This is the end! Thank you for reading!

Time for a change

Five years later...

Robbie was in the bathroom checking himself in a tux at the mirror. He smiles. Today was the day! Ace comes in a beautiful flower dress since she was the flower girl. Robbie thought she would be perfect as the Best Maid but she wanted to be in a flower dress. So instead Cat got to be the Best Maid.

"Hey, Robbie-kins! Ready for today? And to think five years ago I was beating the hell out of your dad!"

Robbie chuckles. "Ace, this is the boys bathroom."

"Don't make me fight for human rights to share a bathroom Robbie." She threatened.

Robbie shivered. Ace might actually do it. "No thank you. And I still can't believe my dad's clients went down hill after that."

"But he was saved thanks to the whole advertisement that he's a changed man." Ace rolled her eyes knowing that wasn't true. "But it's nice to see that more churches are open to gay marriages. It shows that people are more open to love." She makes Robbie face her to fix his bow tie.

"We should be going now. Beck is waiting for you." She winks.

Robbie blushes and they both walked out. The wedding ceremony took place at the back yard of a beautiful castle that had a ballroom almost exactly like the one in Beauty and the Beast. The backyard was a wide grassy plain that overlooked the beach with the perfect angle to see the sun set. A lot of people took their seats as the white aisle was prepared for the white altar decorated in trimmed vines and roses. Two boxes were set at the end of each row of chairs.

Robbie felt his heart thumping in excitement and nervousness. He became a famous ventriloquist but he didn't bring Rex with him to walk the aisle. He put him in one of the front seats. He was still important to him. As he tried to breathe to stay calm, it got a whole lot easier when Beck came to him in a suit with a flattering tie. His heart slowed down and he could breathe.

"Ready?" He asked with a smirk. Beck was achieving as an actor as he took more important movies. He was getting more famous and kissing a lot of girls and some boys but then they never really meant anything the way he kissed Robbie.

"Yeah." He smiles and shyly kisses Beck.

He snorts. "What was that?"

"You know I can never make a first good impression!"

He chuckles. "Come here!" He pulls Robbie into a deep passionate kiss the camera could never catch. "Feel better?"

"Huh?" Robbie was feeling dazed in cloud nine. "Oh yeah! Let's go! That's our cue!"

The couple walked down the aisle and took their respective places smiling at one another. The priest cleared his throat when everyone was at their own respective places. "Dearly beloved. We come here on a beautiful day to join these two in holy matrimone and to recite from their favorite soap opera, 'One life to live'. I'm terribly sorry if I make any mistakes. I am an old man." The crowd laughs lightly.

The priest takes out the paper. "Now as I join this couple in holy matrimone in the side of god and in this side of community. I hope that all loving couples will hold each other in the kind of tender reference. Will honor love in all its forms because love will not be denied just because some one thinks you don't have the right to it. And those who have the courage to risk their love, never lose. Even when they feel betrayed and lost, even when it feels futile, love has a way of reigniting and reanimating our lives of surfacing of a time we least expect it. Especially in people who only needed a chance to show that you can shine. Love is our pulse. A breath. And no matter who you find yourself in love with, it's always a gift. So cherish and celebrate your love as couples and partners for life."

The priest puts the paper away. "Now I pronounce Joey Valentine and Peter Parker."

"It's Drew Parker." Joey corrected.

The priest nods. "Drake Parker. Got it!" Everyone laughed lightly again. "So from the power invested in me, I now pronounce you hubby and husband."

The boxes open to reveal doves who flied into the air as the two men kiss. Everyone stood up and cheered. It was a wonderful reception. All the children were laughing or dancing. If they wanted to play, they could just go into the play room next door with supervisors.

The adults were chatting or dancing themselves on the dance floor. Tori and Jade were still a couple and were expected to adopt soon. Andre found himself a wonderful girlfriend and Cat was still surrounded by tons of boys.

Robbie was having a wonderful time talking to the happily married couple. Joey had reached to being the number one hottie of the year and best actor. Drew Parker happened to be his bestfriend when he was in Highschool who worked hard to become part of the filming industry to get close to Joey. Lots of drama and love making was had but that's another story.

Ace walked up to Beck at the punch bowl. "Mr. Oliver, I have a bone to pick with you!" She drunkily glared at him.

He snorted. "Really? And what's that?"

"How come daddy Beck isn't married to sweet Robbie-kins?" She claimed taking a seat to return sober by will if it was possible.

"I don't want to do it yet."

"Because you want to make sure he's the one or waiting for the right time?" She cocks her head to the side staring at him with lazy eyes.

"No, he is the one and yes, I am waiting for the right time." He responded.

"And when is the right time?"

Beck takes of sip of the punch. "The right time is when Robbie and I would be at a cozy nice home filled with everything we ever needed. Beds, closets, bathrooms, couches, tvs, books, pets, awards, etc. But most importantly it is when we have our little girls by us while we have a special family dinner talking about whatever and right in the middle of it, I would stare at my little girls and then at Robbie and think, 'This is everything I ever wanted'. I'd take his hand and then get on one knee with my girls giggling on the side and ask him for his hand in marriage. Does that answer your question, Ace?...Ace?"

He looks at the chair to see it empty. He looks lower to see Ace on the floor sleeping. Robbie comes over in worry, "Did she over drink again?"

Beck chuckled. "Yeah, let's bring her to one of the guest room." Robbie nods and helps carry Ace to get on Beck's shoulder. "I'll tell Joey and Drew that we'll be back." Robbie kisses Beck and leaves.

Yes, Beck will definitely wait for that day.

The End

A/N: (O_O) Uhm... *FLEES*