I write way to many stories…

Okay, so this is set during Harry's sixth year, and Ginny's fifth. It's A/U.

I have no idea if this has been done before, but it probably has. I mean, this is Harry Potter fanfiction-all the original ideas are taken, more or less. But anyway, here-

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

Harry had had it.

Everywhere he went, she was there. Hiding in the corner, giggling; winking at him from across the room-who did this girl think she was, really? Nowhere was safe. Whenever he was in the common room, he felt her incessant stares. And the Great Hall was obviously out-she could be anywhere! Even his Transfiguration classroom-even Potions!-was bad (not that Potions hadn't always been). He would get continuous notes flooding his paper about, 'how was his day' and, 'did he need anything?'

No. What he needed was her to leave him alone.

"I mean really!" Harry's hushed whisper had caught Ginny's attention, and now she was listening in on the conversation between The Chosen One Potter and his best mate, Weasley. "It's like I have my own personal stalker!"

"I hear you, mate," came the reply of Ron. "But aren't all stalkers personal?"

"Shut it," Harry muttered. "Everywhere I go she's making doe eyes at me."

Ginny moved from the couch she was sharing with her friend to sit on the Gryffindor red love seat beside Harry, who had been seated across from Ron. She looked interestedly at him.

"Who's making doe eyes at you?"

Harry's head quickly snapped towards her and he flushed when he realized she had heard the conversation.

"No-no one," he stuttered.

"Oh, Harry, don't be a pansy," Ron turned to Ginny. "He's talking about Romilda Vane."

Ginny nodded. "Ah."

"Apparently," Ron continued, oblivious to Harry's shushing motions, "she's been following him everywhere." Ron smirked. "Kind of like your own personal stalker, eh, Harry?"

"Shut it, Ron."

"Hey, Ginny," Ron turned back to his sister, "do you think you could help him? This is a girl problem, and I'm not much help with those."

"Ron!" Harry groaned just as Ginny replied, "I'd love to."

"Besides," added Ginny teasingly, "'Not much'? I think you mean not at all, Ron."

Ron stuck his tongue out and scowled as Ginny laughed.

"Okay, Harry," Ginny said as a relieved looking Ron made his way toward Hermione, "tell me, have you tried to get rid of her in any way?"


"Harry," Ginny gave him a stern look.

"Fine, no."

"You polite git. Well, Harry, considering nothing else will work on Vane, the answer to your problem is simple, really; the only way to get rid of her is to get a girlfriend."

Harry looked at her incredulously. "But I don't have a girlfriend."

Ginny grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, dear Harrykins-"

"You spend too much time with the Twins."

Ginny ignored him, "-...exactly. That's where I come in."

Harry's face flushed with color, and he looked alarmed. "What?" He squeaked. "Are you really saying-?"

"That I should be your pretend girlfriend? I am. You'll need to be my pretend boyfriend, too, because Michael's being a bit of a Romilda as well."

Harry snorted, but he still looked nervous.

"Oh, come off it, Harry. We're just going to pretend to date a little, get Romilda and Michael off our backs, and then we can live our lives in peace, okay?" Or, Ginny thought, as peaceful as it can get in the war, being a Weasley and The Chosen One. But she did't feel the need to say that.

Harry frowned, still indecisive.

"Say," Ginny said thoughtfully, "I wonder if we could fix Romilda and Michael together…?"

Harry laughed. Romilda Vane and Michael Corner? That'd happen when there was a Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley. As Harry thought about it, he blushed. That was what Ginny was trying to do in the first place, anyway, and besides...was it really so bad if he dated Ginny? Harry quickly banished that thought from his mind. Ron would kill him, not to mention Bill...and Charlie...and Fred...and George...and Mr. Weasley, maybe...Merlin, was the list going to end? Well, if Percy was still in the family, maybe...

"What!" Ginny protested, and Harry was brought out of his thoughts. "I'm serious!"

"No, you're Ginny."

That joke brought back bad memories, but it was still fun to see Ginny angry. Most of the time. Only when it wasn't at him...So why was he doing this again?

Ginny gave him a hard look. "Do you want me to be your girlfriend or what?"

Harry choked.

"But there's another thing-we can't tell anyone about our plan."

"What?" Harry was alarmed. "Why?"

"Do you really trust Ron with this? Yes, Harry, he's your best mate, but I'm his sister. And Hermione-she'll only disapprove. 'Pretending to date? Scandalous!'" Harry grinned slightly as Ginny mimicked Hermione's voice, turning up her nose in a slightly pompous fashion. She paused, then said as if an afterthought, "Maybe I could tell Luna, though…"

"Argh!" Harry groaned. Why were woman so difficult? Not to mention Ginny? No Ron-which is understandable, Harry admitted-or Hermione-well, Ginny was right about that-but Luna! Not that she wasn't their friend or anything; she was. And she was pretty good at secrets, and usually saw right through lies...Harry sighed when he couldn't find a flaw in Ginny's 'don't tell' logic. "Fine. Fine, okay?"

"Okay, Harry." Suddenly the spark reentered her eyes. "By the way, you haven't asked me out yet."

"Er, okay, will you-?"

"No, Harry! Ask me when Romilda and Michael will see. How about the Great Hall, during dinner? I'd hate to have Ron bash you all day if you ask during breakfast."

And before Harry could comprehend what just happened, Ginny had given him a wink and slipped away. Harry stared after her in a daze, wondering what the heck he had just gotten himself into. And with Ginny Weasley, of all people. His best mate's sister! He didn't dare imagine the look on Ron's face when he found out...and Hermione would be so smug. Harry shook his head to clear his mind of the images.

"This is mental," Harry groaned aloud, earning himself a few odd looks. But he didn't care; he was almost as used to it as Luna was, anyway, so he guessed he should be used to the madness of the witch called Ginny if he already had to put up with things like this. 'This' meaning the madness of Romilda Vane.

Yes, Harry had had it. Well, desperate times call for desperate measures...

Well, here's my first shot at a Ginny/Harry story, or Harry/Ginny or whatever. I don't know how long this story will be, but it'll be pretty lengthy. Expect the next chapter soon-that is, of course, if you review. ^.^
