
The Secret Circle Fanfiction: Adam and Cassie

Takes place after the last episode where Adam and Cassie drank the elixir. My take on what I wish would happen after Adam forgets he is in love with Cassie.

Chapter 1

Adam walked all the way to the Boathouse feeling empty. The further away he got from Cassie, the more miserable he became. He knew that he felt differently, but he had thought he got it all figured out. He remembered that they took the elixir to save Jake. He knew he didn't love her anymore. He knew that in his head, but his heart physically ached. He would do whatever he could to make it better. Maybe he needed to find someone else to be with…there was a dance tomorrow night, maybe he would meet someone new.

Cassie was a complete and total mess. She knew Adam didn't love her anymore and she had to try and move on. She was too miserable for words. She had not slept at all in her bed the night before. She could not stop thinking about the night before when she and Adam had made love in the bed. Her entire body ached and when the doorbell rang she did not even bother to get up to answer it. A few moments later, Jake was standing in her living room staring at her as she lay on the couch.

She didn't want him there right now. "What do you want, Jake?"

He sits down beside her on the couch. "I wanted to say I am sorry."

"It's not your fault, Jake. It was my decision."

"I'm still sorry about it."

"It's okay, and I appreciate you coming here, but I want to be alone right now."

He nods understanding. "I will be right next door if you need me."

Jake leaves the house and hurries down the street and gets into Blackwell's car.

"She doesn't want me there."

"Patience, Jake. I gave her a new potion. It will make her fall in love with you. She will forget all about that pathetic piece of trash Adam Conant. You are better suited for my daughter. She will see it soon enough." Jake nods and smiles to himself.

"Just make sure you are at the dance tomorrow night, Jake. She will be ready for you."

The dance is in full swing by the time Adam arrives. He walks over to the dessert table for a drink and to scope out the scene. He has felt odd all day. He wasn't sure what was wrong with him anymore. He was looking around checking in the dance scene when she walked in the door. Cassie Blake was wearing a little blue dress that showed off her figure to perfection. Her hair was hanging around her face in soft curls and she was wearing high heels. She looked amazing. Adam felt all his feelings for her come back in that moment. It was as if the elixir wore off and he could actually feel again. He was about to walk over to her when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to face John Blackwell. He has a smile on his face. "You are too late, Adam."

Adam looks at him in shock before he turns around and sees that Jake has approached Cassie and they go off into the hallway together. "What did you do to her?" He wheels around to face Blackwell.

"Well, the potion I gave you was temporary, but I needed her to see that you had given up on her and that you didn't want her. The new spell wouldn't have worked if she thought you still loved her as much as she loved you."

"Wait…Cassie still loves me?"

"She did until about ten minutes ago."

Adam feels panic shoot through him. "Why?"

John Blackwell's smile disappears. "You are not meant to be with my daughter. She would be tied to you. She wouldn't want to use her black magic. She wanted to be with you and it made her weak."

Adam shook his head. "No, it made us strong together. When Cassie finds out what you did, she will turn her back on you."

Blackwell looks confident. "I don't think so."

Adam breaks out into a run and goes out into the hallway where he just saw Cassie and Jake go through. He looks up and sees Jake holding a crystal up between them and sees Cassie's eyes wide and blank. He runs to her, but Jake is done and has put the crystal away. Cassie doesn't even look at him when he approaches.


She turns to look at him, but it is a blank look. No emotion or feeling at all. "What do you want, Adam?"

"I want to talk to you."


"Please, give me a chance."

Jake gently touches Cassie's cheek and she turns to look at him with a not so blank look. "It's okay, Cassie. I will wait for you outside and we can finish our first date elsewhere."

She nods at him and he smirks at me before walking down the hall.

She turns to face me again. "What could you possibly want from me? Make it quick."

"Cassie, I love you. The spell, it was only temporary. I remember everything about us. Everything. I love you. I love you so much." I go to embrace her and she backs away from me with her hands raised.

"Adam, you broke up with me. You said you didn't love me anymore. You never really loved me at all, I know that now. That whole 'written in the stars' thing was a complete and total joke. You can drop the act. I know it is just an act."

Adam didn't know what to say. She wasn't herself. "Cassie, please…what happened to you?"

She shrugs. "I realized the truth. I moved on because you have never loved me. Anyone who would hurt me that way doesn't love me."

"What do you mean hurt you?"

"I mean the abuse that I blocked out."

"I never…"

"Then where did I get these?" She holds out her wrists and I see dark purple bruises.

"I didn't do that."

"Yes, you did. You did that when I refused to sleep with you. Thank God we never slept together!"

She starts to walk away from me and I grab her arm. She shrieks in pain and Jake runs back inside. "Cassie, we did sleep together. You don't remember it?"

Jake is cradling her in his arms now and smirking at me.

"I remember that you left me to be with Diana. I remember that you told Jake you were only using me to sleep with me. You told my dad you wanted me to keep my black magic bottled up to kill me. I trusted you and you betrayed me!"

Adam stares at her in shock. "Cassie, you don't really believe those things, do you?"

Adam sees a flicker in her eyes, but it quickly vanishes. Adam knows the real Cassie is in there somewhere. He watches her as she walks away with Jake. He makes a promise to himself. He will save Cassie from her father and Jake if it is the last thing he will do.