Jenny let out a big yawn as the elevator doors opened. She trudged into the bullpen, determined to make the most of her 0530 arrival and impress Gibbs with a stack of completed paperwork. If the man could be impressed? She had been his Probie for only three weeks, but she had yet to see him truly approve of anything anyone did.

As she turned the corner into their desk area, she stopped in her tracks. There was Gibbs, sound asleep with his feet crossed up on his desk, head lolled against the back of his chair. She took the opportunity to study him, as she had never been able to before. She no longer denied to herself that she found him attractive. He was a real man; tanned skin, strong hands, broad shoulders, and oh, those eyes.

Yes, she definitely couldn't deny she found him attractive. But she knew also that this was dangerous territory. She had a plan to climb the ranks of NCIS; she couldn't afford to be distracted by anything.

But there was just something about him; she wanted to learn more. For example, what the hell was he doing sleeping in the office instead of home when they hadn't even had a case?

She suddenly realized she had been standing looking at him for far too long, and turned to quietly settle into her desk. Unfortunately, someone who knew nothing about quiet had just arrived.

Before she could warn him, Burley appeared and crowed, "Shepard what are you doing here? Had an early night last night? Bad date?"

Gibbs' blue eyes shot open, hitting directly on her green ones.

She winced, "Sorry. Good morning?"