Hi guys, *hides behind her laptop*

I'm soooooo sorry about this late update! I know I told this story was almost done when I uploaded it… it was true and it was written until halfway this chapter.

But this is almost the end guys. So I hope you enjoyed this story for so far :D

I could make a sick sequel *smiles evilly*. Tell me if you would like that in the reviews!

On with the chapter!

Dick had become unconscious which caused the Martian and followers to lose contact with his mind, giving them a great sweep, wiping them back into reality. They all opened their eyes and saw Dick laying on the ground blood coming from his mouth.

"He have to go to the hospital! He's bleeding!" Batman exclaimed as he lifted up his broken bird. "Prepare the transporter!"

Before Batman could asked twice Flash returned. "Done, give it a moment to charge."

"Can you bring me some water?" before Batman could blink Flash stood before him with a glass of water. "Thanks."

Batman started to fill the boy's mouth with water and tilted his head so the water and blood streamed out of his mouth, into the floor.

"W-what are you doing?" Wally asked with a pale face as he looked at the bloody water being spilled on the ground.

"I try to prevent him from vomiting," Batman said as he let more water run out of the boys mouth. "That would only make his state worse."

"Oh," The red head spoke, face as white as a snow as he watched how the blood steamed out of his best friend into the floor.

"The transporter is almost ready." The Flash spoke up.

Batman rose and walked off with the boy still in his hands. "C-can I come with you?" Wally asked softly. Batman looked over his shoulder.

"One, there can be one person with me and you'll fight out who." He said as he entered the transporter.

The group of teens look at each other. "Wally should go. He's Robin's best friend," Kaldur said. "Just call and tell us all you know as much as you can."

Wally nodded and followed the Bat into the transporter and disappeared.


My hearing was the first to return as I heard my father speak. "How do you mean the wound in his stomach has reopened? How!?"

Than the feeling of touch returned to me. I felt something covered my mouth, it blew dry oxygen into my lungs. I also felt a stinging pain in my stomach, guess that was the wound I felt.

"He had a wound in his stomach?" I heard Wally speak in a soft voice. That was new.

"He had vomit so badly that his stomach got tore open, I'm still not sure how it happened. They attached it but he had lost much blood. his stomach had forced out so much. He was still not fully recovered nor had all his blood back but I thought he would be strong enough to be with his friends for a short day. But it seems I was wrong," Batman spoke.

Halfway Batman's explanation I found back the power to open my eyes but that was all I could do. I could not move my body nor speak though I wanted that badly. I wanted to ask if I was okay and what happened.

"It seems like the boy had a hard blow on his stomach as if he had a fight and got hit or fell on his stomach," The doctor said.

Of course, I fell to the ground when Megan entered my head. It must have went open when I hit the ground. But how can I tell them that when I can't talk?

"Wally, have you trained with him?"

"No, we only gamed and before we could do anything else you came in between."

I heard a long stretched hum from the billionaire as he was thinking about the possibilities. Oh, come on! I fell on my stomach! How can this be hard for you to find out!? You're Batman, for crying out loud, the world greatest detective! How can you not know this!? I started to scold my father mentally.

"There is a button beside his bed if something goes wrong," I heard the doctor excuse himself.

"He is still bleeding! Why you're leaving!?" I could hear the restrained anger in his voice.

"Because he needs more blood before we can go further with the operation. Otherwise he'll bleed to death in our hands. He needs at least three hours before he have enough blood in his body." The doctor said and closed the door behind him.

It was silence for a moment. And I could hear Wally's pacing in the room.

"I start to think that Dick might have turned to his back." To my back? "It could be possible that when he fell, he fell forward and turned himself around because of the pain?" The man thought out loud to himself

I saw Bruce turning around to me as he noticed that my eyes were wide open. "You're awake?" I could not answer. I just simply followed him with my eyes as he came closer to me. "How you're feeling?"

I wanted to answer somehow but nothing responded. My body felt like it was half dead and all I could do was watch, feel and hear.

"Can you hear me?" I figured since my eyes are the only things I can move I had to make some sort of code. The only problem now is making Bruce understand the code. I thought of blinking twice as a yes and blinking three times as no. So I blinked twice.

I saw his face change into and puzzled one. He reached out and touched my face. "Can you feel me?"

I blinked twice again. He noticed. "Can you speak?" he knew I would answer no, he most likely figured I could not speak after the first time.

I blinked three times. I heard a soft hum from the man.

"I can tell you he can't talk because he won't answer you." Wally came in between but Bruce told him to shut up by placing his hand over his mouth.

"Let see if I understand you right." Bruce started. "You're blond."

I first was a bit confused but that I started to understand where he was going. So I blinked three times.

"You're last grade for math was a A+."

I blink twice.

"You're second name is John."

I blinked twice.

He smiled. "you're hurt?"

I blinked twice.

"Only you stomach?"

I blink three times. Not my whole body hurt but my head did. And I felt so tired and thirsty.

"Oh, You need me to do something?" I saw Wally looking over Bruce's shoulder, face full of ignorance.

I thought about his question, if I would say yes we would end up in a huge guessing game, though my throat was begging for water plus I really wanted to know what happened. And not to forget I want to know if I can be Robin again.

"Dick can you still hear me?" he asked me after he noticed I started to doze off thinking about a good answer or a better way to communicate.

I quickly blinked twice to tell him I could still hear him.

"You don't know what to answer."

I narrowed my eyes, what to answer, it is, kind of… or not? Dang it! I'm just not sure. I decided to enter a new word, hoping Bruce would tag along. I blinked four times.

Bruce frowned. "Was that a no?"

I blinked three times.

"I don't understand the two of you! How the hell do you communicate!?" Wally burst out after the, he would say, too long wait for explanation.

"He was talking with no and yes by blinking. Twice is yes and three times is no," Bruce explained. I saw an obvious "Ooooh" face on Wally as he finally seemed to understand our little conversation. "But he have entered a new word, I don't know yet what it means." Bruce returned to me. "A maybe?"

I blinked once again four times. He frowned again only deeper now. I heard a long and deep exhale coming from the man as he searched for good questions to ask me.

"Wait," he said suddenly instead the expected question. "It was not a no neither a yes, and Maybe is unsure, but it could be close to it, so could the word be close and kind of?"

I wanted to smile as I saw the detective that had taken me under his wing for so long cracking my, I thought not too hard, code. I blinked twice.

Batman smiled proudly as he received my yes. "So you're not sure how to answer my question. You're afraid that we'll end up in a game of guessing?"

I blinked twice.

Bruce hummed again softly. "Okay that about the needing stuff, I'll try to put way of helping in pieces, that would make it easier to narrow down what you want."

I blinked twice as a "okay".

"You need just one thing?"

I blinked three times.

"You two things?"

I blinked twice.

"Is it because you're hurt?"

I blinked four times.

"It's irritated you?"

I blinked four times.

He frowned again.

"Basic need?"

I blinked twice.

"You need to pie!?" Wally came between now he finally could follow the conversation.

I blinked three times.

"You're hungry?"

Close! I automatically narrowed my eyes at the small miss he made. I blinked four times.

"You're thirsty?"

I blinked twice.

A sigh. "I don't know if I can give you any," He closed his eyes for a fast thought but opened them very quick and looked at me. "What is your second need? Also a part of hurt?"

I blinked three times.

"You need me to change anything?"

I blinked again three times.

He thought for a second. "You need rest?"

I blinked twice.

"Good, I'll try to find out if I can give you something to drink and you'll rest as long I'm away."

I blinked once again twice as answer.

"I'll be right back," He said before he planted an awkward father kiss on my forehead, which normally would make me protest, and left the room.

I closed my eyes as I suddenly felt like falling, falling away. Pain overtook me and it felt so wrong. I started to feel panic creeping up inside me. As I finally burst my eyes open I saw doctors around me. again a pain ran through me, through my heart to be precise.


There was so much pain and as I looked aside me I saw even more pain. I saw Bruce with heartbroken tears in his eyes. I saw his lips saying my name but I heard no voice. Again a pain through me.


Then everything stopped. The pain, the shouting man, the tears in Bruce's eyes stopped running down. I heard many short beeps. My heart was back on normal rate and my mind reached the blank state once again.


I opened my eyes but closed them again as the light felt too strong for them. I heard somebody rose from his seat and walk toward me. It didn't went unnoticed that I had woke up.

"Dick? You're awake?" a girly voice asked me.

I opened my eyes meeting a black haired girl lean over me. Her long black locks almost brushed my face and I produced a smile. "Emma,"

"I-I'll call your father," she almost run off leaving me behind. It gave me time to notice I was in a different room. I recognized the high ceiling. I was home.

I heard the door open. "Dick?" a warm voice asked as the door opened.

I turned my head, meeting the relieved face of my father. "Dad," He walked up to me, a smile curling up on his face.

"How you're feeling, chum?" the man asked as he leaned down to me to brush some hair out of my face.

"Better, a lot better," Bruce's smile grew a little more. He moved his hands underneath my back and slowly started to lift me from my bed. "You haven't called me chum for a long time."

I leaned more into his arms than that I actually sat. even though I felt a lot better I still felt weak. My stomach stung and my head felt heavy. I knew I had slept for a while but I still felt like sleeping.

"I haven't?" He asked as he lifted me a bit further, making enough space for him to take place on the bed. He sat down and moved back and let me rest in his arms.

It felt good to lie in my father's arms. It felt as if I've been away from him for a long time. It gave me rest to be so close to him, so close to his heart. I closed my eyes and hummed a yes. "I don't precisely know when you stopped calling me chum."

Emma rose from her chair. "I'll leave the two of you alone now," she said smiling. She was so happy that Dick and his father finally started to talk again.

She left the room and closed the door behind her. "What about Robin," was the first thing the Boy Wonder asked, the second he saw the door had been closed.

Two blue orbs looked up, crystal clear yet deep blue meeting darker blue ones. The young boy felt a grip from around his hand, a reassuring one. His heart skipped a beat as his eyes grew for a split second. Was Bruce going to tell him he couldn't be Robin again?

"Listen," that made Dick's hand tighten around his fathers. "Since we found you bleeding after waking up from your thoughts we hadn't discussed this," the boy sighed in relieve. That was not the answer he expected. It was better than he expected but still not what he hoped for. "I told them to think about it while I watched over you. Once you're stable enough I'll go back to the Watch Tower to have a word with all of them, trying to get their real thoughts about it. I won't let them take this lightly."

"Thanks dad," the boy smiled, relaxing a bit more in his father's arms. "For everything."

The teen saw something change in his Bruce's eyes. "Dick, I need to ask you something," the boy swallowed, they weren't done yet? "And I need you to be honest with me," there was a short silence until Dick nodded. "Can you," the man started, voice think from severity. "Can you forgive me for not seeing your state for so long. For not seeing the bed health you had nor noticing how you felt?"

The millionaire's ward smiled. "Yes, dad. I already did," the boy snuggled his nose into the man's neck, giving the playboy the shivers. Than he felt tears. He looked down at the black locks blocking his sight at the boy's face. "Can you forgive me for not staying strong? For not telling how messed up I actually am?"

"Dick," the man spoke his name in hurt. His one hand stroking his raven black hair and the other rubbing pleasant circles on the boy's back. "I never blamed you for that. It wasn't your fault. I should have seen it."

The boy kept on sobbing and the man rest the side of his head on top of his son. He waited for a minute, giving the boy some time to let everything sick into him. "Shall we call it even?" Richard looked up, face stained with tears and eyes red. "We'll start over. Okay?"

The teen nodded. "A new beginning sounds good," the teen smiled, which looked a bit off by all the tears and the sobbing strained voice.

The young boy leaned back into his father's arms, eyes heavy of weariness. And they talked, until Dick fall asleep in Bruce's warm embrace.


"Recognized, Wally, B03," A Computer voice announced, causing a few teens to jump up from their chairs. Artemis, Kaldur and Megan quickly speeded off towards the Zeta Tubes.

The teens were concern about their younger team mate since they had heard he had a heart failure at the ER. They knew he was home now but they were still very eager to hear more about the boy. And Wally was the person to get information about the acrobat since he was the most closest to the Boy Wonder of them all.

Superboy just grunted as he rose. Why did they have to run? It was not like the boy would be in a better state if they knew it sooner. Couldn't they walk, for once?

"How is Robin?" he heard his girlfriend ask loudly in her worried voice. The Clone smiled. Even though it was useless, the rushed Martian was kinda cute to watch. So maybe it wasn't all that bad after all.

He walked into the room, seeing everybody gathered around the speedster who seemed a bit taken off guard by the sudden spotlight. "I-I have no idea. I haven't anything after the message that he woke up. I would have told you guys if I knew anything."

"We know," Kaldur started. "It's just," the Atlantean thought for a second. "that we're really concern about Robin. We simply hoped you came here to tell us great news of any kind, for coming here for the first time since the whole accident with Robin."

"It's okay," the red head laughed. "I completely understand. But to be honest with you guys, I came here to forget all that for the moment. I haven't slept that great the past days and I could really use some positive energy."

"Oh, we could take a flight with the Bio Ship!" Megan said, fist balled in enthusiasm at high of her chest. "I and Conner have found a place where they have really good cakes. It's called Alfred's Sweets. We should totally go there!"

"Megan, it's Conner and I," Artemis placed in a smile, not meaning to offend the girl. "It's a common mistake."

"Oh," the girl giggled nervously. "I heard people say it like that when they were talking about their boyfriend. Thought it was a way of talking when you're a couple," the green girl blushed slightly.

"It sounds like a plan anyway!" Wally spoke loud. "I'm hungry."

"That's not for new," the archer spoke, striking his arm with a flat arm.

"Ouch!" the red head yelped and rubbed his arm. "Well sorry for being a speedster. FYI; I've saved your butt a few timed because of my speed."

The archer rolled her eyes and wanted to give a new comeback but Kaldur jumped in before it could escalate. "Okay, let's go now."

The teens walked off and Wally stood still of a second. Alfred's Sweets? The teen laughed. The coincidence. He shrugged and followed his friends.

At least it wasn't too short :)

Oh! I have a new Facebook Page for Godismetons. I'll be keeping you guys up-to-date about my stories and other stuff that I'm doing. It's still very new (I started it today) so things might change much in the coming days, but that keeps it interesting right? ;)

Anyway, I hope you visit my page (www . facebook Godismetons), I'll like to hear from you guys and I can throw some ideas on it and you could decide if I'll write it or not.

And don't forget to review! :3