A/N: THIS IS YOUR WARNING NOW, IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE TWO EPISODES THAT ARE UP AT KORRANATION [DOT] COM THIS WILL HAVE SPOILERS. THANK YOU. Other than that, enjoy! I hope this makes sense. This is from a prompt at ficbending on lj and posted there without my name attached. I also posted it on deviantart.
Disclaimer: I don't own.
He thinks this is perfect. There is nothing more that can be right and she just feels so good.
He can't remember how they got this tangled, bodily or personally. He remembers her excitement at watching her first pro-bending match and her surprise minutes later. He remembers Bolin's subtle hints through out their training of how she was ripe and ready for more advanced bending. He remembers her blush she she asked him for a drink.
He remembers her awkward fumbling through their first date, and their second and third (he likes that she's so green). He loves the way her nose wrinkles at things she can't stand or thinks are horrible tasting. He listens to her rant about Chief Bei Fong and how unfair she is and shouldn't she give the Avatar some slack? He listens and bites his tongue because he knows Chief Bei Fong never gives orphans any slack.
But this moment, this is what he wants to remember forever. Not their first time filled with fumbling, apologies, and pain but this. This time where she feels so good and she's making that moaning sound that's just right and he can't think of a better sound in the world. Not even "The Fire Ferrets win!" could compare to the high pitched keening sound she's making.
"Fuck, that's good," he grunts as he picks up his pace.
He feels her roll her hips in response. She's so tight and naive he thinks. He loves it when she smiles at him, making sure to meet his thrusts in time. "And to think," she breathes, "you didn't give me the time of day when we first met."
"I thought you were one of my brother's fangirls." His voice is gruff. He feels her clench around his length and knows he's so close to release.
"To think," she pants, "that Tenzin didn't want me to even see a pro-bending mat-ch." Her voice goes up in volume at the end of the word and he knows he's hit her sweet spot. He's not had many girls (most flock to his charming brother) but he's had enough to know that she's close and he's hit the spot that makes her lose all reason.
"Harder," she complains as her hips try to force his into a faster pace.
"Patience," he mutters. Love, he almost adds. He can't love her. She's just an annoying, stubborn, amazing girl who has parents and the world watching her. If he were honest with himself he would acknowledge there are quite a few people watching him during matches as well. He would never admit to clipping newspapers though. That's just tacky.
"Now," she whines and he knows he needs to listen to her now because the pottery in the room is shaking and the candle flame is growing and he knows it's not his firebending that's causing it. Plus he likes being on top.
"As the Avatar wishes," he coos with a smirk. Her face scrunches again until he reaches down to her center with a heated hand and finds her button. She arches into him and the candle flame almost reaches the celling, fueled not only by her bending but his as well because Spirits that feels good.
She cries out again and he wants to make her be quiet because he knows Bolin is listening. Yet he loves every single sound she makes at his hands. He feels her velvety heat contract rhythmically and he thrusts a handful more times before he comes himself and collapses on top of her.
He quickly rolls off her but just as quickly she places herself on his chest so her head is below his chin. This is one of the few times he gets to see her let her guard and just is.
He strokes her lose hair and wonders if this is how Bolin feels about every girl he takes to bed. He hopes not.
"Mako," Korra asks softly, "is it all right if I stay the night?"
"Of course," he assures her as he kisses her head.
"Good because I don't want to move. This is too perfect." She tells him sleepily.
Perfect he thinks. He's never had anything that's been perfect (except his team's record) and he's willing to bet all his winnings that this is the closest he's going to get to that ideal state.
Reviews are always welcome.