Disclaimer-I don't own Alex Rider... sorry, not gonna happen.

Song-The Fray: You Found Me


It was a perfect night. The sky was clear and you could almost see the stars peeking through the inky sky. The park was silent, only the faint hum of the city broke through the soft darkness. The breeze was warm and soft, the beginnings of spring wrapped around every rustle and breath. It was amazing.

Ben glanced over, taking in the young man stretched out next to him, uncaring of the damp grass, eyes locked on the overhead blanket of trees. Alex had a rare look of peace spread across his features, a contrast to the angry gash that decorated his forehead and cheek. A souvenir from their latest mission.

Alex's eyes flicked over to meet Ben's and a small smile danced across his lips. Ben felt something in him twist almost painfully. He and Alex had been partners for almost two years now, and somewhere in that time, Ben had broken through the walls of arrogance and indifference Alex built around himself, and he'd fallen for the sweet, quiet, oh so damaged person he'd found underneath.

But that was a dream; an impossible fantasy that just couldn't happen. They were co-workers, partners; and their life expectancies were short at best.

But when Alex's hand brushed his in the slightest whisper of a caress, before gently twisting their fingers together, Ben said nothing. Because the night was amazing and perfect.

And because the soft smile still twisted across Alex's face. And for that, Ben would do anything.