A/N: An update! I know. I was surprised too.

Disclaimer: Yeah.

"Hardy and I may have a solution," he said. "For your living situation, I mean. But if we want to explore that option, we're going to have to go right now."

Aria blinked, for a brief period of time too confused to respond.

They hadn't discussed what would happen once her parents arrived in Rosewood, but ultimately the decision of where Aria would spend the remainder of the school year would be theirs.

Bringing up the worst-case scenario was something neither of them had dared to do last night, both selfishly avoiding the topic out of a not irrational fear it could very well become reality. Talking about Aria staying, on the other hand, would have been downright naïve, too optimistic, and was avoided with a wide berth as well—although Ezra hoped that the fact that Aria had already started out her senior year in Rosewood tipped the scale slightly in their favor.

Assuming she wanted to stay, that was, but Ezra didn't doubt for a moment that was indeed what she wanted. The girl had lived here almost her entire life and regarded the town as her home; that was one of the main reasons she had returned to Rosewood in the first place. Ezra wasn't so stupid to think she would stay only for him—she would stay for herself. But he liked to believe him being here made choosing between home and family a little bit easier.

Aria's parents weren't the concern right now, though. Emily and Hanna were still staring at their friend. Hanna recovered first and broke yet another silence.

"She's not going anywhere with you," she stated. Ezra assumed by the unfavorable glint in her eyes that the blonde had decided he was the enemy. She didn't seem entirely convinced it was the appropriate label for her English teacher, though, because she glanced back uncertainly at Aria for confirmation. "Right?"

Aria had always been surprisingly mature for her age within Ezra's presence. She wasn't easily stunned into silence—something he'd discovered the moment he first ran into her in the Rosewood high school hallways. She was also a good liar, though her striking eyes often seemed to reveal a lot. And when it came to lying to the people she cared about, she was clearly conflicted.

"I—we have to go right now?"

It appeared she preferred ignoring them altogether.

Aria readjusted her long dark locks nervously and Ezra smiled a reassuring smile at her—just barely; a brief, flitting thing. Hanna watched from under knitted eyebrows, interpreting Aria's question as an answer to her own, as the tall brunette nodded and the tiny brunette glanced at the clock.

"Fine," she said, eying Hardy and Brody. She turned to Emily and Hanna, very conscious of the fact that she wouldn't be able to walk out of the Hastings' manor without a word. "Guys, I…"

"He knows, doesn't he?" Emily interjected, subjecting Ezra to a catechizing stare. She'd been quiet, but those were the dots she'd connected. "Where you live?" She swiveled her focus on Aria.

"He does," she said slowly, dragging out the two syllables.

She considered mentioning that he evidently knew where Spencer lived as well, but bringing that up felt pointless when her friends clearly already knew it was her he was here to see. She didn't provide any more details, and—while a teacher showing up unannounced at one of his students' houses was without question still odd, to say the least—she hoped it would just maybe be enough to satisfy Hanna and Emily for now.

If possible, Hanna's frown had deepened ever further. Moments ago, she'd appeared very certain of what was going on. Now she seemed confused again, still puzzling over something. Aria was fairly certain Hanna was aware of the true nature of their relationship, or at least suspecting it. But for once, she wasn't exactly sure what the blonde was pondering over.

The truth was a conclusion Hanna wasn't likely to reach on her own, though; by some cruel twist of faith Aria had ended up living in the same building as her English teacher. She had delivered that particular news to Spencer in the only way she knew how; by just spitting it out. For obvious reasons, she was hoping to bring it across more sophisticatedly the second time around. How to do that, she wasn't sure.

"So…," Hanna started. She wasn't making any effort to mask the suspicion visible in her eyes, openly staring at her English teacher. "…what, you guys are sleeping together?"

If Hanna hadn't been pissed, she might have laughed at how quickly and dramatically everyone reacted. Spencer coughed, unsuccessfully trying to cover up a snort at Hanna's bluntness, and Emily's jaw seemed about ready to unhinge from her skull, her mind not having wandered down that particular road quite yet, just because it seemed too unlikely.

"Hanna!" she hissed warningly.

Hardy and Brody seemed mostly amused, partly uncomfortable discussing their friend's sexual relationship with a minor. Aria's cheeks turned a bright pink while looking like she very much wanted to be somewhere else. She dragged her eyes away from Ezra, suddenly feeling guilty for even looking vaguely in his direction. What Hanna was suggesting—they weren't quite there yet. But then again, they weren't that far off either.

"Oh, whoa!" Aria stammered. "Han, no!" She pressed her lips together, sneaking a glance at her English teacher. "God, no. We're—we're not sleeping together."

"I can confirm that," Ezra pitched in. He sheepishly scratched behind his ear, one of his many tells that he was nervous.

His mind briefly wandered back to the night before, when they'd done exactly that, though just sharing a bed was clearly not what Hanna was getting at. Discussing whether or not it actually qualified as "sleeping together"—in front of his high school students, with two of his best friends lurking about—was not exactly a journey he eagerly wanted to embark on however.

And thinking about actually sleeping with Aria was something he definitely didn't want to. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't thought about it. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't taken a cold shower once after being in her near proximity. Hell, he'd be lying if he said he hadn't studied the Pennsylvania laws regarding statutory rape very carefully—and because Aria was seventeen years old, having sex with someone more than four years her senior would be legal.

But he knew she wasn't ready. And pressuring her into something she wasn't ready to do was, in his eyes, a lot more wrong than disobeying the law, had that been an issue. And, of course, he would never be able to change the fact that their relationship, if it ever were to become public knowledge, would be heavily frowned upon, especially when taking into account that it could cost him his job and get him quite possibly charged for corruption of a minor.

"What then?" Hanna enquired skeptically, cocking her head to the side. "You always show up on your students' doorsteps?"

"We're not sleeping together, Han," Aria insisted again. She had the decency to look slightly insulted, crossing her arms over her chest defensively. "What kind of girl do you think I am?"

From across the room, Spencer raised an eyebrow, slightly skeptical, but lowered it quickly to avoid a withering glare from Aria. Hanna didn't look all that convinced. If she felt any remorse for suggesting Aria and Ezra had slept together, she didn't show it. Frankly, she looked like their denial wasn't doing anything but fuel her suspicions. Meanwhile, Emily just looked confused.

"I think you're missing the important question here," Spencer said, either to Hanna or no one in particular. Aria couldn't tell, because Spencer was looking her right the eye. Spencer's focus shifted to Fitz, however, when she continued speaking. "Why are you at my house—," she glanced at Aria once more, "—to see her?"

The question stunned both of them. Spencer knew Ezra Fitz knew where she lived. He'd personally dropped Aria off at her house before her date with Noel. A fact Spencer had been informed of soon after she'd been filled in about the true extent of Aria's relationship with Ezra. She was also well-aware Ezra had to have known Aria was at her house this morning, which is why the question—however obvious it may be—threw them off all the more, coming from Spencer.

A brief pause followed.

"I gave him your address," Aria said finally. She forced the words through her lips before the silence dragged on for too long. The next part came out more hesitantly. "I, uh… called him. He's been helping me with a few things."

Ezra's gaze flickered briefly to Aria. Her face had changed, a tiny shift he could barely make out, but she looked both so absolutely beautiful and so horrifyingly terrified, it almost took his breath away. One of their many silent conversations progressed and finally he broke their eye contact. Awkwardly clearing his throat, he felt obligated to clarify.

"I was aware of her living situation," he said. "So when she got kicked out of Kenneth Hall, she asked me for help."

The lie came out smoothly, which is why he was momentarily confused when Emily and Hanna stared at him like this new information was about as shocking as a man having three nipples. He didn't realize his mistake until seconds later.

"You got kicked out?" Emily repeated. The expression of her face was hurt. "Why didn't you tell us?"

And Ezra saw panic flash in Aria's eyes once more.

"I was going to tell you," she said feebly.

But as she said the words, she tried to remember why she hadn't. Did she just want a distraction? Pretend it hadn't happened so it would go away? Or had she gotten so good at hiding things from the people she cared about—not just since she'd arrived in Rosewood, but back in Iceland, too—that she'd done it automatically, not pausing to think if coming clean in this case was the better option?

"When did you get kicked out?"


"Aria," Emily said disapprovingly, worry seeping through her voice.

"Look, my parents are going to be here at any moment," Aria said. "I was going to tell you then."

Hanna frowned again. She hadn't been doing much else since the three men had arrived. She hated not being in the loop, not being one of the people who knew what exactly was going. "Wait, yesterday?" she echoed. "Where'd you spend the night?"

"A motel," Aria replied as casually as she could muster. She struggled to contain a neutral expression on her face, having expected the question, but failed pretty quickly. Somewhat self-consciously, glancing uncomfortably at Ezra's friends, she added, "My roommate was with me."

"What?" Brody blurted immediately, his eyes finding Ezra's.

Hanna didn't bother hiding a tiny grin on her face. She was insulted Aria hadn't told her any of this, but she was still familiar with her friend's crush on her roommate. It was the one thing that confused her about Ezra Fitz's presence—Aria was interested in someone else.


"That'd be Ezra Fitz," Aria continued, gesturing at said man.

On her right, Ezra spluttered in surprise. He glanced at her, eyes wide. "Really?" His voice was incredulous. "That is the best way you could think of to tell them?"

But her words had the desired effect.

Recognition dawned on Hanna instantly, the last piece of the puzzle she'd been looking for appearing out of thin air in her hand, completing the picture. "Oh, my God," she said slowly, glancing between the two. "You are sleeping together!"

Aria held her hand up quickly. "We're not! I promise we're not! Only in the literal sense of the word."

Emily took only a second longer. She confusedly took a step backwards, disbelief on her features. "You… and Mr. Fitz?"

Spencer, of course, already knew, but appeared satisfied with the revealed information. Hanna picked up on this and looked at her accusingly. "You knew about this."

Spencer shifted uncomfortably. "I found out in New York."

Brody and Hardy were the ever silent spectators, faces still shocked by Aria's not-so-subtle reveal of what still was oh-so-shocking news for her friends, but this was where Brody spoke up again. "So did I, which is where things went wrong."

A/N: I'll try to give you guys a quicker update next time. I know how much I hate it when people don't update the stories I read. If you want you can check out the first chapter of Pretty Woman, another story I started.