Hello, readers! I know you all will probably be disappointed that this isn't an update on your story, but this is still quite important. You see, fanfiction has supposedly begun deleting accounts, and, because I'm one paranoid motherfucker, I've decided to set up a backup system!

I made a tumblr, just in case this ol' thing gets deleted.

backupfmb. tumblr . com (minus the spaces.)

Now, this is the thing, if I do get deleted, I'm not going to start posting my stories on this tumblr. I'm simply going to find a new site to post it on and let you all know which site it is via tumblr and we'll all have a good time.

I was thinking, anyway, that if I can't find a site, I'd just make google docs for the stories so that you guys can at least finish reading them. After that, you don't have to stick around. I'll still be writing, though, so let's hope I don't get murdered, eh?

Updates will be coming soon, hopefully.