"Boss says to just kill her and dump the body but I don't know, for someone who is 50 she is FIT".
"Well you take her home then, I have my own woman, and mine won't try to run away".

Miranda lay on the mattress with her eyes closed. She had given up trying to fight back after the fourth guy had attacked her. Now they thought she was unconscious and so they planning on what to do with her. She prayed that Andrea, her dear Andrea would find her, she wanted her girls.

"Well why don't you just take her to Livett's, at least someone will make some money from her and you can visit her whenever you want".

Miranda couldn't believe what she was hearing; they wanted to take her to a brothel. She shuddered and clenched her eyes shut harder.

"Well lookey here, someone has woken up" said one of the voices and she heard footsteps approaching.
"I think it's time that we moved her, don't you" the other voice asked his partner. She couldn't see what they were doing but suddenly she was rolled over and her arms and legs bound together.

Meanwhile …

Andrea had tried to keep things as normal as possible for the twins sake when she realised something.
"Nigel, have you thought that Stephen might be involved" she said the minute the editor had picked up the phone.
"Why would I Six, their divorced now, I mean I know that it was a messy divorce and he didn't get anything…" the editor trailed off as he realised what he had said,
"Exactly, this is just the sort of thing that he would do" she explained pacing the length of the kitchen,
"I will ring Louisa and tell her" he said in reply before hanging up.

Once he had hang up Andy ran up the stairs to the girls room,
"I'm just going out for a minute okay, don't answer the door and don't go out, Cara should be here soon" they both nodded and she ran back down stairs and out the door only stopping to shut and lock it behind her.

"Open the door Stephen before I break it down" she screamed as she pounded on the door. She stood there for only a minute before he came to the door.
"What do YOU want" he hissed. She said nothing before pushing her way in,
"I know you are involved in Miranda's kidnapping, I just want to know where she is" she said facing him with her hands on her hips. He took a step back before answering,
"I don't know what you are talking about, and even if I did I wouldn't tell you anything" when he finished

Andy leapt forward and slammed her fist into his nose.
"I will not ask you again, where is she?"
He looked up trying to stop the blood flow coming from his nose,
"What does she mean to you" he questioned looking at her funny trying to figure out why this waif of a woman half the age of his ex-wife was so worried about her.
"She means everything to me" she said simply before placing a foot on the hand propping him up on the floor. She pressed down on her foot watching him.
"Stop it, I'll tell you" he screamed in pain and clutched his hand to his chest when she released it from under her foot.
"There's a warehouse 57th and Maple, top floor, left-hand corner room, but it's too late, my men should have dumped her body by now" he said with a smirk which quickly left his face when she slammed her foot into his groin.
"Coward" she said as she stormed out the house.

Back at the warehouse…

"Well I don't know how to get her downstairs" one voice said after they had dragged her out of the room she had been in.
"Sling her over your shoulder and carry her, I'll go ahead to make sure the coast is clear" the other explained.

She winced as she was picked up and slung over the man's shoulder. They had put her blindfold back on just before dragging her out. She prayed someone would find her before it was too late. She felt crushed when the other said shouted up the stairs,
"It's all clear, bring her down". Feeling the man carrying her nod she bounced on his shoulder with every step he took. She lost count of how many steps they went down, giving up on any hope of a last minute rescue when they walked out into the light. At least she thought it was light but with the blindfold on it could just be another room.

"Put the woman down and step away" came over the tannoy system the minute the door had swept closed behind them. She jumped at the command hoping her bearer would listen but instead he took a step back towards the door and she felt him pull something out of his jeans.
"Get away or I will shoot her" he screamed and she panicked when she realised he had a gun. She wanted to scream but was to weak and was barely holding onto consciousness as it was.
"Put her down or my men will shoot" this time even she could hear the anger in the voice, one which she remembered. He carried on backing up and she felt the gun barrel being pressed up against her head.

She didn't expect them to actually fire but when they did she hit the group unable to break her fall at all and smacked her head on something extremely hard on the ground. She lost all her holds on consciousness then.

Later that evening…




The sound was the only noise in the hospital room. It was strangely comforting for the silent brunette who had been watching over the sleeping editor as soon as she had hit the ground. When she has watched the gunman fall from behind the police car door she had leapt forward and rushed over to the woman cradling her body until she was pulled off her so that paramedics could take over. From that minute she hadn't left her side until they had wheeled her into the operating room. Then she had waited in the private room put aside for Miranda when she came out of surgery. Before that it was a blur, she could only remember leaving Stephen and calling the detective on Miranda's case straight away.

Now they were waiting for the older woman to wake up. The surgery hadn't been to serious, just re-setting one of her arms that had broken from the fall and stitching all the cuts up. Andrea stepped closer to the still body and looked over her wounds. She would have some pretty impressive scars but hopefully she would make a full recovery. The only problem was that now everyone knew. The scale of operation that had been put together in those few minutes was huge and had drawn a lot of attention. When they had pulled up outside the warehouse there had been at least 10 news vans and god only knows how many more reporters that had come on foot. She knew that tomorrow morning the only thing that would be in the newspapers and on the news was of the impressive rescue of Miranda by Manhattan's finest.

Suddenly she was disturbed from her day dream but the Miranda who was starting to wake. She took hold of the hand closest to her and leant in.
"Miranda, it's me, you're safe now" she whispered hoping to see the ice blue eyes. When she did open her eyes, she could see the fear and pain in them and a few tears escaped her own.
"It's okay, Stephen was arrested and the men who had you, well one was arrested and the other was shot when trying to escape with you" she explained. Miranda nodded before closing her eyes.

Later that evening …

"We have no idea the sort of torture she went through psychologically, we know she was raped and it's pretty obvious the sort of physical torte she went through but we have no idea what sort of state her mind is in" the doctor explained to Andy who had been badgering her about when she could take the older woman home.

Andy nodded before looking over at the still sleeping woman, tearing herself up on the inside knowing she couldn't help her until she woke up and let them.
"We will keep her here for at least another week so that we can make sure there are no side effects from the fall and that her arm is healing properly and when she wakes up I will want her to talk to a psychologist" and with that walked out the room leaving the two women alone.

Andy looked at the woman before sitting in the chair next to her bed. It is going to be a long process she thought to herself, knowing that she really didn't want to be in the editor's head at the moment, who knew what sort of dreams she was having.