Ok so, I'm really I haven't updated, but I got a job and I've be super busy!

I can't honestly figure out how to write this part, like I've tried 8 times and every time I delete it because I end up hating it. So would it be ok if I skipped until after she was taken out of the arena and woke up in District 13? let me know, but like I said, I'm having a terrible time writing this part, and I know where I want it to go, I just can't get to that point. Thanks to everyone! I own nothing!

A little parachute came falling from the sky.

"Whose is it?" I said, curiously looking at the little flying object.

We decided to say that it was Peeta's, seeing as he did die for a little bit today.

It's a small metal object, and I can't really tell what it is.

We sit around trying to figure out what it could be, but none of us really can.

Haymitch is working with the District 4 mentors, meaning that it has a special meaning behind it, a life saving meaning.

It's unbelievably hot, and I'm getting frustrated trying to figure out what this little object is.

Peeta rubs a sore spot between my shoulders lovingly, and I start to think about my family.

I miss them, I miss my sister, and I remember the song I sang to her before I left.

I had told her that everything would be alright, but if we didn't find something to drink, and soon, I would break my promise to her sooner than I had planned to.

Eventually I would have to, because I was going to make sure that Peeta won, and then he and Haymitch would be her protectors.

Along with Gale.

I missed him, no matter if we fought sometimes, he was like my brother, always keeping me safe, comforting me.

I miss 12, the woods, hunting, my family, even that annoying cat of Prim's.

As I'm thinking of 12 and what Prim had said about keeping my eyes open, the name of the object suddenly comes to my mind.

"It's a spile! We can use it to tap the trees and drink their sap!"

"What?" Finnick asks confused.

I remember my father showing me this one cold, windy day a long time ago.

I cup it in my hand, knowing that Haymitch is probably wondering what took me so long to figure it out.

Usually there was sap in the tree, but earlier we had seen a type of rat, and it had a wet muzzle.

Water was in these trees, not sap.

And we could finally have something to drink.

My promise to Prim would be kept for a little longer.

We finally wedge it into the tree, and wait with bated breath, and at first nothing happens.

Then a drop of water comes creeping down the lip of the spile and lands in Mags palm.

By moving it around, we finally get a steady stream out of it.

We take turns drinking from it, quenching our thirst from the heat that was surrounding us.

Without the distraction of thirst, we all realize we are exhausted and decide to get some sleep.

Finnick offers to take the first watch, seeing as we were defiantly not going to let our guard down.

I tie the spile to my belt, making sure that if we do have to make a quick retreat, that at least we will still have a way to access water.

I lie down beside Peeta and snuggle into him, despite the fact that it's hot.

Being with him makes me feel comfortable, well as comfortable as you can be when you're fight to your death for others entertainment.

I tell Finnick to wake me when he gets tired so I could take the next shift, but instead I find myself being jarred awake a few hours later by a bell tooling.

Peeta and Mags sleep through it, but both Finnick and I are alert and look at each other.

"I counted twelve." He states.

I nod in agreement.

"What do you think it means?" I question.

"No idea."

"Well get some rest, I'll take the watch." He hesitates, until I remind him that no one can stay awake forever, and that he needs to rest if we are going to be able to fight in this thing.

I sit with my bow loaded.

About an hour later, I can hear rain coming in through the leaves, and wait for it to reach us, but it never does.

The sound of the cannon in the distance startles me, although I am the only one to notice.

Another victor dead.

The rain suddenly stops, and there is a fog that is starting to creep towards us at a steady pace.

At first I think it's natural, seeing as it just rained and it was extremely hot here, but then I realize there is something wrong with this.

It's moving too uniformly to be natural.

A sickeningly sweet odor hits me, and I begin to shout for the others to wake up.

In the few seconds it takes, I begin to get blisters.

It burns wherever the drops touch.

"Run!" I scream.

Finnick snaps awake instantly, getting up to fight whoever was here.

But it wasn't a person.

And when he realizes this, he tosses a sleeping Mags onto his back and begins running.

Peeta is awake and on his feet, but not quite alert.

I grab his arm and run through the jungle after Finnick.

"What is it?" Peta says in bewilderment.

"Some kind of fog. poison gas. Hurry!" I yell.

Even though he wouldn't admit it during the day, the effects of the force field have been significant.

He is extremely slow compared to usual , and the vines and undergrowth that unbalance me everyone in awhile trip him with every step.

I want to run, save myself, but I couldn't do that to Peeta, and besides Haymitch and I had agreed that he would be the one we tried to save.

"Watch my feet Peeta, try and do what I do." I tell him, almost begging.

Finnick is shouting encouragements at us, knowing that we can only evade the horrible mist.

Peeta trips, going flying forward towards the ground.

I catch him and then see that his whole left side of his face is limp.

I feel the spasms in my arm as I realize that the gas not only burns, but it targets our nerves.

I yank Peeta forward, more afraid than before, but both my arms are twitching, and there is something wrong with his leg.

I feel him lurch forward and realize that Finnick has come back and is hauling us along.

When we are finally about 10 yards in front of it we stop running.

"He can't keep going, I'll have to take him. Can you take Mags?" Finnick questions.

"Yes." I breathe out.

We continue moving, with me following behind Finnick who breaks the vines.

The fog keeps advancing, and I want to move away from it by instinct, but I realize that Finnick is driving us towards the water and the Cornucopia.

Water, of course.

I'm glad I didn't kill Finnick when I had the chance, how else would I have gotten Peeta out of here alive?

I begin falling, because I can only handle so much weight, and she isn't heavy but it's taking its toll on me.

I drop, not being able to get back up, and Finnick comes back.

"Can you take them both? It's no use, I will catch up with you." I tell him.

"No, my arms aren't working." He says.

What happens after that is so fast, it takes me a while to process it.

Mags hauls herself up and kisses Finnick, and then she hobbles straight into the fog.

Immediately her body starts seizing with wild contortions and she falls to the ground.

I want to scream, but my throat is burning.

I take a step towards her as I hear the cannon go off.

I know it's Mags, and I know that her heart has stopped.

She's dead.

We keep running until I realize that the fog isn't moving towards us anymore.

It has reached the end of its territory.

Either that or the Gamemakers have decided not to kill us, not yet anyways.