear for my life from the long arm of the law..."

"Oh hell yes…lawman has put an end to my running and I'm so far from my home."

Both Nemesis and the older Slayer sang together, building up to the chorus.

"Oh mama, I can you crying. You're so scared and all alone. Hangman is coming down from the gallows and I don't have very long."

Soon the entire chinook joined in, every Slayer who knew the lines (and some that didn't) sang as loud as they could,

"The jig is up, the news it out they've finally found me. The renegade who had it made retrieved for a bounty. Never more to go astray, this will be the end today of the wanted man."

They all sang with the passion that could only be inspired by Styx, until they had landed and soon had to unboard the plane.

As the Slayer army disembarked the plane, Nemesis hummed to herself the tune of Renegade and a thought struck her.

"Shit, I forgot to set the DVR for this week's Glee."

The Jedi, Willow, and Buffy stood on a dusty hill overlooking the Valley of the Dead. The hot and arid air hit them and Nemesis immediately knew she hated Egypt.

"I wonder if they purposefully gather in hot places to get us ready for hell," she thought idly to herself.

Generally apocalyptic rituals happened at night but this one wanted to happen midday in the summer in one of the hottest countries. It was as if they specifically chose that time of day to piss her off.

"Demons are such douchers for doing this when it's so freaking hot," she said out loud and it garnered a few snickers.

Normally a tourist spot, it was closed off for "repairs." The demon horde had been growing for a while and it took several missing people for the new Watcher's council to finally take notice. The demon underworld had been buzzing about this apocalypse for a while, it seemed like it was a consensus that this one was different than the rest; that this one would be the actual one to end it all.

The Valley of the Dead looked none too impressive to the casual onlooker. Unassuming crypt entrances poked out from the ground, looking like poorly built Hobbit holes. There were always two sides to every "wonder of the world." The tourist side that people flocked to and marveled at the great architectural accomplishments, where the Civilians could enter some graves, take pictures, and go on their merry little way. Others, who knew better, knew that there was more than what met the eye. Certain crypts led to an underground labyrinth that housed ancient holy sites. These sites were going to be used to bring about the end of days.

"Not if I can help it," Nemesis thought to herself as Willow and Buffy thought of a battle plan.

"Hey guys," a cheerful voice they knew well grabbed their attention.

They turned around to see Willow in full on battle gear, which was mostly army fatigues and she knew how to rock them. Nemesis didn't know if it was the direct influence of Buffy but somehow they always got uniforms that emphasize their femininity rather than suppress it.

Most Slayers were dressed the same way. The Jedi had some added elements to their attire such as various gemstones, bottles, and other magical paraphernalia. Other than that, they were all decked in olive green, which complemented her tan beautifully she thought to herself; battle pants, shit kickers, and wife beaters along with holsters for steaks and individual weapons with knee and shoulder pads complete the ensemble.

The two leaders seemed to have come to an agreement and Buffy flew off to meet with the other Slayers on the ground. The red headed witch turned to them and said,

"Ok Jedi, Buffy is going with the ground forces and doing a first wave attack. Once she gives the signal, we go in work our magic. Literally. Blaze and Wrath, this is a closed in space so that means not a whole lot of oxygen; so no fires or bombs."

"Well, at least there's still gratuitous violence," Wrath said after a beat of disappointment their specialty wasn't going to be used.

"That's the spirit. Now this group is wrapped in a mysterious mystery so we're not one hundred percent sure what they're about other than trying to bring him to this realm to create…uhh chaos. Make black white, up down, time…not time." Willow rattled off but had a slight confused look on her face at her last example.

"We need you girls bring on your 'A' game. I know what you're thinking. 'Oh this is just another apocalypse, no big.' But it is a big and we need to deal with it like we do with other big-y things. Are you all powered up?"

Each of us raised our hands and our individual specialties made themselves known.

Blaze and Wrath, of course, had fire flicker from their hands.

"We also have our Zippos, just in case" Wrath assured the red haired witch.

While they can create fire, using magic could also be draining. So if they're ever in a pinch or feeling fatigued, they can use their Zippos. It's easier to manipulate fire, or anything, coming from a source rather than creating it and then manipulating it.

Fury raised her hand and created a slight breeze. This was just the tip of that useful power. While some creatures did not need air, such as vampires, most demons did. So when she manipulated the air around them to freeze or simply leave their lungs, it was always an interesting sight to see.

Revenge simply gave off a deep royal purple, her aura sending out influence to trip up the enemy. Everything about her was mesmerizing, even the way she killed.

Nemesis raised both hands and put them together as if in prayer. She slowly pulled them apart to reveal small crackles of electricity. A mischievous thought makes it way into her mind, as it usually does, and she pointed a finger to the nearest person to her. It happened to be Revenge. The black haired beauty did not appreciate the prank but gave the blonde Nemesis a knowing smirk. It promised her namesake and she knew that after the battle she was in for it. There was guaranteed retribution shining in Revenge's eyes and Nemesis could tell she was already formulating a plan.

"I know we're about to walk into a demon's den and possibly die…but I can't help myself," she laughed because she knew she started another prank war. Thinking things through was never her strong suit.

Willow and Fury gave each other a knowing look, used to Nemesis's shenanigans but gave a small laugh. The youngest member of the group could be a handful at times but she definitely knew how to diffuse a tense situation.

"OK, that's good girls. Nem, remember that there isn't a storm and no electricity in the chamber. So you don't have a source and more likely to fatigue faster. Try not to use, unless you absolutely have to." Willow warned.

They all understood we were about to rush into battle in a dark, dank, underground oversized tomb and magic might not be the best way to go. Overall they were taught to use magic as a last resort, so they were planning to use their awesome natural Slayer abilities for the first line of defense. And the second… and probably the third.

Willow gave them the rundown of the general plan of attack. Buffy was going to head up the front with the brunt force of the army behind her. They were going to take care of the mass of demon thugs meant to protect the inner circle cult doing their thing to bring about bedlam.

Willow and the Jedi will be the second wave to disrupt the ritual and prevent all hell from breaking loose.

No sweat.

Just another apocalypse in the life of a Slayer.

A/N: First crossover fic! Hopefully I can do both fandoms justice.

Happy Reading!