This story is old, written circa 2003, but I decided to post up my old stories after editting the chapters and that's what I've started to do with this story so enjoy it for what it is and as bad as it may be lol

It was Summerslam night and against all doctors' orders Stephanie had gone to the arena, she knew she had to be there in case her Dad or Sable tried anything on. Stephanie was sat in the cafeteria all alone with a bottle of water and what was supposed to be her dinner but she couldn't face it as she was in a lot of pain.

Meanwhile Hunter, Randy and Ric were all walking through the corridor getting relaxed for the match when they walked past the cafeteria and Hunter happened to glance in and he saw Stephanie sat all alone, "hey guys I've got something I need to do, I'll catch up with you later."

Ric nodded, "sure man just take it easy."

Hunter turned around and walked into the cafeteria.

Hunter walked into the cafeteria and right over to Stephanie and she didn't move a muscle she just continued to play with her food so he sat down beside her, "hey Princess, what brings you to this part of town?"

Stephanie jumped at the sound of Hunter's voice, "do you go around scaring everybody like that?"

"Chill Steph, I just came to see how you were doing and to see if you should really be here tonight. I heard what they said on Smackdown about you having internal injuries and they're not a walk in the park I know."

She turned slightly and saw the sincerity in his eyes, "you watch Smackdown? Does Bischoff know? As for your questions I'm not supposed to be here, the doctors told me not to come but I'm here anyway."

Hunter shook his head, "Bischoff can get lost I can do what I want in my own home but yes I do watch Smackdown every week. You're ever the defiant one weren't you?"

Stephanie smiled at him and went back to picking at her dinner.

Hunter sat there with her for a while watching her pick at her dinner until he could take it no more, "Steph try putting it up to your mouth, it works better that way."

"I can't eat anything Hunter, it hurts too much."

"You forgot to take your painkillers did you?"

She shook her head, "no I took them alright they're just not working."

Hunter felt really bad for her, "is there anything I can do for you? Anything I can do to make you feel better?"

She was shocked, "you want to make me feel better?" Hunter nodded and she continued, "well you could . . . no I can't." Stephanie trailed off what she was saying not able to go through with it.

"What were you going to ask me Steph? You can ask me anything."

Stephanie sighed and looked at the floor, "you remember when we were married and when the guys used to hurt me?"

Hunter nodded his head in acknowledgement.

She continued, "well you used to hold me in your arms and the pain used to go away and I was kind of wondering if you'd do that for me now please, you don't have to though."

He quickly moved his chair closer to her and said, "come here then." As he gently pulled her to lean against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her.

After a while sitting like that Stephanie got up, "thank you Hunter, I know you hate me but that meant a lot to me and I feel better now so thanks. If you'll excuse me I have a show to prepare for."

She walked off not hearing Hunter say, "Princess I don't hate you at all".

Later on in the evening Hunter was back in his locker room with Randy and Ric and he was watching the A-Train/Undertaker match when Sable interfered but out of nowhere to a huge pop came as Stephanie entered the arena, "crap." Hunter exclaimed at the sight of her but his worry was uncalled for as shee attacked Sable and left her lying on the floor and the momentary distraction by the outside interference caused Taker to roll A-Train up and pin him.

Once Taker got up and was having his arm raised in the air A-Train got up and attacked him and his already injured ribs and once he was satisfied with his work he went to leave the ring and as he did Stephanie climbed back in to check on the Undertaker but A-Train saw her and decided now he could really put her out with her injuries still there and the more he could inflict on her so he climbed back in the ring but as he did in Hunter's locker room he shouted, "shit."

He ran from the locker leaving Ric and Randy none the wiser until they saw the television screen and Ric said, "I think we've found out his interest in this match, the one and only Billion Dollar Princess."

Back in the ring A-Train was backing Stephanie slowly into the corner and as she reached the turnbuckle he smirked at her, "I've got you now Princess."

He grabbed her arm to whip her into the other corner but what he didn't see and failed to register by the roar of the crowd was the appearance of somebody else in the ring, Triple H, so as A-Train whipped Stephanie across the ring he reached out and made a grab for her but as he did A-Train ran at him as soon as he saw him and as Hunter grabbed Stephanie A-Train caught him so Hunter collapsed onto Stephanie but he managed as best as he could to hold Stephanie from hitting the floor hard and from landing hard on top of her.

As soon as Hunter had landed A-Train was on top of him but Hunter managed to low blow A-Train and rolled him over so he was landing the punches. Out of the corner of his eye Hunter saw Stephanie and she looked hurt so he just grabbed A-Train up and pedigreed him as Taker seemed to be nowhere around and he went to her. As Hunter reached her she had her eyes tightly shut and was holding her ribs so he quickly got out of the ring and picked her up and carried her backstage.

As soon as they were backstage Hunter headed for Evolutions locker room, as soon as he opened the door Ric was onto him, "what do you think you are doing? You have a match later."

Hunter just said, "get up off the couch and get your ass' out I'm not in the mood."

As they left he laid Stephanie down on the couch, "come on Steph, talk to me."

Stephanie opened her eyes from where she had them tightly shut because of the pain, "hey, it's okay I'm not dead."

She smiled her infectious smile at him which made Hunter smile, "I know you're not but I was worried about you, you shouldn't have gone out there you know."

She tried to sit up but couldn't so Hunter said, "let me have a look at your ribs for you."

Stephanie lay back down and lifted the front of her shirt, "I only went out there to help Taker, he deserved the win but I didn't bank on A-Train coming back for me. Anyway I got revenge on that slut Sable so it was a good evening from where I stand." That's what she thought until she hissed in pain, "you know that hurts right?"

He laughed, "I figured. You need to lay down here and take it easy, no more catfights for you for a while."

Stephanie laughed, as Hunter went to walk away from her she grabbed his hand, "you don't think you could lay with me for a while until you have to get ready do you please?"

Hunter turned around, "sure, I'll lie with you for a while to make you feel better."

So she moved over on the couch to give him some room and snuggled up to him once he was laid down.

While they were lying there together they both reflected on the events of the evening and when both of them arrived to the arena earlier in the day neither of them could have even contemplated that by the end of the evening they'd be lying together on a couch.