Hi guys, sorry it took so long for the update. Here's the last chapter!
Bankotsu paced the hallway as he thought of ways to express himself without hurting her. He cursed as he thought of all the things he had done to her already. He sighed as stepped into her room, he could do this. He had to tell her the truth.
Sesshomaru stood in the bathroom looking at his reflection in the mirror. He stared into his eyes and smiled. He had changed alot. She had made him soft. He splashed water on his face as he thought of all the things they had gone through in order to get to this day. The water dripped down his face as he turned off the facet. He sighed as he exited the bathroom. He hadn't gotten any sleep over the past couple of hours. Hewalked back over to the nursery and looked at his children one more time. He smiled as the happiness hit him. He had a daughter and a son already. He looked at the little girl as she silently slept next to her brother.
He would take care of them no matter what. His family was completed now. He pushed his hair out of his eyes and suddenly he felt butterflys. He wanted to see Rin. To thank her for everything. He backed away from the glass and smiled at the babies one last time.
Bankotsu walked into the room and smiled at Rin as she sat up in bed. "Rin, I have something to tell you-"
"Wait! Before you say anything I have something to say. Thank you. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have meet Sesshomaru. I was so angry at you for selling me that I thought I hated you but in reality I love you daddy. I know that some people would never forgive someone for selling them but what would be the point of holding a grudge over that. I forgive you and I appreciate-"
Bankotsu couldn't take it. The guilt was burning at his heart."Enough! Stop, I'm not your real father."
Rin looked up at him and laughed nervously,"thats not funny, stop joking around."
"Rin I'm not joking, I'm not your father. I found you on the street when you were a baby. It was so easy for me to sell you because I knew you weren't really mine but I did grow fond of you. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." Rin didn't say anything, she was silent as she stared at him. He felt a ping of anger at himself as tears formed in her eyes."
Rin sniffed as she wiped at her tears. He reached out to her and she slapped his hand away. He knew she was angry. "Please forgive me, I promise I'll be better."
Anger suddenly registered on her face."Why did you wait till now to tell me this? All these years have been a lie! You don't even really care about me, you just kept me around because it was convenient? I can't believe I forgave you. Right now I really do hate you. Get out! Get out now! I don't ever want to see you again, you bastard!" The tears were rolling down her cheeks as she glared at him.
He understood that she was hurt. He gave her a weak smile and walked over to her. He hugged her and slowly made his way to the door."I really am sorry, Rin. I know I should have told you earlier but I didn't have the courage. But you just said that holding a grudge would be pointless." He looked at her one last time and quickly hurried out of her room.
Sesshomaru leaned against the wall and glared at Bankotsu as he exited Rin's room. He had heard sighed as he thought of how Rin felt right now. He hated it when she cried, it tore him up inside. Bankotsu looked up at him as he stood in the dark hallway. "Your a bastard, but i'm sure you know that already."
They stared at eachother for a moment. Sesshomaru gritted his teeth. He walked over to Bankotsu and punched him. Blood dripped down his nose as Sesshomaru continued to glare at him. "Why did you wait until now to tell her something like this? You are so...I can't even come up with a word for you. But I don't want Rin to suffer from this, so I'll stay out of it as long as you don't continue to hurt her." He pushed past Bankotsu and entered Rin's room.
Rin was sitting up in the bed with her head down. Her hands covering her face as she cried. "Rin." She looked up at him as he approached her. "Sesshomaru...He was all I had...but it..was all a lie."
He held out his arms and held her. She clutched his shirt as she sobbed. "I forgave him because...I loved him, because he was my father." He held her tighter as he felt her pain. She grew silent in his arms and the silence was reasuring. He could hear the ticking of the clock above their heads and he tighted his hold on her. He tilted her head up. Their eyes locked for a moment and then he kissed her. Softly, caringly. She began to press harder against him and he deepened the kiss. She was frantic as he tried to slow the kiss down.
"Wait. Slow down, I'm not going anywhere." He looked into her eyes and slowly pressed his lips to hers again. She closed her eyes and leaned in closer. "Sesshomaru, I love you."
He smiled as he kissed her on the cheek,"I love you too."
1 year later
"Hold still, let me put the shirt on you! Suna, please be still!" Rin laughed as she watched Sesshomaru struggle. Suna was a lot more mischevious than her brother. She searched the room for Sei. She smiled as she saw him laughing at his father. They both had Sesshomaru's eyes and smile. They had Rin's hair color but Suna had a few strands of Sesshomaru's hair color. Suna acted morelike her father and Sei acted more like Rin.
"Sesshomaru, do you need help?" He glared at her and she laughed. "Okay, okay. I was just offering."
He finally got the shirt on Suna and he smiled in triumph. Suna pouted a little but then began to smile."Daddy, ith-cream, peth." He sighed and kissed her on the cheek before picking her up. Her little hands held onto his shirt as he smiled at her. Sei quickly stood up and wobbled over to his father. "Mi too, daddy." Sesshomaru reached down and lifted him into his arms.
Rin smiled at how cute they looked. She yawned as she grabbed her purse off of the table. As she reached for the purse her wedding ring began to shine in the light and she smiled again. She was truly happy.
She grabbed everything she needed and smiled at the twins.
Sesshomaru leaned down to kiss her and she gladly accepted it. "Okay let's go get ice-cream!"
The twins smiled,"Yay! Ith-cream!"