Oh my god I am so sorry. I totally lost all hope in this story for a while, but tonight I got a spark of inspiration and finished it. I. Finished. It. I have no good enough excuse for not updating sooner except that my gateway crapped out on me so I got a Mac and started using pages. However stupid me didn't realize that a pages document couldn't be uploaded onto and just last week I found out how to export a pages document into a word document and *scream* I WAS JUST ABSOLUTELY HATING THIS STORY! SO this has not been edited at all. I have just finished dragging it out of the recesses of my mind and typed it up. It is pretty much shitty and I kind of hate it but I have fallen out of love with this story and I just wanted it to end.

So I apologize for any spelling/grammar errors and I hope you forgive me for the wait. Without further a-due, the LAST chapter of When a Lover Comes Back . . .

It was dark where Ryoma was standing. He groped around until he gripped a door handle. As he opened the door, light spilled in, he discovered he was in a closet and voices could be heard outside. He opened the door to find Kunimitsu and himself arguing in the older mans condo. What is going on? he though, am I having a flashback in third person?

"Ryoma, you know that I love you, that I love us. But you need to focus on your tennis if you want to go pro," Kunimitsu spoke quietly trying to calm his younger lover.

"Does that mean you think that I'm not good enough to go pro? I thought you were the one who wanted me to follow my dreams!" dream Ryoma was much less conscious of how loud he was.

"That is not what I said Ryo and you know that," the tall man sighed and took off his glasses to wipe them off, "I just want you to do your best and you coming home every weekend is distracting from tennis,"

"So now you are going to lecture me about jet lag too? Thanks but I already have a coach for that and you are not my buchou anymore. I don't need you!" dream Ryoma spat out, grabbed his bag from the couch and ran out the door. Future Ryoma ran after him trying to talk to him, trying to tell him to go back, that this was all a misunderstanding.

"No you idiot! Go back to him! It was all a mistake you have to hear me, you are making the worst decision of your life!" future Ryoma was frantic, screaming at his dream self to go back and make up with Kunimitsu, "No go back! GO BACK!"

Ryoma sat bolt upright in an unfamiliar bed screaming. His breath was fast and shallow then Brenda came rushing in.

"Calm down Ryoma, it's okay your safe now," she cradled him in her arms, "Your safe I promise," and the younger man began to cry. He cried for his lost love and everything else that had gone wrong since then. Thirty minutes later he finally calmed down enough to realize that he had left his son at home all night without an adult.

"I'm sorry Brenda, John but I have to go. Roteki is probably worried sick about me. Thank you so much for saving me last night I can't thank you enough," with that he left as quickly as possible. Hoping they wouldn't ask about what happened.

Kunimitsu was woken up by his cell phone, his eyes were crusted from tears and he had slept in his clothes. He covered his head with a pillow hoping that the annoyance would go away. But whoever was calling was persistent. They were going to get ahold of him no matter what. Finally he rolled over and growled into the phone.

"What do you want,"

"It's just me Tezuka, you know, best friend since pre-school, sadistic male who will hurt you if you don't loose the attitude," Fuji's voice sounded much too chipper for five in the morning, "Anyways I heard that Ryoma paid you a visit last night and it didn't go well. I only have one thing to say to you. Fix it. If you don't it will be the worst mistake you have ever made," the photographer then hung up, leaving a confused surgeon with a phone to his ear. Now much to confused to go back to sleep.

It wasn't until five days after that eventful day of confrontation that Ryoma and Kunimitsu were forced to be together in the same room. The old team was throwing a party for Kawamura who just found out his wife was pregnant.

The whole party was awkward, with Ryoma and Kunimitsu trying to avoid each other and Roteki trying to get them to talk. After it was over Fuji and Kunimitsu walked home together.

"You do know you are an idiot right?" Fuji spoke softly, making the words have just that much more bite. Tezuka didn't reply so the tensai went on, "You both love each other so why are you fighting it? I think that you are just scared. Scared of the vulnerability you show to Ryoma and the potential he has to hurt you. But I guess if you are just to afraid of love then just keep on avoiding the issue and make the worst decision of your life,"

Those words stopped Tezuka in his tracks. As Fuji kept walking on, the brown hair man made his choice. He turned on his heel, and ran.

Ryoma was surprised to hear a knock on his door after just having been with his friends he wondered who it could be. As he opened his apartment he saw Kunimitsu standing there and tried to slam it closed.

"Ryoma wait please, me need to talk. I promise I will leave if you want me to but I just want to talk," the pleading tone of voice cracked Ryoma's anger and he slowly opened the door. They stood looking at each other for a while until Ryoma jerked his head to the hallway leading to the bedrooms.

"We'll talk in there. I don't need Roteki to hear this," they both walked through the living room where Roteki was watching cartoons and Ryoma shut the door behind them. Both were silent for a while.

"What happened to us?" Gold eyes searched a stoic face, "I mean what really happened to us? It seems like everything was perfect one day and the next I was on a plane to America crying my eyes out,"

All was silent for a moment and they heard the sound of Roteki laughing at something in the other room.

"I think we let our guard down," Gold eyes snapped back up to brown.

"That's the point though! You should be able to let your guard down with the person you love. You should be able to not have to worry about appearances because the other will love you no matter what; no matter the hard times or the times you want to kill them. You will always love them and they will always love you," Silence again.

"At least that's what I used to think. I'm not so sure anymore." Both men looked away from each other, lost in thought.

"Do you want to try?" confusion flickered across the elder's face, "Do you want to try letting our guard down around each other? Try to not worry about appearances? Because I know never stopped loving you, can you fall back into love with me, Kunimitsu?"

A small smile spread across the stoic man's face and he leaned in to kiss his lover.

"OYAJI! YOU HAVE TO COME SEE THIS!" Roteki burst through the door ruining the moment and dragging Ryoma out with a chuckling Kunimitsu following behind.

Later that evening as all three males sat around the TV watching childrens cartoons. Kunimitsu watched his love snuggle up with his son. All he could think was.

Fuji was right. I am an idiot, but at least we will try to fix this together.

Boom, done. It is finished, please review and tell me how it was. I will probably write a few one-shots in the next two years about their lives but no promises. I am sorry for getting all your hopes up to totally let them all down with this shit-tastic chapter. I hope you can forgive me. Until next story!

~Mad Hatter~Clover~