Disclaimer: The Hunger is shamefully not mine. Nor is Foxface, Katniss, etc.

I suggest you read: Hey, again. Anyhow, I got bored and decided since Foxface is 100% amazing that I would write a really short one-shot about her. So yeah, I wrote this in basically ten minutes. And that needed to be said for some stupid reason I've come up with.

This is basically a short story when Katniss hears Rue's shouts right before her death and so-and-so. But this is instead in Foxface's point of view from a tree, watching Katniss. So yeah, Happy Hunger Games.

This is for all you Foxface-Lovers!

It buzzes in my face, teasing the reality that I oppose to swatting at it. That I resist exposing myself to whatever tribute is lurking around the woods, in search for any pure natural resources. The Tracker Jacker flies, in and out like a constant pendulum swinging, right in front of my nose; its large dark eyes daring me.

No. No, I have enough sense - and a whole lot more - to not give in so easily to some pest. And it is only one wasp after all. Not a whole nest….

But there's bound to be some home for it nearby - Where else would a Tracker Jacker come from - and some tribute had to have had enough lack of knowledge to mess with it. Everyone knows about the danger of Tracker Jackers.

It's like the girl from Eight, that first night after the Bloodbath, she had built a fire. She was silly to have made one. And she may have been cold and hurt then, but she's cold and dead now.

It's the smallest of things that could get you killed out here. Just like Atala said in Training.

A shriek, like a small child's, breaks through the Arena.

Any minute that cannon would fire. Again… But another death means another step toward District 5, true?

"Rue!" A voice shouts, a familiar one, in reply to the bone-chilling plead that had just sounded not only seconds ago. The sounds of sprinting footsteps and crackling leaves follow instantly.

Rue, that little girl from Eleven, has made it this far? The poor girl, she's stealthy and quiet, yes, but how could someone that young have survived to at least the final ten?


The voice sounds again. Of course it's familiar. District 12's Katniss had gotten just about any attention the Capitol had. That's entirely good for me, and the other "less-spoken-of" tributes, for we aren't know as threats for the Careers.

But Katniss showed that there was more to her than just the flames she wore and her sister.

Katniss Everdeen is stumbling through the woods, silver bow in hand, as she follows the sound of Rue's cries. They're a great distance apart, something that drains what little hope they, like most of us, must have.

Katniss's braid is loosely falling apart, and her face has remote, but still distinctive, scars from a Tracker Jacker attack.

Only then do I notice that the Tracker Jacker that had been bugging me stopped immensely, and flew off.

Katniss is soon out of my sight, but her shouts to Rue keep coming.

Curiosity won't get me, and I refuse to follow in order to see if Rue's fine. She's from District Eleven, why should I care anyway...? The next time a cannon fires, between now and a few moments, I'll know if Katniss was fast enough.

If she was fast enough to help Rue from whatever danger that came her way.

And after long, endless minutes, a cannon fires. And a while later, so does another.

Two more deaths. Two more steps closer to District 5, home.

That was moi first one-shot... Oh well. R & R, it's not required, but appreciated. XD