Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or its characters - these were created by Eric Kripke - I'm just borrowing them. I'm not making any commercial gain. No harm or infringement intended.

E/O Challenge: Hope. "No Hope". A 100-word drabble: Dean has no hope – he doesn't allow it. Spoilers for S07E17 The Born Again Identity.


No Hope

Dean doesn't allow himself to feel hope.

Hope's for whinny douches who expect the universe to owe them something.

He reckons it's just another word for wish and in his experience those are only granted by your fairy godmother. Dean thinks he may've already ganked the bippity boppity boo outta the bitch, so good luck with that.

Cas' actions proved he could be trusted again. Winchesters, if anyone, get the big sacrifice thing.

Dean has no hope, he doesn't need it. He has the certainty of faith instead.

Faith in himself, faith in his brother, and now faith in Cas.


A/N: Hush, my fellow Cas fans, it'll all be alright. And if not we'll all live in denial; manically re-writing the ending we want over and over in FanFiction.


I just recently added a new chapter to 'A Very Supernatural Journey'which you can access via CFEditor's account. It's co-written by CFEditor, mainegirlwrites, Wynefred, and me.

www (dot) fanfiction (dot) net/s/7779228/1/AVerySupernatural_Journey
