Hooray for late and crappy chapters! 8D
Seriously, I'm sorry for procrastinating with this story. I was really focused on 'Secrets', but now that has ended, it's time to shift my focus here!
A couple things to remind you guys:
The Gothamites in this Era are not the same as the ones in modern days. I like to think they are ancestors, so I went with that :P
I refer to the Team by their real names when they are by themselves, but their aliases when out in the field. This is for all of my stories, not just this one.
I'll be writing some Italian words, which are Google Translated. If they are wrong, please notify me so I can fix them. Just ask if you want to know what they mean!
Kay, thanks for reading, and please review!
Disclaimer: Nope. Don't own.
The Team grudgingly walked away from the building where Batman had disappeared, jumping across rooftops. They used the moonlight to guide themselves back to the hideout where they were currently staying.
"How are we going to get his help? We need Batman to get back home!" Wally complained.
"I am sure the Batman of our time is searching for us as well," Kaldur assured.
"Hey we can always track him to his house," Robin offered. His words were met with stares.
"How do you know where he lives?" Conner asked.
"Uh, it's Batman and Robin. I'd hope to God that Robin knows where his own mentor lives," Artemis scoffed.
"Considering this place has the same layout as Gotham back in the US. Which, by the way, has yet to be discovered," Robin said.
Wally buzzed with excitement, "We should totally find Christopher Columbus and tell him to sail West!"
"And screw up the future? No thanks," Artemis snorted.
M'gann fretted, "We should really focus on the task on hand."
"I agree," said Kaldur.
"We can still track him down," Robin grinned.
Before anyone could reply, an anguished cry pierced the night air.
"My pearls have been stolen!" A woman screamed somewhere nearby.
The Team all looked at each other, an unspoken agreement passing through each of their faces. Artemis got a grip on her bow; taking down a petty thief sounded good to her right now.
They rushed out the door and onto the stone street. The cry came again, but less in volume. Perhaps someone was consoling the victim over the loss of her precious pearls.
"How are we going to stop a thief when we don't know where he was or where he went?" Kid Flash whined.
"Wally, you're not helping," Superboy said, closing his eyes and trying to pinpoint to location of the screamer. After a few moments and another cry, the clone was able to hear where the woman had screamed. It was a short walk through alleys and streets to get to the small, one story house.
They all looked at Miss Martian, who shifted her skin to the peachy tone of Megan. She then walked forward and knocked on the door.
A pair of brown eyes peeked out and a voice croaked, "What do you want?"
"I heard you screaming just now," Miss M said, concerned, "Are you alright?"
"My pearls were stolen," The woman said.
The Martian widened her eyes, "Oh dear, that's terrible! Did you see where the thief went?"
"East." A pause, "You're not thinking of getting them back, are you?"
She shrugged, "Maybe not me, but I know some people who could."
The door opened wider to reveal a tall woman in a nightdress with sleek brown hair, "If you're talking about Batman, don't bother."
"Why not?" Miss Martian asked, confused.
"Because," she replied, as if it was that simple, "that madman brought crime to Gotham. I wouldn't be surprised if the idiota that stole my pearls was because of that man dressed as a flying rodent."
Miss M gave a hesitant smile, "Well, I can assure you Batman won't have anything to do with it."
The woman looked at her weirdly, then said, "I'll hold you to it," And shut the door.
The alien morphed back to her green skin and floated back to the Team.
"I wonder why she was so against Batman," Artemis pondered aloud. No one had an answer for her.
"The thief went East," Miss Martian informed.
"Then let us capture him," Aqualad said, then climbed up onto the nearest rooftop.
"Can't we take the streets like normal people?" Kid Flash asked as he followed suit.
Artemis was right behind him, "Do we look like normal people?"
"Do you have to argue with everything I say?" He quipped back.
"Yeesh!" Robin called, already shot his grappling gun to a building above, "I think I need to buy a room for you guys, since you obviously won't get one yourselves!"
Wally looked away and Artemis mumbled something lethal under her breath.
After an about an hour of searching (and this place had a lot of hiding spots), the Team finally had to admit that they had failed to find the culprit.
Until a voice purred behind them, "Are you looking for me?"
They turned around and were faced with a lithe woman covered in all black. A hood hid her face, but full lips grinned evilly has hidden eyes surveyed the six teens. A necklace of white pearls gleamed around her right hand.
Five of them had no idea who this woman was, but Robin stammered, "C-Catwoman?"
The woman paused, looking at the bird, "That is not my name," she held up a gloved hand. The tips of the glove were sharp, "But I do like it."
Artemis pointed her bow at the woman, "Give up the pearls, Catwoman."
She chuckled, "Or what? You'll capture me with that toy of yours?" She examined the pearls, "You're just like Be-Batman. Of course, that knight could never tame this…kitty."
Robin seemed to be the only one who caught the slip-up. So, Catwoman knew who Batman was in this time, too. But, if he heard her correctly, this wasn't Bruce. It was a totally different person. Which made this Catwoman different than Selina Kyle.
"Hey! What are you doing?" Catwoman's shout brought Robin out of his thoughts. He grinned as the pearls sparkled in Miss Martian's hand.
The woman frowned, "What did you do? Oh never mind that, it is obvious I have lost this fight."
"Come on, let's get this back to the woman," Superboy said, leaping off the roof and landing on the next one. The others followed, but Robin stayed put.
"Robin! Come on!" Kid Flash called.
"I'll be right there!" He yelled back, the focused back on Catwoman.
"Robin? That is your name?" She asked.
He hesitated, "Well, yeah."
She surveyed him from under her hood, "You look a lot like Batman, but…sleeker."
"Is Batman Bruce Wayne?" Robin questioned, not wanting to beat around the bush.
Catwoman looked up sharply at him, then said, "He is a Wayne…but how do you know this?"
He didn't answer, but asked instead, "That makes you a Kyle, right?"
"How did you find out?" She hissed, extending her claws.
"Hey, I'm a detective," Robin dodged as she swiped at him. She didn't draw blood but managed to rip a hole in his cape.
The bird fired his grappling gun, soaring through the darkness. Behind him, Catwoman called, "Be careful, piccolo Uccello, cats have to eat sometime!"
Robin found his team back in their little hideout, all conversing about how they were going to enlist Batman's help and how they were going to get home.
Wally grinned at his cape, "Looks like you got into a catfight!"
"Yeah, yeah," he grumbled. Usually Robin was the one to make cat jokes at Bruce when he came back from a mission(date) with Selina.
"Glad to know I'm not the only one who can get catty!" Artemis added. Robin elbowed her in the ribs. M'gann laughed, while Kaldur and Conner cracked a smile.
"I'm going to sleep," Robin announced, laying on his side.
"Good night, Catboy!"
"Shut up, Wally!"