Authors Note: Hello all! this is just the intro to the story. The first few chapters will be short too. Just fair warning. PLEASE enjoy.!
The Ballad of the Forgotten Children
Children play, they fight invisible war with invisible armies and kingdoms.
In this world of childhood no one dies they only fall down to get back up.
It doesn't mean any thing they are children and do not know better.
They do not know the taste of steel,
the lust of gold,
or the greed of carnage;
they are protected by shields of innocence…
It is when they get older and learn to want and know honor that they trade their wooden swords for deadly steel and their pure cloaks for blood red. They leave their childhood and happiness in the past and pick up a past filled with revenge, for it is in the past that the past enemy lies and it is always the children that fight him.