Here it is. After four years of writing, here is the final chapter of this story!

Thank you for sticking with me on this crazy ride! I cannot express how much all of your reviews and messages have meant to me. I have been so lucky to have your support as readers and also to get to know a few of you through PMs! Each and everyone of you are incredible, and I thank you for your patience and kindess.

Thank you to those of you who reviewed, favorited, and followed the last chapter! I got back to most of you but thanks also to: Myr (I hope you're happy with the ending!), Guest 1 (There will be more of Ellie, Kenny, and Bones in the next installment, promise!), Guest 2 (So glad you're liking Kenny! He's been a really interesting character to "get to know" and delve into.), Sabrina, Guest 3, Guest 4 (Ooh! Good ideas! I have the bath one partially written so it'll be up soonish...), britt, Storylover00, Karina (Gah! I'm so happy you think Hap's in character! I struggle with him a lot, so I'm glad he comes across well. Probably won't write a whole solo story about Hap and Chloe, but I'm up for writing one-shots if you have any ideas and maybe just maaaaybe I'll write a short little story about them.;)), and Guest 5 (Thank you for your concern! I'm okay! Just procrastinating putting up this final chapter because I didn't want this to end!).

BIG thanks to lizmynameis for helping me figure out where to take this last chapter! I had been stuck on certain parts of it a long time, and she helped me get back on track! She has two amazing Juice stories (the "Pretty Girl" series and Glass Slippers) that you should definitely check out! :)

Also a big shout out and thanks to KupKakes09 for her constant support and for letting me bounce ideas off of her! Angela's relationship with Esai and the Mayans wouldn't be as strong as it is without her! ;) She has a few great fics up too, but Monster is my favorite. ;)

Another shout out to Tumblr user holychalupas! We talked about this ending a long time ago, and its changed a lot since then but the bare bones of it is still there! Thanks for helping me get there! :)

Disclaimer: I own nothing but Angela, Evie, Chloe, Dino, and Jo!

Hands All Over

Epilogue: And They Lived...

By Love Ink

Six months later...

Juice played with Angela's hair as she lay sleeping on his chest. A nightmare had woken him up earlier, and he hadn't been able to fall back asleep. It was an unusual event now that he had his family safe under one roof, but sometimes they came back and hit him full force. This time, he'd been stuck in jail on Jax's wishes and made to do unspeakable things to help Jax get his revenge on Lin for what he'd supposedly done to Tara. He'd woken up before he got to then end of the dream, but he had a feeling it would end the same way all of his nightmares did. He'd die, and his family would be at Jax's mercy. As much as he knew it was a dream, he'd woken up with the lingering feeling of fear that the 'happily ever after' he'd worked so hard to achieve was only temporary, and at any moment, the club could burst in and ruin it all.

He'd been surprised when he'd woken up, and Angela was still sleeping serenely on his chest. She had to be exhausted to sleep through his tossing and turning. He couldn't blame her; Evie was having a hard time adjusting to sleeping on her own in her own room. She often woke up in the middle of the night and cried uncontrollably until Angela went to soothe her. He'd tried to go in her place a few times, but Evie was insistent on her Mama. As much as it hurt him, Juice couldn't blame her; Angela had been taking care of her mostly alone since she'd been born. Sure, he'd been in and out, but Angela's presence had never wavered. No wonder Evie was so attached to her. He prayed that Evie wouldn't stay sleeping for a little longer this time; he was enjoying the comfort and the peace that came with his wife's presence. It was what he needed to fend off the residual feelings his nightmare had left behind.

He lightly trailed the tip of his finger over the black lines tattooed across Angela's shoulders. His tattoos. Tattoos that were invisible to the naked eye and would remain that way until his hair started to thin. He'd decided to bury them underneath a thick layer of hair just as he'd decided to bury the outlaw he'd been in Charming. He wasn't that guy anymore. He never would be again. The only proof they were there was in pictures. Pictures he'd told Angela to put away for the foreseeable future; he didn't want Evie to see them. Didn't want her to know about his past until it was absolutely necessary. He just wanted to be a normal guy to her. Angela hadn't been happy with his decision, but she'd gone along with it. All of those old pictures were packed away and hidden in their basement. The only remnants of SAMCRO that lingered in his house were the old pictures of Happy and Kozik that Angela had put up in the guest room and the picture of Opie and Donna that Kenny had shoved into the frame of his mirror in his room. Angela's tattoos were his only reminder of the man he'd once been. He still loved them, though. They were a symbol of her love for him; she was his. She'd always be his.

A soft rustling sound came from the baby monitor. He grabbed his iPad off of his bedside table, and checked the video monitor to see what was happening in his daughter's room. He smiled at the sight of her laying close to the side, her little hand reaching out between the wooden slats to Rigor who sat beside her. Rigs nuzzled her little hand, licking it once before settling beside her. It was rare that Evie and Rigs weren't together. Now that Evie was walking, he followed her every step, making sure to nuzzle her hand and give her kisses every time she fell.

Juice smiled as he remembered her first steps. He'd just gotten home from work and walked into the living room to greet his family when Evie pulled herself up on the coffee table, raised her arms, shouted, 'Da-da!' and took a few shaky steps towards him. He'd stopped in his tracks, locking eyes with Angela as Evie waddled towards him, shrieking his name in excitement. He'd scooped her up when she was close enough, tears in his eyes as he showered her with kisses. Angela and Kenny had followed close behind her, Kenny having the good sense to actually record her on his phone while Angela was too busy smiling and clapping to have thought of it. It'd been the first time they'd felt like a true family, all laughing and celebrating the milestone together. Juice had never felt happier in his life. He'd gotten what he'd always wanted, what he'd been seeking when he joined the Sons…a family.

He traced his daughter's face, watching as she grabbed her pitbull stuffed animal and tossed it out of the crib. Rigs dutifully went after it and tried to give it to her, but it wouldn't fit through the slats. Evie frowned in frustration, her eyebrows knitting together as she tried desperately to get her stuffed animal back. When she couldn't, she sat back and started crying. A loud, heart-wrenching cry for "Mama" that made Juice cringe. With a sigh, he switched off the monitor and carefully slipped out of bed. It was late enough in the morning to get Evie up and ready for the day instead of trying to put her back to sleep.

Strolling down the hallway, he enjoyed the pictures on either side of it. Ellie had forced them all to do a family photo shoot the last time she'd visited, taking all sorts of posed pictures and candids to replace the pictures they'd hidden. It'd been a pain in the ass, but it was worth it. The pictures were beautiful and made their new little house even homier. He'd caught Angela staring at them more than once, a content smile on her face that made his heart flutter. He'd felt like guilty as hell for making her leave her family behind, so he treasured every moment he caught her smiling. It eased his guilt to know she was genuinely happy there and not just putting on a show for him.

"Mama!" Evie shouted again, pulling him from his thoughts.

Running a hand through his hair, he opened the door to her room. Rigor greeted him with a whine, holding the toy in his mouth. "Good boy, Rigs," he told him, leaning down to kiss his head as he scratched behind his ears. Rigor licked his hand before settling on the little rug, waiting for Evie to be taken care. Juice chuckled as he approached Evie's crib. "Good morning, Monk! How are you, pretty girl?" he asked cheerfully, scooping her up into his arms and kissing her cheek while he handed her the stuffed pit bull.

As soon as the dog was in her hand, she calmed down, hiccuping a bit as she snuggled her face into his neck. "Da-da," she babbled, clinging to him. " 'evos?"

He chuckled, smoothing a hand over her wild hair. "You hungry, Monk? Want some huevos? Some eggs?" he asked, using the Spanish word for 'egg'. Angela was determined to have Evie grow up learning English and Spanish. Much to his despair, Evie seemed to favor Spanish, a language he was now learning with her. Half the time, he had no idea what she was saying or what she wanted, though.

Evie nodded enthusiastically while he wiped away the remnants of her tears. "Da-da 'evos!"

"All right, Monk. Let's get you some huevos," he said, carrying her back down the hall. "Huevos for my monita linda." (Eggs...eggs for my pretty little monkey)

Rigor trailed alongside him as they headed down the stairs to the kitchen. Evie's dark eyes followed her dog as they walked. "Where Mama?" she asked, her little finger tracing over his tattoo.

"Mama's sleeping. Ssshhh," he explained, putting a finger to his lips. "So we have to be quiet."

She mimicked him, putting her little finger to her lips and everything. "Ssshh."

Juice chuckled to himself as he set her down in her high chair. He opened the backdoor for Rigor, making sure angle the high chair so Evie could see him and vice versa. "Music, Monk?"

"Di'ney!" Evie shouted, throwing her hands in the air.

He cringed at his daughter's new Disney Princess obsession. He swore he knew every word to those damn songs now. "Of course," he muttered, putting it on for her. She moved her toes and hand fingers with the music happily, babbling along with the words. "Crazy girl."

Kenny came trudging in slowly from his room down the hall, rubbing at his eyes as he yawned. "Mornin'."

"Mornin' Ken. No football today?" Juice asked, glancing over his shoulder at his adopted son. The kid clearly had gotten most of Opie's genes. He was huge! Easily towering over both of his adopted size was the reason one of the upper classman footballer players had all but forced him to join the team. Not that Kenny complained; he'd told Juice that he actually enjoyed the sport and the team camaraderie. It'd been a great way for him to make friends and keep him from getting bored at home.

"Nah. Coach gave us a break for once. He did say he might start me next game, so that's cool," he explained with a shrug. He went over to Evie's highchair, smiling at his little sister. "Sup Monk?"

"Nee-nee!" Evie shouted, waving her arms in the air. He leaned over and kissed her cheek, chuckling when she gave him a sloppy kiss back."Mama sleepy. Da-da cook!"

"Bacon and huevos. Wanna set the table for me?"

Kenny nodded, grabbing the utensils and the plates. "On it," he said laying them on the small dining table neatly. "Surprised Ma's still asleep."

" 's the first night your sister slept through," Juice explained with a smirk. "Think Mama was a little exhausted. But I do need someone to go wake her up..."

"No dice," he said, shaking his head emphatically. "I'll feed Monk, you go wake Mama Bear."

"Scared of waking the Sleeping Beauty?"

"I don't have a death wish," Kenny muttered, putting the plate of scrambled eggs on Evie's tray and sitting next to her. Evie immediately went to town on the dish, her little toes wriggling as she picked up pieces of egg with her fingers and stuck them in her mouth.

Juice chuckled, mussing his daughter's hair on his way to the stairs, taking them two at a time as he headed to their room. The room was bathed in sunlight making the tan skin of Angela's bare back glow. The crisp white sheet was draped perfectly over the shape of her ass. He knew she was naked under that sheet and couldn't help thinking about how she'd gotten that way. Kneeling beside her, he pulled the sheet off of her, kissing his way up her leg, his eyes darting to her face just in time to catch her smile; she was awake. He moved to her ass, biting one cheek while kneading the other with a hand, then trailed his kisses up her spine until he got to her neck. She shivered underneath him, a happy sigh leaving her lips. "Mmm. Mornin' goof."

He kissed across the tattoos on her upper back before nipping at her shoulder. "Mornin', beautiful," he murmured, his lips against her skin. "I made breakfast."

She rolled onto her back with a groan, reaching up for him. "Mmm. Beso first," she pleaded, reaching for his face, fingers sliding into his hair to pull his lips down to hers. He obliged her with a sweet kiss before he moved his lips down her neck and chest, nuzzling his nose against her sternum before blowing a raspberry into her skin. She laughed, her fingers raking through his thick hair. "Juice!" (Kiss)

He lifted his head setting his chin on her chest, laying down half on top of her so as not to crush her with his full weight. "Love you, baby."

She caressed his cheek lovingly. "Love you, too."

"C'mon. Made some bacon and huevos," he told her with a smirk.

"Huevos, huh?"

He nodded. "My daughter teaches Spanish better than my wife."

Angela smiled, tracing the features of his face as if she couldn't get enough of the feel of his skin. "That's my girl. You know her Abuelas only talk to her in Spanish on their video chats, right? Her Abuelo too when he gets a chance to get on there." (Grandmas...Grandpa)

Juice grimaced, still a little uncomfortable with Evie calling Marcus Alvarez and his Old Lady his grandparents. Angela had asked him if it was okay before Evie started talking, and he'd agreed mostly because he knew how much the Alvarez family cared about his girls and he wanted Evie to have the big, loving family he'd always wanted. Yet it was was still hard to wrap his head around the fact that the man who'd turned him in to the Sons was now technically his father-in-law. "You still owe me those Spanish lessons. Monk can only teach me so much."

She hooked a leg over his, her barefoot smoothing over the back of his calf. "Our Spanish lessons never last long, Juan Carlos," she purred, catching his lips in a searing kiss.

He pulled her in closer, his arms snaking underneath her, one hand tangling in her dark hair while his tongue slid into her mouth. She ground her hips into his, making his blood surge to one particular part of his body as she started to push his boxers down with her foot. Juice knew his kids and his breakfast was waiting for him downstairs, but the need to go down there and join them was starting to wane. He was more interested in his wife and the way she was moving her hands all over him.

Then there was a tap at the door. "Um, Ma?" Kenny's voice called. "Hate to interrupt whatever you guys are uh…doing in there, but uh…Aunt Chloe's on the phone for you. Sounds important."

Juice groaned, nuzzling his face into her neck. "So much for Spanish lessons," he muttered, kissing her softly before rolling off of her.

She laughed, standing from the bed and grabbing the boxers and tank top he'd taken off her the night before from the floor. "Sorry, baby," she told him, tugging the shirt over her head. She kissed him while pulling up the loose boxers shorts. "We'll continue lessons later."

He grabbed a pair of sweatpants to pull over his boxers, smacking her ass as she walked by. "Can't wait."

Angela winked at him, opening the door with a laugh. "Hey handsome," she greeted Kenny, standing on her toes to kiss his cheek. He handed her the phone, rolling his eyes at her when she walked by him, a skip in her step as she headed towards the kitchen.

Kenny stayed in the hallway, raising an eyebrow once Juice stepped out. "Really? We're right downstairs?"

He shrugged a shoulder. "Relax, kid. Nothin' happened," he assured him, clapping him on the shoulder. "Now last night, on the otherhand…"

"Oh that's gross! I really, really don't want to know," he said, his nose wrinkled in disgust. "Eves is still eatin', but I gotta shower so I can go meet Jazzy in a bit."

"Girlfriend Jazzy?" Juice teased with a wide grin. Kenny had talked nonstop about Jazzy since he'd met the girl, though he firmly denied they were dating. He insisted they were working on a school project together. He wasn't fooling anyone with the excuse though; no school project lasted that long.

He blushed in response, shaking his head. "No. She's not my…she's just my friend. We're just…forget it. Never mind," he muttered, heading back down the stairs to go to his room.

"Uh-huh, sure. Your Ma was just my friend for a while too, y'know!" he called after him, chuckling when his only response was a middle finger in the air.

Angela walked into her sun-soaked kitchen, smiling at the Disney Princess music blasting out of the Bluetooth speaker on the counter. There was a mug on the counter filled to the brim with coffee, the perfectly tan shade telling her Juice had made it just the way she liked it. She'd told him once the perfect cup of coffee had just enough cream to be the same shade of his skin. Of course, she'd said this between kisses, and they'd ended up naked on the floor of her tiny kitchen in the funeral home. She missed those days. Now with Evie and Kenny in the house, it was hard to have spontaneous quickies in whatever room they got turned on in. Grabbing the mug, she took a seat next to Evie's high chair and took the phone off hold. "Hey Chlo! Sorry for the wait! Was just waking up," she said on a breath.

Evie's eyes lit up when she saw her. "Mama!" she shrieked, grinning widely at her and showing off her four teeth. Angela leaned over to kiss her forehead, wiping some egg off of her cheek as she listened for Chloe's response.

"No worries. I get it. Listen, Ang, I got some news," Chloe's tired voice came from the other end.

"Pause your news for a sec. Someone wants to say 'hi'. Evie-doll, do you want to say 'hi' to Chloe? Say 'hi Chloe!'" she cooed, putting the phone on speaker, careful to keep it out of Evie's reach.

"Hi Co!" Evie parroted, trying her best to grab the phone out of her Mom's hands.

Chloe laughed softly. "Hi Evie! How are you, pretty girl?"

" 'evos! Spash!" she replied seriously.

Angela kept it out of Evie's grasp, putting the phone to her ear again. "Daddy made her some huevos and then we're going to do some splashing in the pool, huh, Evie? Are you going to swim with your primos?" (cousins)

"Peee-mos! Spasssssh!" Evie shouted, clapping excitedly. She waved at her Dad as he walked in, holding out a piece of egg to him in offering. He loudly accepted it, eating it straight from her fingers while making obnoxious monster sounds. Her giggles filled the air making both her parents smile.

"Smart girl you got there," Chloe said on a soft sigh. "But I got stuff to tell you, Ang. Can you get away for a minute?"

Angela frowned, a little apprehensive about the news Chloe had. If he tone of voice was any indication, it wasn't good. "Sure." She kissed Juice's cheek on her way out to the backyard. She sat down in one of the Adirondeck chairs, enjoying a long sip of coffee before asking, "What's going on?"

"Your Aunt asked about DNRs today. She's had a couple of pretty bad episodes, and she…she decided if something happens she doesn't want to be resuscitated…like at all. No medical intervention."

Angela let out a breath of relief; she'd feared for the worst when she'd gotten Chloe's call. This was nothing. She and Elena had already discussed the matter a few weeks before. It'd been a long, hard conversation, and she'd done her best to talk her aunt out of it, but Elena was insistent. She was old, she didn't want to spend the rest of her life on a hospital bed, and she didn't want her family to spend what little money they had keeping her alive any longer than necessary. Angela had already made peace with the idea; Chloe clearly had not. "Yeah. We talked about it a few days ago. She tell Hap yet?"

"Not yet. Lena said she doesn't want him to know."

She snorted. Yeah, that sounded like her aunt. Shield Happy from anything that could possibly hurt him. When she was younger, Angela was thankful for it. Elena had kept quiet about the details of her relationship with Esai while Happy was in county so as not to hurt him. The only details he knew about their relationship came from her or from second hand information he gleaned off of whatever Son he had keeping tabs on her. Elena didn't say a word. "Of course not," she murmured, raking a hand through her hair. "You can't tell him, Chlo. He'll flip, and Lena will cut you off."

"You can't honestly be on board with this, Ang! He's her son!"

"Yeah, he is, but he's blind when it comes to Lena. He'll do anything to keep her alive even if its as a vegetable. He'd never let her go. God help whatever doctor had to tell him it was time to pull the plug. He'd kill 'em. He can't know about the DNR because he'll talk her out of it, and that's not what she wants. She'll tell him eventually just...not yet."

Chloe scoffed, clearly displeased with her response. "Fuck that shit. You don't think he'll get mad at you for knowing? I'm bound by the Hippocratic oath, but you're not."

Angela sighed, raking a hand through her hair. "I'm all the way out here. How mad can he possibly get?" she asked, the answer leaving a bad taste in her mouth. She hadn't talked to Happy since she'd left Charming. She didn't know if it was because he was trying to keep her away to protect Juice or because he was too busy to reach out to her. Whatever the reason, she missed him. "How's he doing anyway? Haven't talked to him since we left."

"Nice subject change. You two are the same person, I swear," she muttered and Angela could picture her rolling her eyes. "Hap doesn't know what to do with all of this. His club's in pieces, his Mom isn't doing well, you're gone. He's lost. Spends the day at the clubhouse, comes back to my house shitfaced and wanting sex. Don't get me wrong, it's fun and all, but I wish he'd talk to me every once in a while."

She bit her lip, feeling frustrated by how useless she was in this whole situation. Her family needed her, and she was a thousand miles away living out her happily ever after while they were all suffering. "You think you can get Hap to call me? FaceTime or something?"

"I can't 'get' Hap to do anything. He knows you're happy over there. Doesn't want to taint that with all his shit. Honestly, I think he'd be pissed if he ever found out I called you. He wants you to be happy. That's all he's ever wanted."

"So why did you call me?" she asked through clenched teeth, a little irked herself. "There's nothing I can do from out here. Do you want me to come back? Has shit gotten that bad?"

"No! No, stay there," she answered quickly. "I don't know why I called, Ang. I guesst I'm just...worried about him. If something happens to his Ma…he's going to go crazy, and I don't know how to handle that."

"Is Lena that sick?"

Chloe sighed sadly. "No, not yet, but she's getting old. Its only a matter of time before she has a bad episode that gets the better of her. We have to be ready for the worse. I just…don't want to lose him when it happens."

Angela felt a lump form in her throat. She was powerless when it came to what was going on with her family. Totally useless. It made her feel weak and small. "Fuck, I can't do anything from out here, Chlo."

"I know, I know. I don't know why I called. I'm just…frustrated, you know? Your family drives me crazy, and you, strangely enough, are the sanest of the bunch! Thought you might be able to help somehow."

She laughed, rolling her eyes. "Gee, thanks."

"Whatever. How is everything over there? Still can't find a funeral home job?"

Angela watched Rigor run up to her, dropping a slobbery tennis ball at her feet. She grabbed it and threw it across the yard. She liked this change of subject. It was something neutral, easy to talk about. Taking in a deep breath, she tried to regain her strength. "Nah, no one's hiring at the moment, but Dino said his personal assistant just quit, so he offered me the position. Just 'til I can find something better. Juice works there and they've got a sweet day care for Eves plus benefits and retirement. All that good stuff."

"Oh damn. That's…different. You gonna be okay anchored to a desk all day?"

She shrugged a shoulder. The idea alone already had her feeling antsy, but the pay was too good to pass up and she didn't want to be stuck at home all day while she job searched anyway. "We'll find out."

"Good luck, lady," Chloe stated on a sigh. Someone called for her in the background. "Crap. I'm needed on the floor. Talk later?"

Angela frowned, wishing she had more time to talk to her about just normal things. She hated that all calls from Charming came with bad news. "Yeah. Let me know how Lena's doing, please. Hap doesn't tell me shit."

"You're surprised?"

She laughed softly. "Bye Chlo. Text me." Hanging up the phone, she rubbed at her eyes for a moment trying to collect her thoughts. Of course, nothing ever went right for her. There always had to be some dark cloud looming above her. She'd gotten out of Charming at the exact same time Elena's health took the turn for the worse. She couldn't believe her luck some times.

"Everythin' okay?" Juice's voice came from behind her.

She glanced over her shoulder to find him standing at the door, a worried look on his face. "Yeah," she answered quickly. "Just Charming shit."

He deflated a bit, hesitating at the threshold, not wanting to leave Evie alone. "Bad shit? Club shit? Did they find out about…"

"No!" Angela interjected quickly as she stood, trying her best to keep him from getting pulled under by the old memories that the mere thought of Charming brought with it. She slid her arms around his waist, leaning into his bare chest. "We're safe, Juice. Relax. It's my aunt who's not doing well."

He dipped his head to kiss her. "Shit, Angel. I'm sorry. This is so fucked up. You should be there."

She shook her head, her hands sliding up his back as she drew him in closer. "Nah, I'm right where I'm s'posed to be with my handsome husband and amazing kids."

Juice wasn't convinced, though. His shoulders sagged a bit as he sighed. "I'm sorry, baby," he murmured, crestfallen. "This is all my fault."

Guilt filled his big brown eyes, making her heart twist painfully in her chest. She recognized that look. It was the same he'd given her so many times before; she needed to snap him out of it before the guilt swallowed him whole. "You're right. It's your fault we're here. Your fault we're safe. Your fault we're all the happiest we've ever been. That is all your fault," she told him with a small smile. "I love you, Juice. This is the life I want. This normal life, and that's all your fault."

He smirked at her, pecking her lips quickly. "I love you, Angel. So much. You know that right?"

"Show me," she teased, raising her eyebrows suggestively. She slanted her lips against his, delving her tongue into his mouth as he eagerly moved his hands all over her body. Grabbing her thighs, he lifted her onto the kitchen table while she hooked her legs around his waist, pulling him in closer.

"Oh gross! C'mon!" Kenny's voice shouted from behind them. "Save that for your bedroom! Please! There's a baby here!"

Angela laughed as Juice pulled away, pecking him once more before sliding off the table. "There's a baby here?" she asked, staring at Evie who grinned back at her. "Where's my baby?"

"Ma-ma-ma-MA!" Evie exclaimed, raising her hands in the air.

"There she is!" she shouted, scooping her up into her arms and holding her above her head, loving the sound of her laughter. "Hi Evie-doll! How are you, baby girl?"

Evie babbled back to her, mostly a mash of Spanish-English nonsense. Her vocabulary was small, but it was growing bigger and bigger every day. "Mama, 'evos!"

"Yeah? Did Daddy make you huevos? Were they yummy?"

"Yessss!" she answered, nodding in exaggeration. "Mama, down!"

Angela set her down on her feet, laughing when she ran straight to Kenny. Evie loved her parents, but it was obvious she loved her brother best. And Kenny was patient as hell with her. She'd even spotted him doing his homework with Evie on his lap, teaching her different shapes while he trucked through his Geometry.

"Nee-Nee! Spash!" Evie said tugging on his pant leg and pointing at the backyard. "Spash!"

"No splash yet, Monk. I gotta go meet up with Jazzy," he told her. Evie's lower lip stuck out in a pout, her dark eyes growing wide and glassy with disappointed tears. He picked her up again, kissing her cheek. "But when I come back, I'll be all about the splash, all right? We'll swim all day."

Juice smirked at the pair. "Why not invite Jazzy over? Me and D were thinking of doin' a family barbeque."

"Yeah! Invite her over! We won't bite," Angela assured him, winking at Juice. "C'mon, it'll be fun!"

"I walked in and you guys were almost having sex on our dining room table," he muttered, scratching at the back of his neck. "Not sure if that's somethin' I want to bring her into."

Juice chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. "Hey, I can't help it if your Mom likes to put her hands all over me. Kinda like it, actually."

"Kind of?" Angela teased, smirking at him. He winked back at her, blowing her a kiss.

"Jesus Christ! And you guys wonder why I haven't had her over yet!" Kenny interjected, shaking his head while doing his best to hide a smile. "Y'all are embarrassing!"

"Oh! He's embarrassed of us! Our teenager is finally showing his true colors!" she exclaimed in mock surprise.

Kenny rolled his eyes exaggeratedly. "Our parents our loco, Monk." (crazy)

" 'ey! I know what that means!" Juice shouted on a scowl. "C'mon, kid. Invite the girl over. We'll keep our hands to ourselves, promise!"

He kissed Evie's cheek before setting her back on her feet. "I'll ask. Just…go easy on her, okay? She's kinda shy and quiet and really, really pretty."

"Of course," Juice replied, picking Evie up when she toddled over to him. "Right, Monk? No biting, Kendo's girlfriend."

Kenny sighed, shaking his head. "I'm gonna live to regret this."

Kenny was nervous as hell as he walked with Jasmine from her house to his. They lived just three blocks away from each other, something they'd found out once they'd gotten on the school bus at the same bus stop. Its what started their friendship, originally. They were the first stop in the morning and the last on the way home. He looked forward to the one day a week he didn't have football practice because it meant he got to spend more time with her.

He looked down at his feet as they walked, smiling when he caught sight of her black and neon pink Jordans. Her sneakers were the first thing he noticed about her. Most girls rocked cowgirl boots or Converses, but she always seemed to have a new pair of Jordans in all sorts of colors. Today she was wearing black and pink to match her black tank top and simple jean shorts, the straps of her neon pink swimsuit barely showing from underneath her top. She looked beautiful, but he always thought that.

"You're really quiet today," Jasmine said softly, breaking into his thoughts. "Nervous?"

"No, no, not…not really. I just…my family's a little…insane," he explained, hands in his pockets as he headed up their front walk. He opened the front door for her and let her walk in before him. The house was quiet…too quiet. Walking into the kitchen, he found Juice leaning against the kitchen island sipping on a beer as stared at the kitchen oven timer in nothing but his Harley Davidson swim trunks. "Dad?" he said, to catch his attention. Calling Juice 'Dad' had taken some getting used to at first for both of them, but he said it with ease now and Juice responded to it as if it'd always been the norm.

Juice turned and grinned at them. His smile as bright and blinding as ever. Kenny could've sworn he even saw Jasmine get stunned a little by it. "Hey Ken! Who's your friend?" he asked them as if he didn't know.

Kenny was thankful for that, though he had a feeling Angela wasn't going to be so casual about it. He cleared his throat and took his hands out of his pockets to gesture to the girl at his side. "This uh…this is Jasmine. Jazzy, this is my Dad."

Jasmine stretched out her hand for him to shake. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Ortiz."

"You too, Jasmine. JC is fine, or Jay," he replied with a grin. Again, Kenny was thankful Juice had chosen to give her those two names instead of asking him to call her 'Juice'; that would've been awkward as hell. Besides, the only person who still called him by the old nickname was Angela. It'd become something of a pet name between the two of them. Even Kenny felt weird calling him 'Juice' now.

"Where's everyone else?" he asked, glancing out into the backyard where he saw Dino, Rigs, and the boys in the swimming pool but no sign of the girls.

"Twins and D are out back in the pool already. Looks like the girls are comin' over now," he said nodding towards the backyard where Angela, Evie, and Jo had just walked in through the door in the fence that adjoined their houses.

"Nee-nee!" Evie shrieked as she came running into the kitchen from the backyard, Angela not far behind her. Her chubby cheeks and little nose were covered in flour as was the front of her mother's shirt. "Nee-nee, spash!"

Kenny couldn't help but smile at his little sister. She drove him crazy sometimes, but he loved her. So much so that he was a little afraid to introduce her to Jasmine lest she see his soft spot as a sign of weakness. A part of him wanted to act tough and brush off the little girl that was tugging at his swim trunks while the other part of him didn't want to hurt his sister's feelings. Girlfriends would come and go but family was forever. He went with his instinct and swooped her up, kissing her cheek. "Hey Monk. This is my friend, Jazzy. Jaz, this is my little sister, Evie."

The biggest smile spread across Jasmine's face, making his heart skip a beat. "Hi Evie!" she greeted, touching her little hand lovingly. "How's it goin', cutie? Is that a Nemo swimsuit?"

Evie smiled at her and nodded, pointing at the little fish on her swimsuit. "Nemo spash! You spash?"

"Evie likes to splash," Kenny explained nervously. "She's a little sea monkey, huh Monk?"

Jasmine laughed lightly, nodding her head. "You know what, Evie? I like to splash too."

Evie wriggled a bit in Kenny's arms, and he set her down. As soon as she was on her feet, she took off towards the backyard door. Angela quickly shut it before Evie could go running out to join her Uncle Dino and cousins. "Slow down, Monk. Gotta put your swimmies on first."

"Simmies!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands excitedly.

Juice chuckled, grabbing his daughter and lifting her onto his shoulders with ease. "C'mon, my little sea monkey. Let's go make you buoyant." He winked at Angela, stopping to peck her lips before disappearing down the hall.

Angela's eyes lingered on his ass for a moment before they fell on Jasmine. "You must be the girl we've heard so much about," she said, giving the young girl a friendly smile.

Kenny winced at the greeting. "Yeah, this is her. Jazz, this is my Ma."

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Ortiz." Jasmine smiled, shaking Angela's hand.

"Angela, please," Angela answered politely. "Its nice to finally meet you, Jasmine. Hope you're hungry. We got a shit ton of food."

Jasmine nodded enthusiastically. "Oh definitely. Is there anything I can help you with?"

She looked impressed by the question. "Sure! I could use some help sneaking something over here before my husband gets back. Got a little surprise for him. You two think you can run some interference?"

"Think we can do that," Kenny said on a nod. "Right, Jazzy?"

"Mission accepted," she agreed with a mock salute.

Angela smiled at both of them. "Awesome. Hey Ken, can I steal you for a sec?"

Kenny nodded, following her out into the formal dining room. "Sup?"

"Relax, kiddo. We like her," she told him, standing on her toes to kiss his cheek. He'd grown a lot since they'd moved out of Charming and now towered over both of his adoptive parents. "Loosen up a bit or you're going to scare her off."

He let out a breath, relaxing a bit as he nodded. "Yeah, yeah, totally. But did you have to tell her I talk about her a lot? That was seriously not cool."

"How else was that poor girl going to know you like her?" Angela teased with a laugh. "I did you a favor there. You should be thankin' me."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," he muttered, rolling his eyes. Inside, he was grateful to her not only for that but for everything she'd done for him. Ever since his mom had died, she'd been the one constant adult figure in his life. The only one who seemed to care what happened to him and want what was best for him. He didn't know where he'd be without her. He leaned down to kiss her cheek. "Thanks, Ma. For everything."

She smiled up at him, squeezing his arm lovingly. "Love you, Ken. Now go back to your girl before she escapes!"

Juice sat at the picnic table on the deck in his backyard, listening to the soft rock music that was playing from the speakers while he watched his family splash in the pool as the sun set behind them. He felt like he was in the middle of his dream come true. He was surrounded by family who loved him unconditionally. His nephews were both passed out on a lounge chair, wiped from spending the day running around in the sun. Taking advantage of their quiet state, Dino and Jo were were relaxing in the hot tub, talking to each other in soft tones, they foreheads just inches away from each other. His kids were still in the pool. Kenny and Jasmine playing catch with Evie while the little girl shrieked and laughed, loving all of the attention. He knew the only reason Angela hadn't pulled Evie out yet was because of the meltdown his daughter was sure to have the second they pulled her swimmies off. If she could, his little sea monkey would sleep in the pool. Juice savored the moment, committing it to memory. Everything was perfect. They'd been through a lot of shit to get there, but it'd been worth it for this moment.

He smiled as a pair of arms draped over his shoulder, the smell of her tanning oil filling his nose as her warm skin pressed against his bare back. Angela. There was no doubt in his mind that she was the reason for all of this. She'd been the one to save him, given him something to live for, a reason to keep fighting despite everything SAMCRO had put him through. Without her, he would've been stuck under Jax's thumb, unwilling to fight for his life. He would've given in, would've let them kill him while he worked relentlessly to save a club that never truly cared about him. She'd saved him from that. He knew she hated when he said it, but she really was his angel. His saving grace.

She dropped a kiss to the top of his head before setting her chin on his shoulder. "What's going on between those two tats?" she asked, her lips moving against his ear.

He smiled, moving his hands over her arms. Despite his hidden tattoos, he loved when she asked him that question. It brought back memories of the good old days when they'd first started dating. "Still can't believe we got out alive. That this is real," he answered honestly.

"Believe it, baby," Angela replied, her hands sliding down his chest. "We've come a long way."

He nodded, turning around to face her, his hands settling on her hips. "You happy?" he asked looking up at her.

A slow smile spread across her face, setting fire to her eyes in a way that still made his heart do flip flops. "The happiest," she answered, dipping her head to kiss him. "So happy, in fact, I was thinking of throwing away my birth control."

"Really, baby?" he asked excitedly. He'd wanted to knock her up again ever since she set foot in Texas. Mostly to make up for how shitty he'd treated her when she was pregnant with Evie. After the whole fiasco with Clay, he'd distanced himself, left her in her last trimester. Hell, he hadn't even been there for the birth. He swore this time would be different. This time, he'd be there every step of the way no matter what.

"Really, really," she replied, sliding a hand through his hair. "We can even get started tonight."

He pulled her in closer with a growl, smirking when she leaned in and kissed him soundly on the mouth. "I love you, Angel," he murmured, nipping at her lower lip. "So much."

"Love you too, goof," she replied, touching her nose to his in an Eskimo kiss.

Juice looked up at her with a happy smile. "We're going to get our happily ever after, aren't we?"

She shrugged a shoulder, tracing a finger through his hair over one of his hidden tattoos. Her dark eyes went over to the pool as a small smile crossed her face. "You know, I think we just might."

"Daddy! Mama! Spash!" Evie shouted as she stood at the side of the pool.

She waited for Kenny to nod his head before she jumped back into the water. He caught her easily, laughing as he spun her around. "Yeah, dad! My arms are getting' tired."

Angela laughed, grabbing Juice's hand. "C'mon, baby. Let's go splash."

He looked up at her then back down at the cherry pie on his plate. It was the very same pie his Mom made for him every year on his birthday when he was little. Jo had taken over the tradition once she was old enough after their Mom started her foray into drugs. Jo used to sit him down, sing to him, and make him blow out the candles. A tradition that had continued until he was twenty-one, the year he skipped town. The taste alone brought back the best memories he had of his childhood, and the fact Angela had made it this time and that it was now tied in with this moment when everything in his life was going right made it taste even better. It was a sign life was going to be good again. That he'd finally gotten his happily ever after. "Be right there, Angel," he said, turning around on the bench and taking another bite. "Just let me finish my pie."

...and there you have it. 130 chapters later the Ortiz family finally has its happy ending. ;)

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU (I can't say that enough) for those of you who have stuck with me through these past couple of years. For those of you who have been patient with my slow updates and encouraging and so supportive throughout everything. I'm so happy so many of you have enjoyed this little story and am in awe of the nice things you've all said. This story would be nothing without all of your support and encouragement! Thank you!

I have a sequel started but while I work on outlining and planning that story, I will be posting one shots, outtakes, and deleted scenes on my other story: "It Won't Be Soon Before Long". If there is anything you'd like to read or any ideas you have, let me know! :D All is fair game now!

Hope you stick with me for the next stories! Thanks again for your support! :)

~Love Ink