Naruto: the Little Merman
Quick Notes
I do NOT own Naruto, or any of the characters, this is just my FAN MADE version, that I thought it would be cute and fun to do. Naruto/Naruto Shippuden belongs to its' greatly respected owner: Masashi Kishimoto! All characters and the Naruto/Shippuden story line belongs to him.
Chapter #1
Long ago, in 1998 there was a beautiful Mermaid, with long dark red hair, light blue eyes, her hair floated underneath her rear, the front to her shoulders, her bangs went across the right, she had bright skin, and a fair face. With a red tail and fins, she was the fastest swimmer in the sea, but what was different about her, from all the others, was the fact that she had fins on her hips. This young lady, was what is called a Land Mermaid. Land Mermaids (or Merman) have the ability to transform their tails into legs, and walk on land amongst the humans, and still able to transform their legs back to fins, where Water Merpeople can only live in the water, they cannot walk on land. Only Merpeople that have fins on their hips have the ability to go onto land.
And this young Mermaid, whose name is Kushina Uzumaki, was new in this large underwater city, she was born underwater, but lived on land when she turned 8, she moved back into the seas when she turned 13. Kushina fell in love with a young human man named Minato Namikazi, a young Hokage who was very popular, and a little shy, with golden blond hair, light blue eyes, and light tan skin, with a sun-kissed face, loved his fiancee` with all of his heart, even though the other Japanese children made fun of her long red hair and the fact that she was an outsider. Minato fell in love with her quite quickly, and by the time Kushina had turned 13 and told the young man about her true self, even though she was afraid of what he might think, she took her chances and told him anyway.
Minato just smiled at Kushina and nodded, "I understand and I still love you, I will always love you. I accept you for who you are and what you are Kushina." Although Kushina was living underwater again, she came to shore everyday to spend it with her lover, although living underwater she experienced the same treatment that the human boys gave her, she ignored it the best she could. It was on the night of her wedding, when she was 18-years-old and was about to finally be married to Minato, that a war broke out and her fiance` was killed after saving his entire village. Broken hearted and feeling alone, Kushina dived head first into the ocean and went on a rampage killing thousands of Merfolk. 9 months later, Kushina died giving birth to her only child, Naruto Uzumaki.
Naruto was born with an orange tail and fin, with white spots, a Clown Fish type Merman, and had little hip-fins, indicating that he is a Land Merman and he can leave the water if he pleases. After his mother died he was found by a Mermaid who had a Flounder fishes Mermaid tail, who gladly brought him to her home. The underwater village was the same village that Kushina destroyed and they Merpeople were in the process of fixing it up when the saw the Mermaid bring in the little Land Merman infant, which they immediately removed from their demolished home. Shortly after the removal of the baby, the Mer-Sharks came in, people who are half-human, half-shark. The Uchiha clan was a family of Great whites and after hearing about the destruction of the most powerful city underseas, Atlantica, they came and swam the Merpeople from their home.
After the Great White Mer-Sharks, the Uchiha's were in, they kidnapped a few Mermaids and rebuilt the city themselves. The Merpeople having to start a new home, moved down to the Pacific Ocean, the Flounder Mermaid carrying baby Naruto with her, she frowned when the new leader, Titus Yu, the grandson of the underwater king Titus, decided to take over, since his grandfather died fighting the Land Mermaid Kushina.
"We're not taking in any Land Merpeople!" He spat, "they are evil creatures sent from Satan! Look at what that Land Mermaid did! This brats' mother! She killed my grandfather, along with many other of our people! Destroyed our home! And now, our homes have been taken by Mer-Sharks! This baby has got to go! It is a monster and an abomination!" Not kn owing what else to do, the Flounder Mermaid laid the baby in a basket made of seaweed and coral, and drifted the baby away from the new home. Growing up, was hard for Naruto, being shunned, bullied, and picked on by his peers other children, he was denied to live in the new Merfolk village which was renamed: "Mer-Village".
Naruto frowned, but swam away. His golden blond hair, his bangs covered his eyebrows, the front layers curved inward by his eyes, the length curved in underneath his chin, he has deep light ocean blue eyes, long, thick, black eyelashes, 3 gill scars and each cheek, light tan skin, a sun-kissed face, pale-pink lips, and a feminine face. His orange and white spotted Clown Fish tail waved furiously as he swam away from the water, his feet fins were pink (any teenage Merpeople going through puberty will have pink feet fins). He zipped up his white sweatshirt and laid underneath the lonely coral reef, a tear falling from his eyes and closed them, ready to rest. For as long as the boy can remember, he has been shunned and hurt from every single Merperson he meets, why is that? Because of his hip-fins? Because his skin is a little bit darker than everyone else?
The next morning was slow and drowsy as usual, Naruto had awoken from his lonely slumber, and swam toward the new Atlantica, which is now called: "Shark Vill". Naruto, knowing that the Uchiha clan lived here, swam here anyway, and sat himself beside the the sleeping clown fish that hid in their homes, resting, even though it was already 8:00. Naruto sat there the entire day thinking hard about what he was planning to do, by nightfall, when the cool moonlight lightened up the dark beautiful ocean, the ocean waves spreading the light across the underwater world. All fish closing their eyes, resting their heads, and going to sleep.
Naruto sat at the end of the coral reef and decided to sing, he sang with a bright beautiful voice, that awoke the Uchiha's, in there dark Coral Castle. Closing his dark blue eyes, he smiled slightly beginning to feel a little better, the fish swimming around him in a friendzy.
"This long life... that I'm forced to live,
This long life, that I'd wish, to runaway from, that I'd wish to hide from, and never be seen, again.
Even though my heart is aching, breaking slowly, piece by piece, there is nothing here for me, no one cares, no one dares, they fear me! I'm a monster.
The one that no one, wants!
I'm a Clown Fish, but no one laughs, not at any single joke that I crack!
I'm a Merman, but no one cares, they look at my hips, at look away!
But if I-!
Could lie away in shame!
Why should I-Live this unworthy life!
I just want to die..."
Naruto sang, his voice high and low, loud, strong, solid, high pitch, and low pitch. The dark coral castle awakened from their heavy slumber and remained in their beds, but listened closely to the beautiful voice that rang. Sasuke Uchiha, the youngest Great White Mer-Shark, and the son of the King and Queen Mer-Shark, Mitoko and Fugaku Uchiha, sat up hastily in his bed. His pitch black hair rested to his chin, his bangs resting beside his eyes, his deep dark ocean blue eyes, long thick black eyelashes, paper-pale skin, and pale-blue shark tail, pink feet fin, and a blue shark fin on his back, above his rear. 3 scar looking gills on each side of his neck.
Looking out the large, clear, glass window, he saw the beautiful Merperson, although, he couldn't tell whether it was a boy or a girl, do to the feminine face, hair, eyes, and lips, but he could tell there was no breasts, and the feet-fins were pink so... what was its' gender? Sasuke shook the question out of his mind, and listened quietly to the beautiful voice singing the beautiful, yet, sad, sorrowful song.
Why sing such a sad song?Sasuke thought with a serious face, he was always so serious. His older brother, Itachi, always told him to lighten up a little, but never did Sasuke, "lighten up". He remained, calm, cool, collective, serious, and so handsome looking.
The next morning Sasuke swam over to to the dining room, which was a dark room covered in spider webs spun by water-spiders, and water dust everywhere, the table cloth old and torn. Sasuke sat next to his brother, his father sitting at the head of the table, his wife sitting next to him. Itachi smirked, "so, did anyone hear the singing last night?" He asked, and immediately the Mer-Sharks were buzzing about the pretty voice that was heard this night. "Did you hear it mother? Father?"
Fugaku frowned, his jaw stiffening, "yeah I heard, a damn Mermaid! In OUR home! I'll be having some men ready to take care of it!"
Mitoko frowned, "but why honey? You've taken other Mermaids as servants, why not take this one as a servant too? She could entertain us!"
Sasuke frowned, "you all keep saying she, are you sure it was a she? I do agree that the voice is very pretty, and it was kind if high pitch, but there's some depth in its' vice as well. Plus, I saw it, it was right out my window. And it could've been a Dolphin or Dolphin Mermaid, just because its' voice is pretty doesn't mean that it's a Mermaid, it can be something else too." Sasuke explained taking another bite of his fish, his family sitting at the long large table stared at him, Itachi's smirk grew.
"You SAW it Sasuke?"
The younger boy chewed slowly, swallowing hard realizing that he probably shouldn't have said anything.
Sasuke nodded, "yes, it was a Merperson though, you all are right about that, I was just trying to say that not all Mermaids are good singers, after all, the Mermaids we have here are horrible singers."
Everyone nodded in agreement, Itachi nodding as he thought it over, "what did the Merperson look like Sasuke?"
"Golden blond hair, the bangs covered the eyebrows, layers of hair that curved in under its' chin, and eyes, long, thick, black eyelashes, deep light blue eyes, pale-pink lips, tan skin, a feminine looking face, the hairstyle was feminine too, and it had 3 gills on each side of its' cheeks, and it wore a white sweatshirt. It's a Clown Fish type Merperson, which is very rare, but there was something very different about the Merperson, it had fins on its' hips." Sasuke explained with as much detail as he could about what he had seen last night.
"Could you tell how old it was?" Itoku, Sasuke's 5-year-old cousin asked.
"Well," Sasuke paused to take another bite of his breakfast before continuing, it's feet-fins were pink, so it must be a teenager at least, 13 or 14, it was very small, in fact Itoku, the Merperson was at least 3 or 4 feet taller than you."
"It sounds pretty, Uncle Fugaku, can we get the Clown Merperson instead of the other Mermaids, please?"
Fugaku shook his head, "we have enough Merpeople here as it is, why the hell is it here anyway! Mitoko!"
Fugaku turned to his wife, "after you're done eating will you go find that thing and ask it why it's here? And find out its' name and gender too please."
Mitoko nodded, "very well then, I'll do it now," she sighed getting out of her seat, "but if I do this, you have to promise that you'll be willing to let it go." Fugaku's frown grew and nodded, he remained silent for the rest of breakfast, Sasuke, Itachi, Itoku, and a few other of Itachi and Sasuke's friends swam with them into the a large hallway where they could see Mitoko swimming above the Clown Fish Merperson.
"Excuse me, hello," Mitoko greeted kindly in a soft, friendly voice, lightly shaking the clothed shoulders.
With a little grumble, Naruto opened his pretty eyes that shined with a slight welcoming glitter from the sunlight that shinned in the water. "Hi, are you alright? May I ask you you are and why you are here?" Mitoko asked helping the teenager to its' fin.
"Oh, I'm Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki, I'm a Clown Fish type Merman, and I came here in hopes of finding the Great White Mer-Sharks that live here, I believe their last name is Uchiha. The little Mer-village said that they now live in the place that used to be called Atlantica." Mitoko smiled at the small teenager, it stood at 4'11. The child was quite small.
"Yes, this is the right place, but why did you come here?"
Naruto pouted, Mitoko frowned for a moment before her lips curved into a smile, looking at the cute expression. "I don't mean to be rude, but I already told you quite a bit about me, but you haven't told me anything about yourself miss!" Naruto complained.
Mitoko giggled, "I am Mitoko Uchiha the wife of the King of Sharks-Vill, and you're in the right place. I am a Great White Mer-Shark. I am the queen of our little kingdom here, now please answer my earlier question."
Naruto looked her up and down, Queen Mitoko Uchiha had pitch black hair, her bangs sat at the sides of her dark brown eyes, she had light skin, a blue fin, her feet-fin was blue too, and she had a blue shark fin just above her butt, and he were a pretty light pink T-shirt. Her hair hung by her waist a flowed everywhere around her in the deep sea, she was very tall too, at least 5'8.
Naruto looked down for a moment not quite sure how to say what he needed to say. The queen waited patiently for Naruto to speak up, she smiled kindly once more and sat down on the wooden bench that Naruto slept on, lightly tapping the wood next to her, Naruto took the hint and sat down beside her. "You don't have to tell me quite yet, but could you tell me what your gender is? I don't mean to be rude or mean to you, but I cannot tell by looking at you."
Naruto smiled, "I'm a boy, that's not obvious?"
"Sorry, but no," Mitoko shook her head.
The blond sighed, "anyway, I'm here because I was hoping one you of you Mer-Sharks would kill me."