Hello, welcome to chapter 2. This story is unbeta'd and AU. please enjoy :D If there are any mistakes that bug you let me know please!

Chapter 2 (Although it is more of a Chapter 1 and Chapter one was more of a prologue.)

Merlin groaned softly picking himself weakly off the floor. 'At least they could have taken out the gag,' He grumbled to himself looking down at his cuffed hands he noticed he was clean as a whistle. All of his previous dirt and grime from the travel was now washed away. His new "owner" had gotten some servants to scrub him clean, and they scrubbed him raw, 'It's like they thought the pompous blonde would throw them in Camelot if he saw a spec of dirt on his new pet slave.'

Just the thought of having to be a slave made him groan again. He had heard stories about what happened to incubus slaves, 'I remember hearing that some get beaten until they only live to serve there master and I heard others are tied up and sold to whomever will have them for the night. But it can't be worse than being in that building. The screaming… it echoed off the walls…all I could feel is the terror radiating, surrounding me.'

He shuffled slightly back trying to forget the sound but it was embedded in mind. The horror slave stories were not making him feel much better about his predicament.

Arthur walked into the room followed by servant holding a plate of food. He motioned for the woman to place the food on the table while he glanced idly at the incubus. The boy's eyes were widened and he was looking off in the distance. Almost as if the slave was lost somewhere in the past. The incubus's hands and feet still had the magical chains and a ragged blue cloth was wrapped around his pet's mouth. Arthur couldn't help but think Merlin looked a little… attractive. 'He looks so focused, his blue are not even blinking. Even his lithe body looks so engrossed in the moment. I bet he is the same way when he's devouring a body. His tail is whipping around his pale frame. I could just imagine that tail tightening around my leg as he climbs on top of me and …'

He drew his attention back to the food shaking his head at the thought and motioned once more for the female servant to leave before sitting at the table beginning to eat his meal. 'Of course I think he is attractive. It is perfectly normal. His sole purpose as a demon is sex. If he was unattractive he would be half dead. I simply have to remember that he is lowly slave and I am the future king. Even if I lust for this creature it shouldn't matter because I have a responsibility to my crown and my father to be with more dignified individuals.'

Despite his thoughts the blonde's eyes continued to contradict him as they continues to be drawn towards to his servant, the boy looked very uncomfortable still but the incubus seemed to be drawn back to reality now.

Merlin quickly looked at his "owner" who was completely ignoring him. Not that the black haired teen truly cared. He blatantly ignored his instinctual reaction to climb on top of the powerful man in the room. He could tell this man was of pureblood the closeness made his skin hum in anticipation of what his body hoped it could acquire. The incubus sighed, 'Just because this demon is around doesn't mean I will need to consume him. I can control my urges,' he silently tried to convince himself.

Merlin shuffled slightly trying to get a tad more comfortable despite his tingling skin before turning his thoughts to more pressing matters, 'how am I going to escape.' Looking around the room made his hopes for freedom diminish. His owner was obviously very wealthy. He could afford good magic bonds and most likely had guards outside the door. How many more would be scattered around the castle?

"Grgulgi." The magic user looked down towards his stomach a faint blush tinting the incubus's cheeks before he turned his head towards the large plate of food. The blonde seemed to be focused on a painting in front of him while eating. His eyes avoiding merlin at all costs.

Merlin, however, was starving and the smell of delicious food only made it worse, 'I can't even remember eating a meal that looked half as good as that.'

Part of the raven haired man did not want to draw attention to himself but his grumbling stomach made the incubus quickly change his mind. He made a muffled shout to get his owners attention. The sorcerer's plan failed. The blonde man in front of him didn't even bother to look in pet's direction. The magic user struggled slightly and half-shouted through the gag once more annoyed that his "owner" would bring him to this castle only to let him rot away on the floor.

Merlin watched curiously as his owner sighed before the blonde began making his way over to him, bending down with a tin mug and a small handful of grapes. The stronger demon ran a hand through his hair clutching one of the gray horns momentarily before he released the strands and looked at the incubus.

"I am PRINCE Arthur." The blonde stated with authority, "You may call me Sire, Lord, Majesty, and Master. That is all. If I take off the gag you are not to yell. You are to tell me your name. Nod if you agree with my terms." His voice sounded as if he were both authoritative and uncomfortable.

Merlin rolled his eyes, 'Like I have a choice. This man is going to be a princely pain in my arse that is one thing I am certain of.' The action received a glare from Arthur and the prince moved as if to get up and walk away. Merlin, seeing no hope quickly gave in and nodded reluctantly in response.

As promised Arthur removed the gag, "Name?" he stated casually his voice a bored monotone.

'Why can he sound like he is so bored of me? Does he have a man tied up in his room every day and is finding this charade quite tiring now? He makes it seem like I am the nuisance and problem! ' Talking a deep breath to calm himself, the incubus spoke in a frustrated tone, "Merlin." Said magic user began stretching his jaw trying to get the taste of cotton out of his mouth.

Arthur placed the mug of water in his cuffed hands and commanded the boy to drink. Merlin did so, greedily, then giving a cocky grin muttered, "Thanks."

The prince nodded slightly moving back as he became inwardly surprised by the smile. Merlin pulled at the shackles, "Will you be taking these off?" A sly smile was on his face. 'No sense in not keeping hopeful. The prince doesn't seem like he wants me around anyway,' the magic user thought to himself.

The prince shot him a glare, before reaching behind and pulling out a set of bracelets. The blonde then placed the food on the floor; Merlin's blue eyes followed the pile of grapes. The slave licked his lips greedily; drawing the prince's eyes towards the red plump lips and making the demon bite slightly on his own slightly more cracked ones. Shaking his head once more in frustration, 'I am acting like a demonling experiencing his first heat!'

Arthur grabbed his new slave's hands and moved to put on the bracelets. They were thin and made of a mix of gold and iron. They had intricate designs which had an unambiguous meaning some language Arthur never quite cared to understand. They were made specifically for magic users and were very difficult and expensive to acquire. A drop of his blood was added in the creation of these trinkets very long ago. His father had commanded him to do so saying that a prince should always be ready. However, the prince had always hoped he would never need to be ready for this. Yet here he was. The future king's blood and a magical charm that was placed on the bracelets would ensure that only his command would be able to unlock a slaves magic. He would now be in control.

When Merlin realized what the prince was doing he tugged his hands back, the raven haired man knew what the markings on those bracelets meant. The sorcerer would never be able to do anything magical without Arthur allowing him to. No more magic or escape. He needed his magic it was a part of him. Without it the dark haired incubus was sure he would be forever trapped here. Arthur raised a questioning eyebrow and put his hand out expectantly.

"Bracelets don't suit me." The raven haired man shrugged in explanation.

"Really?" The prince muttered, "You look pretty feminine to me."

Merlin furrowed his brows trying his best to ignore the comment, "Cant I just keep these chains on?" The warlock was pretty sure that he could get out of these handcuffs they were not created for someone of his strength in power. Just a few more hours and Merlin was sure he could get them off.

"You can't do your duties in chains." Arthur growled grabbing the thin pale wrist and locking one bracelet and then the other. It firmly sealed shut and they both knew it only open if the blonde gave the command. The prince locked two more around Merlin's ankles before giving the slave the grapes and removing the shackles.

"Yummy," Merlin muttered, "I always loved feeling like a dog, eating off the floor and all."

"I can arrange to have a collar put on you if you would like Merlin; since you LOVE being treating like a dog." Arthur challenged casually walking away to sit at the table and get back to his meal.

The raven haired teen shut his mouth before Arthur actually decided to go through with the threat. Instead Merlin decided to test his new partial freedom. His heart still in his stomach as he tried to think of any way to escape with his magic being freed. He began to stand up shaking his wrists and walked towards the future king shoving the grapes into his mouth.

"Today I will be attending a meeting. I would like to bring you as a servant. Do you think you can behave?" Arthur leaned back nonchalantly holding out another bunch of grapes.

'Is that ponce actually trying to bribe me?' Merlin chucked to himself thinking of all the ways he could embarrass his new master, "Of course." Arthur raised an eyebrow expectantly and Merlin quickly added, "Your Majesty."

The blonde tossed the batch of grapes towards the incubus noticing how his pet tried to catch them but accidentally let them fall to the ground. The prince sighed, "I shouldn't bring you, I have a feeling you are more of a cluts then a good servant. But they will be expecting me to. Just try not to embarrass yourself will you. All you are expected to do is fill my glass when it is empty and stay silent."

"Silence isn't really my thing." Merlin said with an offhanded smile. Picking up the pile of red grapes from the floor.

"Well make it your thing. If you be good I will…" The prince was at a loss for words. "I will give you a gift, a prize of some sort. Isn't that fair?"

"Fair would be releasing me, Your Majesty." Merlin smartly replied shoving grape after grape into his mouth before the prince decided to take them away for his insolence.

"Well that just isn't an option Merlin. I am treating you to a courtesy prize. You have no choice. You will attend and behave or I will send you back to Camelot." Leaning back in his chair the prince narrowed his eyes to showing Merlin how serious he was.

Merlin's eyes widened in fear and confusion. "You would send me away? Do you not want me as your servant?" The raven haired man was slightly disheartened by the idea of the attractive demon King not wanting him around. Of course the incubus did not want to be a slave in any manor but the sorcerer knew he was a good catch. His aura dripped with power because of his magic, which was what most demons looked for in a partner, and the slave had a body that most women would be jealous of. He was by no means narcissistic but the warlock knew what he had and how to use his charms to his advantage. Yet this prince seemed like he would rather be anywhere then with Merlin. Looking around the room he noticed the prince did not have any other servants attending to him. "Don't all princes have several magical servants usually? Why do you have none?"

Arthur instantly got defensive, nobody dared to question him before, and he refused to have too many servants attending to him because if they made a mistake he would be expected to punish them through beatings. It was something he would rather not do. Instead he kept a few around and would send them to the stocks or to muck out the stables when they made a mistake, whilst saying he was too busy to handle any more problems. Nobody had questioned him for years, yet this little incubus felt he had a right to confront his master! The blonde stood up, forcing the slave to take a step back, surprised by the sudden burst of anger. The princes eyes narrowed, "Don't start questioning me! I can do as I please. If you want to go back to Camelot I will be happy to send you there but if you choose to stay here you will act appropriately. So what do you choose?"

The raven haired teen sighed slightly disappointed, although he knew he shouldn't be. He had been told long ago that he was to become the most powerful wizard in all the land. That he would be destined for great things, yet here he was, a servant under a prince who didn't even want him despite the potential he had. Not that he wanted to serve the arrogant prince anyway. He muttered warily sucking up his pride but not wanting to voice his decision, "I'm hungry."

The prince moved away from the plate and pushed it towards Merlin, "it's all yours. All you have to do is behave."

Your majesty do you think it is alright to have him in the public eye so early," Lancelot whispered eying Merlin who was off to the side just behind the prince. The slave was looking the floor or pictures surrounding them, anywhere but towards his two companions.

"Yes." Was Arthur's quick reply as he shot a quick glance towards Merlin as well, just to make sure the boy was keeping up.

Lancelot nervously turned to the prince. He knew his father was always very harsh with him and if this slave made a single mistake the king would instantly blame Arthur. "I mean no disrespect sire. I am sure your teaching capabilities are unmatchable… It's just… if he makes a mistake in front of the whole castle…"

Arthur knew what Lancelot wanted to say. The prince knew it would be an embarrassment for him if his slave stumbled like the clumsy man he seemed to be. His friend was just looking after him. The blonde felt slightly ashamed about the fact that he didn't "teach" Merlin anything at all. He couldn't bring himself to beat the man. Merlin already had bruises littering his body and he looked so thin and breakable. So instead he chose to bribe and threaten the boy with false threats. Arthur could never send Merlin back to Camelot. It would show that the prince of Ambrosius was unable to train the magic user and that was unacceptable in his father's eyes. It would be a hit to his pride and the blonde refused to admit defeat. The future demon king turned back to Lance, "Don't worry I know what I am doing. You know as well as I do that if I do not bring the boy today my father will never let me hear the end of it."

Lance chucked to himself speaking quietly, "You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't."

There talking ceased as they got to the doors of the dining hall and the guards opened them widely announcing the prince's entry.

His father smiled proudly when he saw Arthur walk in with Merlin in toll. The raven haired boy looked completely compliant but instead thoughts were racing through his head, 'I have to focus on doing a good job. Getting on Arthur's good side may be my only chance of escape. Besides spending the rest of my days in a cell being tortured was not how I plan to live the final days of my life. If I am destined for great things then I must escape eventually and being in a prince's quarters give me a much better chance at freedom then a torture cell.'

Merlin pulled out Arthur's chair when they got to the table and stood a few steps behind him hands behind his back. Just as Arthur instructed. The sorcerer hated at having to be on his best behavior because of the prat but the raven haired boy knew he had no choice. He couldn't go back to Camelot it was filled with sleepless nights and consent horrors. Living under the prince's rule had to be better.

Uther raised his glass to his son, giving Cendred a look. "It seems we were all wrong. It is the first day and your pet is already behaving so well. How did you manage that so quickly? Even Cendred said he had trouble with the boy."

The prince gave Cendred a swift look. One Merlin noticed as pride and contempt for the man who had captured him, 'Well I guess that is one thing we have in common at least we both seem to dislike that man.'

Arthur looked at the knight just long enough to imprint the shame on the Cendred's face into his memory before the prince turned back to his father giving the man a soft smile, happy the man was proud, as the blonde casually spoke. "All I did was threaten to put a collar on him."

The men at the table all laughed thinking the prince was being modest and humorous. The blonde was sure they thought he had beaten Merlin until he couldn't move then dragged the poor weak incubus to serve him at the dining table. Many bruises already littered Merlin's body, who could say that they were not made by Arthur?

"Well I suppose we will have to get you a collar for him then." The king declared still laughing.

Merlin glared daggers at the man in front of him, 'If looks could kill… well then I probably wouldn't even be in this position.'

The prince tapped his glass gently to signal Merlin to pour more wine and Merlin growled leaning forward to do as his "Master" asked. His whispered into the blonde's ear low enough so the king could not here, "Don't you dare ever try putting a collar on me."

The prince seemed shocked at first and looked around quickly to make sure nobody saw. Merlin was blatantly disregarding his orders to keep quiet and he knew he should be mad, yet for some reason the blonde was not. When the future king realized it was safe he furrowed his brows and downed the glass of wine signaling Merlin to put some more. This time the prince whispered to Merlin when the sorcerer leaned down, "I think you would look quite good in a collar."

The blonde couldn't help but notice the slight blush that crept up on Merlin's checks the realization of what he said hitting him. Despite that small moment the dinner went astoundingly well. To the prince's surprise Merlin had been well behaved. He continued to have a small chat with the slave when Merlin filled his drink. The blonde found himself drinking faster than he normally would, excited to hear what Merlin would say to him next. Merlin complained about Cendred. He had told the prince about how clumsy the man was when he had captured him and how the man had swung his sword at a pole in the middle of the fight. Arthur had to stop himself from laughing aloud more than once. By the end Arthur found himself quite drunk. Although he continued to walk with a dignified stature as soon as he was free of his guests he found himself wrapping an arm around Merlin's shoulders and leaving the thin man to support his weight.

"Take me to my room." He commanded to Merlin tiredly.

"I don't know where it is Sire. I didn't really look on the way here."

"Argh," Arthur moaned in aggravation, "You really are useless aren't you. Take your first left then walk until the end of the hall and make a right the last room is mine."

"Right, right." Merlin mumbled trying to support the prat's weight, "You know it would be much easier if you would let me use some of my magic right now. Just say the word and you could levitate to bed."

Arthur gave him another tired look, "I would rather torture you Merlin. Just hurry up and take me to my room."

Many insults later Merlin had Arthur sprawled on his bed grumbling about how long a day it was.

The sorcerer began to undress the prince and for the first time he was really able to look at the future kings body. The blonde was well muscled from years of fighting, his body had some small scars but they were faded and it did not draw from his attractiveness. In fact, his rugged body only made Merlin unable to help the long lingers on his chest as he followed the faded scars. Arthur's skin was so soft and smooth. Merlin dragged his finger down the muscular chest, mesmerized, his hunger for energy filling him. He could feel the power of the future king radiating just under his skin and something else Merlin couldn't quite place.

Arthur pushed Merlin's hands away breaking whatever trance the slave was in, "None of that." The prince mumbled groggily his words slurring together slightly. The prince was not quite certain about what was happening but he could feel a slight tingle on his body.

Merlin began to watch the prince pull himself under the covers hiding his chiseled body beneath layers of feathery blankets. He couldn't help the words that ran out of his mouth, "Arthur you said anything right."

The slaved licked his lips hungry as Arthur's eyes opened wide in shock some of the alcohol–induced faze instantly fading. The prince pulled up his blanket unconsciously before giving Merlin a cocky grin hiding a slight bit of nervousness. His father told him that having sex with an incubus was beneath him. If he consummated with this man and anyone found out it would go very badly for both of them. "Merlin you can't mean that. You really want to waste a wish from the prince on that?," His voice was laced with false confidence and his tone was amused as if he knew the man in front of him would eventually ask this question.

At the sound of the princes tone Merlin forced himself to take a step back, "No, I was just making sure you would keep your promise sire."

A flash of relief crossed the prince's face but Merlin didn't seem to notice. The slave was silently reprimanding himself for actually considering using his wish to sleep with the prince, 'He is such a prat. How could I waste my wish on that?'

"But I do need food." Merlin finished looking up underneath his eyelashes shyly.

"I will give you food, not to worry Merlin. You won't starve in this castle." The prince's muffled voice came from the massive amount of pillows surrounding him as he started to drift off once more

"No I mean … my type of food… I need energy." Merlin nervously asked. Without energy he wouldn't stand the slightest chance of escape. He doubted he could even complete most of his duties. When an incubus was deprived from energy they could still continue to live but they would begin to look hollow and almost dead after a while. Then their body would start to wither and they would become weaker by the day until it was a challenge to even move. Of course it would take years to get to that state but there were rumors that once an incubus got to that state there was no going back.

"Oh..um .. well right. I will see to that. We will discuss it tomorrow." The prince's arm appeared only to wave Merlin away before the form snuggled further into the warm blankets.

"What about a bed! Where do I sleep?" Merlin looked around the room for anything that would seem comfortable.

"Honestly Merlin! Can't you figure anything out on your own? Go away." The prince grumbled throwing a few pillows on the floor in the direction of his new personal servant, "There."

The sorcerer heard the bed creak as the prince got more comfortable before saying, "You expect me to sleep on the floor."

"Well I hardly can."

"Can't or Won't?" The raven haired man grumbled, but the prince only replied with soft snores. He grabbed the pillows putting them on a soft fur rug by the fire to keep warm since he had no blanket and laid down ready to sleep.

Images of Ealdor ran through his mind. He wondered if anyone had survived. The silence that surrounded him was his first opportunity to really grieve. The slave still dared to hope that his mother was alive.

The soft rays of the sun hit the prince's face and he couldn't help but grumbled. He opened his eyes slightly to see that they had not been shut last night and sighed. He forgot to tell Merlin. Getting out of bed he decided to find the boy.

He didn't have to look far. Merlin was on a white wolf rug. It was a present from Bayard at his coming of age party. The largest wolf in their lands. Even with Merlin's height the slave barley needed to curl up to fit on the hide. Arthur couldn't help but stare for a moment. Incubuses were known for being the most beautiful of the demon species and Merlin didn't disappoint. The blonde noticed a lengthy black tail wrapping around a long pale leg it curled in slightly, moving along with Merlin's breaths. It was pointed and had a long jagged edge that curved towards the rest of the tail on one side. It seemed like it could be sharp enough to cause some serious injury.

Arthur had heard that all incubuses were gifted with especially sharp tails because that was there only form of defense. With closer examination the prince noticed that small black horns sprouted from the top of his slaves head, barely seen beneath the mop of black hair that was just long enough to curl slightly at the ends. The slave's lips were red and plump and his high cheekbones gave him an edgy look. His skin was clearly visible since the slave's raged shirt had risen up throughout the night showing pale skin that contrasted his darkened hair. The white fur that kissed his body only made the man looks all the more luscious as Arthur unconsciously bit his lip. He did not have the opportunity to really look at Merlin since the boy had come but now the slave's body was presented to him on a white fluffy platter.

Merlin's eyelashes flustered slightly before bright blue eyes emerged and narrowed giving Arthur a confused look when the slave noticed the prince biting his lip. "What are you doing?" Merlin voice was groggy and rough forcing Arthur to bite back a soft moan. The princes own tail was now visible and released from his breaches. It whipped around his body in response to the princes lust. It was differently shaped then Marlins with a pointed center that curved towards the thicker part on both ends. It was sharp only on the tip whereas his pet's tail was more like a knife sharp and rugged on one end. Instead of the jet black of his slave's the princes own tail was a soft gray colour that matched his longer horns.

The prince moved back as his servant rose. Trying to clear his head from his thoughts the blonde spoke about more neutral things, ignoring the question, "We will get you some proper clothes today, and you will follow a servant around learning your future duties and areas of the Castle. Around noon you are to meet me out back in the training area and wait till I am done to remove and clean my armor. Then you can draw me a bath and bring my dinner before mucking out the stables." The prince said casually trying to forget what that he had just been thinking about all the ways he could pleasure his servant, "Go put my armor on me for now and set out my clothes."

Merlin growled at his long list of chores, "Your majesty does a man of your stature and wealth not have a servant whose job is to muck out the stables. Must I really do it?"

Arthur tisked, his eyes glinting mischievously, "Of course we do but everyone needs a night off Merlin you really should be more considerate." The prince gave his servant a cheeky smile. He truly wanted to keep Merlin far away from him for as long as possible, especially if he was having these thoughts.

The prince watched as his servant turned on his heels and marched grudgingly to where the armor lay. He brought it to the prince as Arthur had begun to change and held out the new selection of clothing to the blonde. As the prince pulled the shirt off his body the slave couldn't help but feel the usual burn of hunger once more and his fingers gently reached out touching the princes taught stomach.

Arthur gulped and stopped moving, his hands still over his head and his arms trapped in the shirt. He watched in silence as the boy took a step closer. There body's almost touching, but not quite, so close that he could feel the heat radiate off of Merlin. The demon's mind screamed at him to do something, push the sorcerer away or pull the teen closer. Something. Anything, to stop this feeling that was beginning to pulse through his spine and into his loins. But his body stayed frozen. The way Merlin hungrily looked at him made the prince's blood freeze and boil at the same time. The future king already knew couldn't deny the incubus beauty and the lust he had begun feeling for the man.

The prince could feel Merlin's power, although barred by the bracelets, the feeling made his mouth begin to water. The small chink of the trinkets drew the demon prince back to reality as he noticed Merlin's other hand had begun to roam his chest.

The armor lying on the floor forgotten.

I know I know, I ended it in a bit of a weird place. But I like making a bit of a teaser for the next chapter and since this chapter was more of a getting-to-know-each-other part I felt it was needed.

I sometimes like to put little stories at the end (usually funny ones), so today I have one, but its not very funny just odd and I was wondering if anyone had a cat that did the same thing. So I lovingly took in a one eyed kitten 3 years ago, and for the past years she has been trying to talk to birds. Now you may say, "Well DUH cats meow it happens." But she doesn't meow! She often changes her voice to sound like the birds! It's more like a "RRRRIII RRRRIIII RRRRIIIOW" I swear this happens at first it used to freak me out when she did it in the morning since he voice used to crack when she did it, but shes gotten much better at at. Sometimes my mom swears that she makes barking noises at them! When she talks normally to me she meow of course... its just to birds or when we start talking to her about birds... weirdest thing ever!
I am a firm believer that one day she will sound exactly like a bird... she sure practices enough.

Anyway thanks for your kind reviews, I know this story is kinda slow but it will pick up soon I promise!