I know that this is hideously short-probably the shortest chapter I have ever written-but done I've been away from this particular one for so long I needed a spring board. Just don't flame or crucify me, okay?

P.S. My book based off of this has changed enough where I can update this worry-free; which is why I am even updating this one at all.


I stood speechless at the top of the stairs after Chamberlain timidly stepped aside. I watched as Derek's eyes widened with shock and confusion and saw him trying to decode which one of us was real; the one in the black dress before him wearing the necklace he had given me as an infant, or the one at the top of the stairs who looked identical to the one he had seen not two days beforehand.

After my own shock wore off from seeing my doppelganger beside the man I love, I began to cautiously descend the stone stairs and crept closer to Derek, a million things rushing through my mind. How would I prove to him that it was me?