Bright purplish-pink eyes stared up into his pretend brother's violet ones. Taking in a deep breath Rolo used the tip of his foot to scratch the crook of the back of his knee. The boy tended to squirm whenever his older brother was so close to him. He had not known what to do with himself when he was this close to him.

Thoughts violated him violently the longer the quivering form stood in front of his niisan. It was slowly killing him. His smell beating against his lungs and his perfect smooth skin which had managed to peek out from beneath the older brother's schools uniform. Yes, Rolo had been tempted by the sight of his niisan a hundred times before, but this time wasn't even comparable to all the others. The utter urge –no the desire- to make a move had tugged on him now more than ever.

Rolo swallowed, his eyes continuing to stare up at his niisan. Mouth dry, heart beating as though trying to escape, Rolo felt it impossible to hold it back any longer.

"Rolo, coach Villetta said you wished to speak with me?" The younger male's eyes widened in shock because when his niisan took hold of him from under the chin lifting it so the boy's eyes could meet with Lelouch's he had felt as though he had just come to the realization that yes he was falling for his brother hard. "Was she wrong, Rolo?" The way Lelouch said his name put the younger boy over the edge. He had to make a move, he needed release.

Rolo grabbed the wrist of his brother's hand as his heart continued to flutter with ferocious velocity and his cheeks filling up with heat as he anticipated what his own actions would be. Leaning forwards Rolo moved towards his niisan until their noses were merely inches away from one another.

The look in Lelouch's eyes was utter confusion when his faux brother began to tilt his head moving close enough that the older male could smell the faint scent of soft shampoo.

"Lelouch Lamperouge,"

The sweet words were mumbled low and seductively against the older male's lips as Rolo came into innocent contact with his niisan. Forever he had longed for this, but now that he had the chance something felt wrong. No, this wasn't anything like the lewd dreams Rolo had had about his niisan. It wasn't as exciting, energetic, or vivid. It was simply empty and dead with no emotion to be found anywhere. Time had felt like it had stopped. Almost, as if he too had used Rolo's geass in a desperate attempt to stop what had transpired.

Rolo frightened, pulled back staring up into Lelouch's face searching it for an answer of some kind. There had been nothing in that blank expression, an expression so dead corpses could be jealous. Using the back of his hand to stroke the side of his brother's face Rolo leaned in closer.

"Niisan, do you not lov—"

"Rolo," His brother spoke low not caring to even look at him, but somewhere far in the distance. Yes, this action had bothered Rolo, but it was the hand pushing Rolo gently away that bothered Rolo even more.

What was happening? Rolo had almost been sure that Lelouch had felt the same way…that his feelings were in fact mutual, but that look of damned disgust pasted on Lelouch's face said utterly different.

"Niisan, don't you love me?"

Was it the way Lelouch just stood and looked off into that forbidden distance or was it how he had simply spat out the word 'no' so nonchalantly and walked away almost carelessly with no explanation that made Rolo tear up and stand in shock as he sobbed on the inside? Not even Rolo was for sure of it.

Rolo had been so sure of his love for Lelouch that it drove him mad, but standing there alone what was he to do? Rejection? Was it really this hard?

I hope this wasn't as bad as the last Code Geass Fanfic I wrote. Feedback is always nice and oh suggestions! I would love to get suggestions on what I can do to improve so that is always welcome.