Disclaimer: I do not own the Hunger Games. Please let me know what you think of it. I OWN NOTHING except for what is different from the book which are my thoughts and ideas.


"Look Peeta,"

I said while we were walking near the track while the train was refueling. We were on our way home to District 12 after the Hunger Games, where we both survived. This made the Capitol, who runs our country of Panem, very unhappy.

"I don't know about you, but I wasn't faking my feelings for you, sure it started out that way, but that first night in the cave, I didn't want cameras and all of Panem to be watching us, because it was very real, what I felt for you. And if.."

I don't get to finish because his lips crash down on mine. This is our first kiss with no cameras following us around everywhere we go. We pull away when air becomes necessary.

He rests his forehead against mine and smiles at me. I return the smile, but then I'm startled by a hand touching my back. It's Haymitch.

" Nice job with the lover act out there sweetheart." And with that he walks away.

Peeta gives me a confused look and I explain everything to him about the Capitol being unhappy about the berry trick that we pulled back in the arena so that we could both live and make it home alive.

We make our way back to the train and eat dinner with Effie and Haymitch.

I am just finishing getting ready for bed when I hear a knock on my door. I'm expecting Effie, but when I open it, there stands Peeta.

I let him in and we sit down on my bed when he speaks up.

"Was what you said earlier today true?"

"Yes Peeta, I love you , just like you love me." He was always telling me how much he loved me, but until earlier today, I was never really able to say it back and mean it. Now I did.

"And what about Gale?" Gale is my best friend in District 12, we've been hunting partners and friends since both of our fathers were killed in a mining accident.

"Gale and I are to similar, and he's no you. You were there for me all of those nights, you kept me alive in the arena, and when they recharged the rules, and you were so willing to die for me. That's when I realized that I loved you and that I couldn't live without you."

And with that he kisses me. And I am happy because there are no cameras watching me, watching us.

He stays the night with me, and for the first time since I volunteered to take Prim's, my little sister who is only 12, place in the games, I don't have any nightmares.