DISCLAIMER: Do I own the characters here? Nope

Do I wish that I did? Maybe...

On a little bit of a sidenote, I wish to apologize to all my loyal readers out there, I have been struggling with where I wanted this story to go, The fact that my marriage is falling apart, dealing with my situation in the Army, and getting to know my youngest child, who is now five months old. I will be completing this story eventually, it just may take me a little longer than I had planned initially. Once again, thank you and without further ado,

On with the story...

The Only Thing I've Ever Wanted...

Previously:"Ok, where are you at?" She listened for a moment, and then gave them directions on how to get to the Manor. After talking for a few more minutes, she hung up and handed the phone back to Harry.

She stared at him, and then said one word.


Chapter 7: Chaos and Order...

Sighing out loud, Harry ran a hand through his hair. "Takami called me earlier to let me know about a couple of things. The first is about Akitsu. She has had several blocks placed on her, making it nearly impossible for her to emerge and bond with her Ashikabi. She sent me the files, and upon reviewing them, I can undo them."

Seeing how pale she went at the horrible fate that Akitsu had almost been left to, Harry wrapped her in his arms and rocked her. "I think that by far the hardest part of helping her, will be in letting her know that she isn't worthless, broken, or unloved. I will need everyone's help in that. I will also need your help in letting Minato know about his mother's injuries."

Nodding into his chest, Miya sniffled a little. "Ok, Harry-kun. What was the other piece of information that she gave you?"

Running his hands in circles on her back, Harry sighed again and continued. "Well, Takami said that Kochou found out where they had been keeping Yume's body at. It turns out that she is alive."


Yukari Sahashi was having an interesting day. She had taken an advanced exam in mathematics and aced it. She had then found out that her brother had failed the entrance exam to the university yet again. She snickered as she thought about that. Yukari decided it was time to let her mother know.

Sighing in disappointment, she dialed the number to her mother's cell.

A strange man's voice answered. "Hello?"

"Who is this? Where is my mother? Why are you answering her phone?"

"Is this Yukari Sahashi?"

"Yes, who the hell are you and why isn't my mother the one answering her phone?"

"Who I am is unimportant. What you need to know is that your mother was injured, and is currently sleeping under guard at MBI's Hospital. If you would like we can arrange for you and your brother to come and visit her this evening."

"You had better believe it. What time?"

"Be here at seven this evening."


Growling her frustration at being hung up on, she called her brother. Hopefully he wouldn't be all depressing like normal.


Everyone had just left the Time Chamber, and were headed into the den. Everybody was in a cheery mood, and were laughing and joking.

Smiling, Harry gazed around the room. He couldn't help but feel like this was something like what his parents might have had, family close by, friends being over at the house. It all just felt so right.

At that point in time, Minato's cell went off, and he laughed as he answered. "Hello? Hey sis, how are you? Good, good. So whats up? WHAT?!"

Hearing him raise his voice, both Musubi and Ku leaned into him and wrapped their arms around him. "Yes, I'll be there. Love you too sis. Bye."

Leaning back into his seat, Minato frowned as he rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands. Grimacing a little he lowered his hands into his lap. "Apparently my mother was attacked earlier today, and is being treated at MBI's hospital facilities. This leads me to believe that either she was attacked by a Sekirei or an Ashikabi, or that she has not been entirely truthful about who she works for, or some combination of the two."

Taking a deep breath, he continued. "My sister is going to go and visit her at seven this evening, and I would like for two of you to accompany me." Minato turned to Musubi. "Musubi-chan, I would appreciate it if you and Ku-chan would go with me this evening. Is that ok with everyone?"

Looking around the room, Minato got nods from everyone, and he nodded his head in agreement.

Harry leaned back in his chair. "I think we ought to wait until Kochou and Akitsu get here, that way I can see what we can do to help Akitsu. From the sound of things, she will need a lot of loving kindness on top of everything else. Just don't pity her, having been in a very similar situation growing up, I can honestly tell you that pitying her will not go over well."

Dobby popped in at this point. "Master Harry, there are three people at the front door. Shall I show them in?"

Shaking his head, Harry stood. "No Dobby, I think it would be best if I answered the door, considering that the people on the other side may not have a clue as to who or what you are."

Nodding in agreement, the house elf popped out. Harry turned to Miya and bowed. "Milady, woud you grace me with your presence in greeting our guests?"

Smiling and accepting Harry's outstretched arm, Miya nodded. "It would be my pleasure, Milord."

Harry paused for a moment, then turned back to everyone sitting at the table. "Actually, would the rest of my lovely ladies care to join us in welcoming our guests?" He looked at each of them and received a firm yes from them.

He then turned to the other Mages. "If I could impose upon you a little while longer, I would appreciate any assistance the four of you can provide in helping me check for any potions or blocks on Akitsu. Please?"

Filius looked around at the others and then smiled at Harry. "I honestly don't foresee any issues with Remus staying for awhile, given his current circumstances, but I believe that I do speak for the rest of us when I tell you that it would be an honor for us."

After thanking them all, Harry then turned and led the way to the front doors. Once he opened them, he bowed to the three people standing there.

"Welcome to Potter Manor. My name is Hadrian James Potter and this is my home."

_-OoOoO- _

After getting away from the scene of the fight, it only took Seo and the others about twenty minutes to get to the manor, where they stood in awe for a few minutes. Seo whistled. "Wow, that's quite the place this guy's got. Shall we?"

They walked through the gate and up to the front door. Seo knocked three times and took a step back. "I just hope this guy isn't an arrogant ass..."

Just after that comment, the doors opened, and the three of them saw a six foot tall young man with raven black hair and deep emerald green eyes. Surrounding him were Chiho, Uzume, Tsukiumi, Kazehana, Benitsubasa, and Miya.

Kochou immediately drifted towards him. There was just something about him...and then it hit her. This man was her Ashikabi! She looked over at Akitsu and saw the look of hope on her face that momentarily appeared, as she could see that Akitsu felt the same way, only to watch it disappear as her face became blank, and Kochou could see the despair showing in her eyes.

Harry and his ladies watched the same things. It was all he could do not to wrap her up in an embrace, but he knew that that wouldn't be welcomed at this point. He nodded to Miya, who winked at him and took Seo to the side.

Stepping out away from the women behind them, Harry bowed to the two in front of him. "Akitsu, No.7, and Kochou, No. 22. I am Harry Potter, and please believe me when I tell you that I can feel the pull between us, just like I could with the wonderful women behind me." He turned towards Akitsu.

"I know that you feel that you are broken, and have been discarded. I am here to tell you that you are wrong. You are not broken. You have been sorely used, mistreated, and then thrown to the wolves. I can help you to heal, I can help you to break the bindings that the MBI adjustors have put into place, allowing you to bond to the one that you find worthy of being called your Ashikabi. I know that you might find it difficult to trust, as I can relate to your situation, having been in slightly different, yet similar circumstances." Once he said that, he allowed his aura to burst forth in a visible show around him.

When he spoke again, the timbre of his voice dropped just a touch, reflecting the power her had buried within him. "I am a mage, capable of doing many things that you might find similar to the abilities of you and your fellow Sekirei. I am as different from you as we both are from normal humans. Will you allow me to figure out what they have done to you, and then free you from the evil they have done?"

Turning to Kochou, Akitsu looked at her, tears welling up in her eyes. With Kochou nodding and smiling at her, she then turned back to Harry and threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around him. "Please, whatever you can do to help me, please, please, please just help me if you can."

Embracing her in turn, Harry rubbed his hands in small circles on her back. "Shhh. You are not worthless. I promise that I will never toss you aside, and as soon as we figure out what was done to you and how to undo it, if you want me, I will be your Ashikabi."

Without looking up at him, Akitsu nodded. Harry then summoned Dobby. "Yes Master Harry?"

"I need you to go and get Susan out here, I have a feeling that we will need her as well as Chiho to figure out what has happened to Akitsu here." With a nod to Harry, Dobby popped back into the house. Harry then looked back to Akitsu.

"Akitsu, if its alright with you, would you be willing to go inside with Chiho so that we can go ahead and find out what we need to do to help you out?"

She nodded again and squeezed him tightly for a moment. Akitsu then let go of him and turned to walk into the house, while Chiho came forward and wrapped an arm around her. Once they had gone inside, Harry turned to Kochou.

Watching what had happened, Kochou knew in her heart that her resolve to have this man in front of her as her Ashikabi had only become stronger. She could see the bonds between the man and her sisters, and the longing she had to have that same kind of connection burned ever brighter in her chest.

Seeing all this in her eyes, Harry walked up to her and placed his hand on her cheek. "Kochou, I would be honored to be your Ashikabi. Could I ask you to wait until we have helped Akitsu, and then I will help you both to emerge?"

She nodded, closing her eyes and leaning her head into his touch. "Yes my Ashikabi, that is fine."

Grinning at her, he offered her an arm, which she took as they headed inside. Once they got to the study, everyone sat down and waited for Susan and Chiho to finish examining Akitsu.

When they finished, Susan started swearing up a storm as she examined the parchment in front of her. "Harry, the only person I have ever seen have a worse diagnosis as far as limiters and blocks in my life, has been you."

Standing and walking over to her, she handed Harry the list. He glanced over it, cursing mentally as he figured out the rituals and spells that would need to be cast.

Harry growled as he looked to Sue. "Get with Dobby, and set up a room for the rituals we need. I'm thinking we can accomplish this with two rituals right?"

Stopping to think for a moment, Sue nodded. She then summoned Dobby to her, and left along with Chiho, Su Li, and Filius to set up the room.

Sighing deeply, Harry sank into one of his favorite chairs. He looked around the room, and finding Akitsu, motioned her over to him. "I'm so sorry that you have been put through so much because of a few bastards afraid of unleashing your true potential. I understand better than most ever will your situation, given my own history. Sit with me for a moment?"

Looking at him for a moment, Akitsu nodded and then sat in his lap, throwing her arms around him and burying her head in his chest. "Promise me that you aren't going to betray me further, that you will help me...please..."

Lifting her head so that he could look into her eyes, Harry smiled. "I, Hadrian James Potter-Black-Gryffindor-Ravenclaw-Slytherin-Hufflepuff-Emrys-LeFey do swear upon my life and magic to never knowingly or willingly betray Akitsu, nor any of the other Sekirei or individuals that I have come to love and respect. So I say, So Mote it be." Once the final words had been pronounced, a brilliant emerald green flash of light burst out from around him and entered into everyone's chest.

Staring deep into his eyes, Akitsu couldn't help but smile up at him. She had felt the warm rush of assurance from the vow as he had uttered it. "Thank you, my Ashikabi. Is there anything that I should do to prepare for the rituals?"

Smiling at her in turn, Harry thought for a moment. "Yes, I need for you to select four individuals that you trust to be the anchor points. They will not need to speak anything during the rites, they just need to be present, as I will be the one chanting the words."

Losing the smile on her face, her countenance took a more thoughtful tone for a few minutes as she gazed around the room. Looking back to Harry, she came to her decision. "Miya, Kochou, Chiho, and Kazehana, would you do the honors of standing in for me?"

As one, the three who were in the room smiled and nodded at her. Miya chose to speak up. "We would be honored to stand in as part of the ritual."

Hugging Akitsu one more time, Harry then stood and lifted Akitsu up, carrying her with him. "Follow me please."

Carefully leading the way, Harry walked towards the designated room. As they walked, he explained the purpose behind the rituals. "The first ritual is designed to break the mental bonds that are in place. These bindings are designed to keep your thoughts slow, and to keep the emotional portion of your bonding ability from forming."

Taking a deep breath and exhaling loudly, Harry continued. "The second ritual is designed to break the binding around your core, that denies the actual physical portion of the Bond from forming. I will apologize now, because there will be an immense amount of pain associated with the rituals, and as much as I wish I could do something about it, any potions or medicines that would allow us to dull the pain, would interfere with the ritual." Giving her a gentle squeeze, he entered the room where the others had set up the rune layout for the ritual.

Approaching the three, Harry set Akitsu down and walked over to Chiho first. "Chiho-hime, Akitsu has requested that you stand as one of the four anchors in the rituals. Will you do that for her?"

Smiling at them both, Chiho nodded and then embraced Akitsu. "It would be an honor for me to help." As Chiho and Akitsu stood there and bonded a little, Harry walked over to speak with Filius and Susan.

"I need you two to monitor myself and Akitsu while I am conducting the ritual. I'm unsure of the power levels involved in the bindings, and just in case I am magically exhausted, I may need one or both of you to levitate us out of the circle once the rituals are complete." Both of them nodded. "It would be our pleasure, Harry," Filius responded.

Just a tiny bit nervous, Harry stood in the circle he was needed in, as he reviewed the chant in his head. The only reason that he knew the rituals like this as well as he did, was because of the bindings that he had had broken by the Goblins. He had memorized each of the seven rituals needed to break them, and he was extremely grateful to Bill Weasely for his help.

Calmly, he pointed to the North for Miya, the East for Chiho, West for Kazehana, and South for Kochou. Once they were in place, he pointed to the circle in the center for Akitsu. "Once you enter the circle, I need you to sit cross-legged in the center of it. I'm sorry for the pain, but it is pain with a purpose."

Now, as soon as he had everyone in place, he turned and nodded to Filius, then knelt down and began chanting in harsh guttural tones. Filius turned to everyone else who were standing there watching. "Please, no matter what, do NOT cross the ritual lines. She will be in pain, yes. But if you disrupt the ritual in any way, you could end up killing or permanently harming everyone in the circle."

With that said, everyone turned back towards the center of the room. As Harry was chanting, each of the circles that had someone standing in them started to glow. In the next few minutes, each of those circles shone brighter and brighter, before the final two circles started to shine.

First, was the one Harry knelt in. Each of the others tied into his, as he was the keystone of the ritual. Finally was the circle that Akitsu sat in. As it started to shine, brighter and brighter, everyone could see a sheen of sweat start beading up on Akitsu's forehead.

After several minutes, everyone could see her biting her lip, holding in her screams. Akitsu was struggling with staying silent, and finally let go with a heart-wrenching scream, as she collapsed to the floor.

Not long after that, Harry finished with his chanting, and one by one the circles went dark. Motioning for them to wait, Harry walked slowly over to Akitsu and knelt beside her. Visually, Harry looked her over, examining her for any injuries sustained during the ritual, only to note that the crest that had been on her forehead was there no longer. He started waving a hand over her, mumbling the spells, and sighed in relief.

Looking up at everyone, he grinned tiredly. "It worked. I believe that we should give her the rest of the day to rest and relax, and then do the final ritual tomorrow." Harry then looked to Susan, to see what she had to say.

Moving over to examine Akitsu herself, Susan nodded as she cast the diagnostic spells herself, to see the results with her own eyes. "I agree, I think the both of you could use the rest, and spend some time together. I believe that the five of us," motioning towards the other Mages, "can handle setting up the runes for the next ritual, and you can inspect them later on this evening to double-check if you so desire."

Smiling gratefully at her, Harry picked up Akitsu, cradling her to his chest. Laying a gentle kiss on her forehead, in the exact spot where she had once possessed the Sekirei crest, he then stood and walked out towards the master bedroom.

As he carried her, Harry whispered in her ear that he would take care of her, for as long as she wanted him to. Akitsu smiled up at him tiredly. "I do believe that you are stuck with me for forever then."

Grinning down at her, Harry continued on the way to the bedroom. Life was truly wonderful.

_-OoOoO- _

The next morning, Harry stirred, stretching out around Akitsu. He leaned his head down, kissing her forehead. "Rise and shine my little dragonfly."

Slowly blinking, she looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you, Harry-kun."

Tilting his head slightly, Harry looked at her questioningly. "For what?"

Smiling up at him, and giving him a gentle kiss, Akitsu responded. "For having enough love in your heart for me and my sisters. For being the kind, gentle person you are. For caring enough about me to help me, and to become my Ashikabi."

Basking in her affection, Harry laid back and gave her a gentle squeeze, just as there was a knock at the door. "Come in."

Chiho, Tsukiumi, Miya, Kazehana, Benitsubasa, and Kochou all came in and sat down on the bed. They all smiled at the scene before them, and each of them greeted the two laying in the bed.

Grinning up at them, Harry acknowledged each of their greetings. "Are we already ready for the next ritual, my loves?"

Nodding, Chiho was the one who answered. "Yes Harry-kun. We are all ready and waiting, that is if the two of you are ready."

Looking down at Akitsu, Harry smiled gently at her, as he sweetly caressed her cheek with the knuckles of one hand. "What say you my sweet little dragonfly? Are you ready to finish and become one of my Sekirei and one of my wives-to-be?"

Nodding her head quite eagerly, Akitsu grinned back up at him. "Yes, Harry, I am ready and willing."

Slowly shaking his head at her, Harry lifted her up in his arms, and carried her to the ritual chamber, and settled her in the center of the rune circle. He then stood and walked to his place, then looked around and motioned everyone to their places.

Looking around at everyone there, Harry took in a couple of deep breaths, slowly calming himself and slowing his pulse. Finally, he looked deep into Akitsu's eyes and gave her a small smile, which she returned.

Starting the ritual this time was a little bit different. Pointing one hand at the center of the runes int between himself and Akitsu, Harry muttered a chant just before an indigo blue beam of light burst from his fingertips, impacting the runes, and empowering them. Shortly after that, he started to chant, and began the slow process of freeing Akitsu.

_-OoOoO- _

Musubi awoke later on that morning, and sighed as she rolled over to look at her Ashikabi. Last night had not been pleasant by any stretch of the imagination. Apparently, Takami had hidden a lot of information from her children, and it hadn't gone over very well when they found out.


Minato had calmed himself down by the time he met up with Yukari. He had Musubi and Kusano there with him, and they had brought him a measure of peace of mind that he had never had before in his life. He was so deep in thought that it took Yukari a couple of tries to get his attention.

"Hey there big brother, about time you finally paid attention to me," as she leaned in to hug him.

Smiling up at her, he stood and returned the hug. "It's good to see you too, Yukari, how are you holding up?"

She grinned up at him, then turned to look at the two women on either side of him. "Sooooo, who are your friends?"

THAT had gone over like a ton of bricks. Soon enough though, Yukari was giving them both hugs and welcoming them both to the family. Musubi grinned to herself as she thought about what had happened next...

Smirking at her big brother, Yukari put her hands on her hips. "YOU get to tell mom about all this big brother."

Running a hand through his hair, Minato leaned back and sighed. "Somehow, I think she might already be aware of it. Think about it Yukari. Not only is she injured, which normally wouldn't be an issue for any worker in pharmaceuticals, but she ends up in the MBI Hospital? The same people behind the Sekirei? Doesn't that strike you as more than just a little TOO conveniently coincidental?"

Stunned, Yukari sat there deep in thought for a moment. On the one hand, everything that her brother pointed out to her WAS just a little bit too convenient. On the other hand though, if he was right, just how much of what their mother had told them was lies?

Musubi looked between the two siblings for a moment. "What's your mother's name, Minato?"

Glancing at his sister, Minato turned towards Musubi. "Takami Sahashi."

Maintaining a straight face was quite difficult, but somehow, she managed it. "I know her. She is the Head Researcher of the Sekirei for MBI. She was also my adjustor with the incident that nearly cost us Yume, Sekirei No.8."

Looking at his sister once more, Minato sighed. "Like I said, all too coincidental. Do you believe me now, Yukari?"

Nodding at her brother, she couldn't really talk, shocked as she was. All these years, their mother had kept them in the dark, lying to them about her job, about all the late nights and unexplained injuries.

Minato looked at her, and correctly guessing what she was thinking, leaned in to give her a hug. "Don't worry about it sis, we'll talk to her about all this, and get to the bottom of it. I promise."

With that said, they both stood and walked inside. They walked up to the front desk and in short order had their mother's room number and an escort up to her room.

Flashback Ends...

With a sad smile on her face, Musubi leaned down and kissed her Ashikabi. "Time to get up, Minato." She then leaned over and rubbed noses with Kusano, waking her as well.

Yawning widely, Minato smiled up at his Sekirei. How could one guy be so lucky? "Good morning Musubi, Ku. How did you both sleep?"

Ku and Musubi looked at each other, smiled, and then turned back to Minato. "GREAT!"

Smiling at the two of them, Minato chuckled. "Shall we go and see how Akitsu is doing then?"

Both the girls nodded, and then got up out of bed. They quickly got showered and got dressed, then headed for the ritual room.

As soon as they got close, they could hear Akitsu screaming in agony, and as they walked through the door, it was all they could do not to run over to her and comfort her. There wasn't a dry eye in the room as they watched the ritual progress.

Harry was sweating profusely at this point, struggling to finish the chant. The bindings had been done rather crudely, which made the ritual's progress slow down astronomically, due to the need to undo them carefully so that they didn't rupture her core.

Half an hour later, Harry finished the ritual, and nodded to Filius. He nodded and turned to Remus. "Moony, as soon as the ritual circle dies out, it'll be up to you and me to levitate Harry and Akitsu to the recovery room." Moony nodded.

Turning to Sue and Chiho, Filius continued. "Sue, Chiho, head to the recovery room and prepare for their arrival. With that said, Filius turned just in time to catch the end of the ritual, and had his wand out instantly, levitating Akitsu.

Moony managed to catch Harry before he collapsed as well, and led the way out of the ritual room. Things were finally starting to look up for his cub, and he would be damned if anything kept him away. Not EVER again.


As it stands right now, here are the pairings.

Remus - Matsu, No. 2

Minato Sahashi - Musubi, No. 88

Kusano, No. 108

Harry Potter - Chiho Hidaka, Lady Potter

Uzume, No. 10, Consort of House Potter

Tsukiumi, No. 9, Lady Black

Benitsubasa, No. 105, Lady Gryffindor

Miya, No. 1, Lady Emrys

Kazehana, No. 3, Lady LeFey.

As far as the others go, I am going to add Kochou as Lady Ravenclaw, Akitsu as Lady Slytherin, and Yashima as Lady Hufflepuff. Any other suggestions are welcome, and if you would like, I will welcome suggestions as to their position.

I will be adding Yashima in a rather unique manner, and that as well as the bonding of Kochou and Akitsu should appear in the next chapter. Also we will start to see Minaka acting out against his Discipline Squad which will lead to his eventual downfall. MWUHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAA!