Disclaimer: Nope, just a fanfiction writer. I would be richer, if I did.
Story: Peeta dies. Katniss isn't returned home and is forced to live in the Capitol. Seneca tries to be her salvation. AU drabbles.
Set AU at the end of the first book, "The Hunger Games."
Spoilers: Just the first book.
Warnings: Cursing and violence for now…hm, just in case since I'm usually writing it, bit of crazy humor, perverted humor, morbid or sarcastic humor, and maybe some sexual situations…
Pairings: Seneca/Katniss, ambiguous Gale/Katniss, one-sided (almost not) past Peeta/Katniss.

Caged Nightingale
Body Parts II


When Katniss wakes up early in the morning, too early and knows it by how dark it still is outside, she sneaks away from Seneca's sleeping figure and heads to the kitchen for something to eat. She woke up hungry and is craving something sweet.

She's just opened the lights in her kitchen and finds Brutus at her fridge rummaging through it. But once she makes her entrance, he straightens up and looks embarrassed.

She raises an eyebrow at him that he pointedly ignores as he looks out the kitchen window nonchalantly.

"I'm not even going to ask. Hand over the chocolate ice cream."

He goes for the freezer immediately and snatches the ice cream tub.

By the time Seneca is awake, the two of them are passed out at the table, tub of ice cream mostly gone and the rest melted.

He raises his own eyebrow at their sleeping bodies.


If her arm hurts, it hurts. She has no problem masking the pain and not revealing anything. She knew if she did, come hell or heaven, she has too many people that would raise a fuss and do something about it. Do something to who caused it.

But Katniss says nothing about her arm, letting how it ached and throbbed be just a thought in her head. She just forgets that Finnick has a matching pain in his own arm, and they are both casualties of the same session.

Finnick has no qualms telling the others.

Katniss finds herself surrounded by the others, and she and Finnick are treated to a harem of victors who playfully act like servants and pretend that Katniss is Cleopatra (like her stupid moniker) and Gloss begrudgingly allows Finnick use of "Marc Antony".

Her ever loving "Caesar" laughs it all off in bed that night, caressing her pained arm in deep thought.

She doesn't know what's going through his head.


Plutarch has always had a good eye about catching things. Like how he knew there had been something very, very tangible between Seneca and Katniss even before their engagement was announced. He never saw it as superficial, never believed that it had started as anything but sincere.

He knows they didn't get attached to each other after being forced together, like some members of the rebellion thought. Nor was it ever a farce, and to the naysayers still about, he'd like to smack some sense into them and show that it was all very real between those two, thank you very much.

The truth is, this very tangible bond between the two didn't even start when Katniss was forcibly kept away from her home and made a resident of the Capitol.

It started when Katniss volunteered for her sister, and Plutarch entered the control room one of the days of the Hunger Games to see Seneca watching her avidly on screen with familiar steel blue eyes that usually radiated ice but melted under the force of the Girl on Fire's warmth.

From that moment, Plutarch understands the inescapable grasp she has on Seneca and how it culminates in a new rule that would have otherwise caused Seneca's death, had Peeta Mellark survived.

It is only because he had not, that Seneca is alive today.

He needs only one eye to see and figure all of this out. And it makes him wonder what would have happened if things had gone the other way…if Peeta had lived, would Seneca be dead? Would Katniss be as stable and have so much support, especially from those so unlikely?

He wonders about these things sometimes, and most of the time, he closes his eye to such things and tries not to think too much on them.

They are just what ifs after all.


One day, Lucilla breaks her leg. It hurts so much and she wants to scream and babble to everyone how it hurts, but she is a Snow and she knows that it is not appropriate to show weakness.

But it hurts and hurts, and she just wants it to stop.

The Academy calls home, but she's not sure why it would matter. No one would be sent to her, and she is not going to be allowed home for such "a silly thing" as a broken leg. Her father is preoccupying her grandfather anyway –today, her grandfather wants her father to survey over something and be in charge of it. It worries her –or it did before she broke her leg, and that is all she can think about right now.

To her surprise though, someone does come.

Lucilla's jaw drops (so, so unbecoming of a Snow), and she wants to run and wrap her arms around Katniss, because someone came and it was her and someone really does care –

She isn't sure when or how, but Lucilla is shedding tears and Katniss just smiles at her.

"Hey," Katniss sits by her and her strapped up leg. "I hear you broke your leg today."

"It hurts," she sobs out, hiccupping.

"Well, one good thing about this place is how good their medical equipment is," Katniss says wryly. "Let me take you out of here and head to the hospital."

Lucilla's never been to the hospital. She has always seen her doctors in her home, and been taken cared of there.

"Are you going to stay with me?" she asks hesitantly.

"Of course," Katniss gives her a look, smirking. "Just because you think you are grown already doesn't mean you are. You still need a grown up to go with you!"

Lucilla grins widely through her wet face and is glad (when she finds out later) that her father had changed the emergency contact to Katniss, and she feels warm inside for being cared for.

Grandfather is just told that there was a message left to inform him of what happened, and nothing is amiss for now.

And, well, Lucilla finds it amusing that those in charge of the cameras around the city and monitoring things like Katniss so much that it becomes so much easier these days to go around her grandfather's back.

She won't say how she found that out though.


Gloss and Finnick are annoyingly elbowing each other, glaring at the other in irritation. Cashmere is not happy with them. But this is momentous and she doesn't want to be anywhere else.

Katniss went into early labor. She is about to give birth.

Seneca is with her at the moment. Right now, it's her, Gloss, and Finnick outside. Lucille is quietly there with Brutus to the side, standing instead of sitting with them, and the little girl is holding the big man's hand so tightly that Cashmere would have been worried had it not been Brutus and she knew for sure the other could take it. He is good with pain and compared to Lucille's little size, it probably won't faze him.

"If you don't quit, I'm going to elbow you both in the face!"

Just then, Blasius makes his way there, bursting through the doors.

"Am I late?!" he says in a panic and Cashmere just grabs onto him and shoves him into the delivery room to be with Seneca and Katniss.


Her buttocks hurts. Annie is waiting in the delivery room, having snuck in. But she's sitting somewhere and hoping the doctors and nurses isn't going to notice her and kick her out. She can see Katniss is straining on the hospital bed, with Seneca hovering next to her and holding her hand. He looks calm, but she can see that he isn't by the sweat gathering at the temples of his head.

Blasius is a wreck on her other side, wringing his hands.

Katniss throws out her other hand and waves it around wildly, and Blasius hesitantly grabs it. She yanks him closer and squeezes their hands, and they're good enough to not say anything or make a noise in pain or protestation.

"I hope it's happy and healthy," Annie whispers.

She thinks her buttocks can help to be hurting a little longer. She just hopes they numb up soon.


Seneca repeatedly brushes back Katniss' hair. She's sweating heavily and it's matted to her forehead because of that. But she still looks beautiful to him this way, and he wants to take care of her and make all the pain stop.

"It hurts!" she gasps out, and he hates that he can't do anything.

It's like the Hunger Games all over again and he's helpless once more.

He hates, hates, hates it.

So all he can do right now is hold her hand and brush back her hair


Katniss doesn't know what's taking so long for the baby to just get out of her. She's been in labor for almost a day and she doesn't know what's wrong or why it's taking so long. It hurts so much and she just wants the baby out, but most of all, she just wants the baby to be healthy and okay in the long run.

She's terrified that it might not be.

She screams one last time and finally –finally –the baby comes out of her and she's laying back and breathing hard. She hears nothing though and she starts panicking. And then she looks over to see her baby in the doctor's hands, and it's still and quiet and she's about to start crying.

The doctor moves to smack its bottom and the baby starts crying, and she's so thankful she starts to cry in relief.

Poor baby's bum probably hurts a bit though.


Blasius is lightly touching his baby's toe, watching in fascination as it curls inward and trying to be away from him. He has no words right now. It's amazing and he's so happy.

He's a father to a baby boy, and while Katniss is sleeping and resting from that stressful and long period of labor (with Seneca looking over her), Blasius gets to be here with the baby and watch over him.

They all haven't come up with a name, but he doesn't need a say in it. He's just happy to be part of the baby's life; that he's allowed to be there and with them at all.

Blasius hopes for a happy ending, but he knows his grandfather won't allow it. Not without some fight from everyone.

He's willing to fight for it alongside them.

Once again, he smiles as he touches his baby boy's toe.


The baby has long eyelashes. Finnick can't help grinning about that. He's going to be such a heartbreaker, especially with long eyelashes like those.

It makes him worry though.

He doesn't want the baby to grow up and be such a pretty thing. He knows what happens to pretty people.

He and Katniss are victims of that.

It would be ironic and too much to have the baby grow up in his mother's footsteps. He guiltily wishes that instead the baby grows up like his fathers –wealthy, lucky (in some ways) Capitol men.

He worries about the future and he can't stop that.


Katniss is exhausted from all of that. She can't be blamed for passing out and just sleeping for a long time. She's comforted by the fact the baby is okay and Seneca is right by her side. The others are there as well, which makes her happy and comforted too.

Things are okay for now, even if she knows that it might not be that way for long.

She has her worries. She knows that things can and probably will be troubled in the future, especially with a baby in the mix now. She and the others can be together and hold strong, but she also knows that Snow is a bastard and will do anything to hurt everyone around him.

Everyone close to her and who she cares about.

"Your forehead will get wrinkles if you keep frowning and worrying like that."

Her husband's voice feels like a balm and she opens her eyes to find him smiling gently down at her. He places his forehead against hers.

"Share your burdens. You're not alone, Katniss. I love you."

And she can't help but say it back.


Brutus is afraid of approaching the little baby. He's so tiny. He's not sure he's ever seen anything so small. He's too scared to touch the baby, much less handle or hold him in any way. He just wants to be near him, watch over him.

Be a good role model and someone the baby boy will come to regard highly and love like family.

But he still can't resist reaching out and tentatively tickling the baby's soft belly with a finger. The baby squirms and he thinks he hears him giggle (can babies giggle already?), and he starts to move his finger away.

But the baby's arm knocks against his finger and he freezes. He tentatively moves it closer and he's surprised by the baby grabbing onto his finger and gripping it with a surprising strength.

The little baby boy holds on and he feels a warmth encase him.

He'll do anything to protect this family he's found.

Started 4/8/16 – Completed 4/10/16

A/n: So coming closer to the events of "Catching Fire" finally. Also, I originally was going to have the baby just be a fabrication by Snow, and then this chapter I almost went for a miscarriage. What a dark mind I have….I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! Thanks to everyone's support, and please remember to leave a review! They are my motivation and source of inspiration!

EDIT: So, um, I'm hoping people are still interested, but I'm not getting that vibe. At all. Ah, slightly depressed now...