Disclaimer - I don't own Alex Rider. Only a pillow and a very irritable guinea pig.

Song - Rihanna : Love The Way You Lie pt. 2

The wall was rough and unyielding against his back, sending shocks of pain running across his abused skin. Alex's mouth was hot and insistent against his own, salty tears running down both their cheeks and mingling with the blood streaked across their faces.

"I hate you." Alex whispered against his lips, his broken, brown eyes opening to meet Ben icy blue ones. "I hate you so much."

Ben groaned as Alex lowered his mouth and began kissing his way down Ben's neck, the soft kisses a contrast to his bruising grip on his hips. "I couldn't let him hurt you Alex. I couldn't let him kill you."

Alex sighed. "You were supposed to leave with the others. You were supposed to be safe." He punctuated the end of the sentence with growl, pulling Ben away from the wall and flush against him. His grip became even harsher, his desperation leaking out. "Do you have any idea what I would've done if you'd died?" Alex's voice broke at the end, and Ben caught him as his legs gave out. Their roles were quickly reversed, with Ben pulling Alex close, allowing the younger man to cry silently against him. A harsh whisper escaped Alex's lips.

"You're all I have left."

A/N - A big thank you to everyone who's read this, reviewed, and added it too their favorites or story alerts. I was amazed at the response to this story, considering I'm writing it while drugged up on Hydrocodone. So thank you, and I hope you've enjoyed reading it!