Disclaimer: i do not own CCS, clamp owns it

Chapter one: falling on top..

Sakura's prove….

As I woke up from the best sleep I have had in a while, I could hear the birds through my window.

'so its morning already' I thought to myself with my eyes still closed, but instead of making a move to get up and going to school I desperately just wanted to turn over and continue my dream.

However as I peered at my alarm clock with squinted eyes the thought of doing that was suddenly gone from my mind, as I realised it was already half seven and I was going to be late if I didn't get a move on and get ready.

"Jesus T, why didn't you wake me up this morning? Now because of you I am seriously cutting it close to being bloody late again" I decided to say out loud angrily as I scrambled around my room to find my clothes for the day which were blue baggy jeans with a lighter blue polo T-shirt and a white adidas hoody and matching trainers.

"Not bad for a tomboy. I could almost full myself in thinking I am a boy wearing this for non school uniform day, let alone any of Tomoyo's stalker boys i will have to deal with today." I said out loud proudly as I looked in my mirror examining myself before I put on my short haired auburn wig and a my S black cap and came out of my room to head down stairs for some toast and a drink.

5 minutes later

As I finished my breakfast and grabbed my bag and car keys to go out the front door my phone started to ring as the caller ID flashed on the screen.

"Hey Moyo what's up" I said as I answered it

"Ahh Sakura can you come and pick me up for school because my car has a flat and I'm going to be late if I don't have a ride" she says to me freaking out

"yea yea I will be there in 5 ok." I replied to her as I hang up my phone and head to my car which is a black convertible.

Outside Tomoyo's house


"Hurry up or we really will be late" I shout out to her as I beep my horn to get her to hurry up.

Then as if on cue I see her come out of her house and run up to my car before she climbs in the passenger side.

"Sorry S and thanks for the ride. I knew I could count on you, but you know you do really push it when it comes to getting up for school in the mornings, why do you leave you house so late" she asks me as I started to drive.

"Well normal people call it 'not wanting to get up' syndrome. People suffer with this when they wake up in bed all snug but then realise that they have to get up because they will be late if they don't" I answered her as I turn in to the school gates.

"Don't tell me you have never had that feeling in the morning when you're in your bed?" I questioned her as I locked my car as we got out and headed in to school.

"Nope never I am always glad to get out of bed in the mornings" she says as she catches up to me.

"Goodness Moyo you are one weird 18 year old, because we normal once love are beds" I told her which made us both start to laugh at the same time and not pay attention as we approached our classroom.

When suddenly my face hits something hard or should I say some one hard and we start to fall over and before I could even blink I knew I had fallen on top of him.

'Shit how do I get out of this situation' I think to myself too embarrassed to lift my head out of its current position which was still in his chest.

"O my god S are you ok?" Moyo says to me as she sees me jump off the ground and turn back to her.

"yea I'm fine Moyo, look see no sweat" I nervously says back to her as I turn around so he can look me up and down, before I walk up to her and put my arm around her waist.

"come on or you will be late" I utter to her as I lead her to the classroom door that's open and pushed her in before handing her my back pack and whispering to her" take that in for me I am going to see if the dude is ok because he is still on the floor"

"Ok" she agrees as she walks to her seat, while I turn back out the room to walk to the guy that I fell on who now decides to get up as I step in front of him.

"hay, sorry about that dude I wasn't paying attention" I tell him as I offer my hand out to him to help him up the rest of the way off the floor, which he declines by slapping it away and saying to me angrily.

"Just don't do it again boy or I will pound you. Got it," he growls as he turns away from me and starts to walk down the corridor.

'Man that guy is rude' I think to myself as I reach my classroom door to go in it again but stopped when I heard a voice behind me say.

"Hay wait a minute and come here I want to ask you something before I go" he says roughly, beckoning me back to him with his hand which causes me to sigh and walk back to him.

Normal prove…

"What is it" Sakura bites out now showing off her temper because she had to walk back to him.

"You're a friend of Tomoyo's right? Which also means that you may know how she got rid of all those guy's that were stalking her last week" he asked her

"And so what if I do? Why do you want to know how she did it?" Sakura shoots back at him crossing her arms waiting for his answer

"because un like you I am going through the same situation she was in except for I have girls and marriage meetings popping up everywhere instead, so at the moment I am looking for a method to get rid of it all like she did that's why I need to know" he says to Sakura's with seriousness.

'Hu know wander he was acting so rude earlier I should of known, because Moyo was acting near enough the same as he was just now. Man this guy has it bad. Sakura thought before looking at the guy strait in his eye's which caught her attention to be a pretty amber colour which she could feel herself about to blush at as she tried to speak again to ask.

"What's your name?"

"Syaoran Li why" he questions her as he notice's the light blush that she had try to control spread across her face.

'No way, is he actually blushing at me? Am I really starting to have that sort of effect on guys now am I? Shit can my week get any worse,' Syaoran thought as he eyed Sakura waiting for her answer.

"well Li I wish I could help you, but I can't" she says to him as she turns and runs in to her classroom, leaving him utterly confused as he watches her go.

In class

Syaoran's prove…

"Thank god I made it in before the bell rang" I sighed out as I sat in my seat just in time to hear it ring.

'Man that boy earlier was weird, why was he blushing at me? and what was up with his eyes as he stared at me, I swear I could see them shine a watery green colour like a girls would do when they are happy or embarrassed ….hay wait a minute, O man he must be gay' I thought to myself as I sat at my desk thinking of reasons why I thought that guy was strange until I felt a poke in my side which caused me to turn my head and look at the cause.

"Yo buddy, are you ok? Eriol asked me as he drew back his finger from and put his hand back on his seat which was next to mine.

"Yea I'm fine mate but I really have to find out a way to get rid of these girls they are driving me nuts" I confessed to him as I decided to lie my head down on my table and wait for the teacher to arrive.

"Look I told you before just fake date someone so they will back off" he tells me again for the second time this week.

"And I told you before that, your idea would not work. I mean you know what girls are like if I did ask some girl to fake date me then the girl I pick will be ripped to pieces by all the other ones that stalk me because there jealous of her or whatever". I said back to him sitting back up in my chair.

"Who said anything about a girl playing the part" Eriol says looking up at me wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"You don't mean-" I started to say but stop short when I see him nod at me smiling.

"O yes I do. date a guy."