Reality pains.
Chapter 1: Legolas?
Karmen's mom pov
Whatever happened in the weeks she was gone traumatized her greatly. A few day after she came home, she forgot the whole thing. I told her she had been in a coma and that she only just woke up.
It's been two years since Karmen disappeared and she seems fully recovered. But, now, I afraid to tell her about her father. I sighed as I sat in the kitchen. Karmen's first day of summer break was tomorrow and I would be working. The one of the many things that change in my daughter for the better is the fact that she hasn't had a nightmare since she came home. She also spent more time with Mashell and Shauna, her two best friends. Tomorrow they would be going to the theme-park to celebrate the start of summer. It was a med-evil theme-park so the girls was going in traditional garb. Karmen had her outfit picked weeks ago, though I had never seen it.
Karmen pov
I got up and smiled. Today was the day. I threw my blankets off of my body and ran to my closet. The day I awoke from my coma I found the outfit and a pair of long brown boots at the foot of my bed. It consisted of a beautifully made green tunic, soft green leggings, and a white ribbon to tie back my long hair. It also came with a lovely silver bow and a shoulder quiver, but no arrows. The thought of a bow with no arrows made me think about something. I felt like I forgot something important. I shook my head and dressed. Today, was going to be great. Naturally, I had no idea how wrong I was.
Karmen's mom pov
I was getting a cup of coffee when I heard the door bell ring "KARMEN, THEIR HERE!" I called up the stairs. Karmen came running into the kitchen and grabbed a piece of toast. My coffee cup slipped from numb fingers. My little girl looked just like her father. Karmen looked up with a piece of toast dangling from her mouth "Mom?" her question muffled by her full mouth. I shook my head and forced a smile "Nothing, have fun." she nodded and waved.
Legolas pov
Dream start
I am standing in the middle of a strange festival. Children ran around laughing while their parents tried to keep up. I looked and spotted a duel and was about to run over to see. When I heard a shriek from behind me. I turn and saw two young girl "ohmygosh, it's a duel." squeaked the blond one and the one with blue hair, /did a wizard curse her?/ ran up to the blond "MASHELL, SHAUNA! NO MORE RUNNING! WE JUST GOT OFF THE TWISTERS." called another voiced. We all turned saw a girl with long brown hair running a little sloppily toward us. The blue hair girl rolled her eyes and walked over to her friend and, to my surprise, spun her then stopped her "Better?" the brown hair girl nodded "Remarkably. But, seriously, Mashell. No more running." Mashell grinned "Fine then we'll walk to the duel." she said slyly "Duel? Where?" the girl looked around hopefully and squeaked with joy when she saw the duel. She ran toward it followed by her friends "Karmen has really gotten into med-evil stuff since she woke up." said Shauna "That's because the dream took place in a mid-evil setting." said Mashell.
We watched the duels that past and soon the swords man ran out of challengers "Who will fight me!" he called into the crowd. There were murmurs and shakes of heads then a clear voice carried across the field "I CHALLENGE!" there were gasps of shock as the brown hair girl from before stepped into the battle ring. The man laughed "HA, this would not be fair. A child against a master? You don't even have a blade." I glared at him. For some reason, I wanted to defend this girls honor. "But, I need no blade." said the girl taking her bow off her shoulder and holding it in her hand. Now everyone in the crowd, save me and the girls friends, laughed. "Alright, child, if..." The girl interrupted "Karmen." she said "I'm sorry?" said the man "Karmen. My name is not child. It's Karmen, Karmen Marks." I gasped. No wonder I wanted to protect her. This was my lost friend.
Dream end
I sat bolt up right and held my head. For a month now I have had this dream. Karmen. I looked up at the bow she had used to fight with. I walked over and picked it up. I hadn't seen Karmen in two years and the dreams made me miss her more. I laid the bow back on it pedestal. Aragorn came in at that moment "You still worry about her?" he asked "You remember how she was. There's no telling what trouble she could get in." Aragorn smiled "How can I forget. She changed us all. If I remember right she taught you how to blow steam." it was my turn to laugh. After that day I blew off steam frequently.
Looked at Gondor's king "Was there some thing you need." before he could answer Karmen's bow began to glow. I turned and stared at it. I was compelled to grab it. So I did. It glow more brightly and the next thing I knew I was standing in the festival I saw in my dreams. I heard the clang of swords and turn to see the duel, then I heard the shriek. My dream was coming to life.
Karmen pov
I struggled to run. We had just gotten off the twisters and I was dizzy like you would not believe. Mashell and Shauna got off and ran to the next thing. I chased them as best I could. But, was way too dizzy. So I called to them. That's when Mashell pointed out the duel.
Legolas pov
It all happened as it did in the dream. Except, here I stood up for Karmen when the man insulted her "Let the girl fight if she wants to fight!" I called and her friends joined in "Yeah, let her fight." they said in unison. The whole crowd got in on the action. Finally, the man growled "Fine, if you insist. What is the name of my new victim?" Karmen stood bravely "Karmen, Karmen Marks." The man drew is blade and the battle began.
Karmen pov
I won't bore you with the details of the battle. It was over to quickly to have details anyway. I beat the jerk and slung my bow over my shoulder again. "Next time you are challenged make sure you can handle the challenge. I turned and went back to the my giggling friends. "That was awesome!" I giggled as we went to the next ride. "You know that hotty who defended you?" asked Shauna "He was hot? I was so focused on the battle I didn't notice who spoke first." Mashell rolled her eyes "Your hopeless. Anyway, he could take his eyes off of you. I think you have an admirer." I blushed "Come on guys, you know there's only one guy for me." they both groaned "Ugh, Karmen, I think you need to lower your standards a bit." I sighed "I know, but I can't." they gave up and we went to ride the carrousel.
Legolas pov
I couldn't believe I lost her. After the battle, everyone left all at once and Karmen and her friends got mixed in to the crowd. I searched for her, but, she was no where to be seen. It was hard to focus my senses with all these people. I stopped to catch my breath and then heard her. "Hey, Shauna, did you bring your camera?" I turned and saw them. They were standing in front of a strange image of a skeleton in a black suit. "Karmen!" I called. The three girls looked at me "OMG, total hotty, two o'clock." said Shauna "And he's coming this way." squeaked Mashell then they both turned to Karmen. Her face had gone red "Oooooh, I think our little Karmen has found her love." she said. Karmen began to shake in fear her friends heard turned "Karmen?" Shauna looked at her friend in concern. Karmen slapped her hands over her ears and shook her head and cried in pain. Quickly, Mashell turned to me "Sir, I think you should go. Your upsetting our fiend." I took a step back. Then, it hit me. Karmen must have been traumatized by everything that happened and when she got home she forgot herself and that happened. The girls didn't give me time to react. Mashell push Karmen toward the exit of the park "Come, Shauna, we better get her home. Maybe her mom know what is going on."
That started to leave when Karmen collapsed to her knees, holding her head. She began to glow, her from shifting from human to elf then back again. "Kar?" Mashell and Shauna back away in fear and shock. I ran forward and pulled out her old bow. "Karmen, look. It's your bow, the one you found, remember. You saved Frodo with it." I said. She looked up her eye bleary with tears "Frodo? I know that name." I nodded "Good, what else do you remember?" her friends approached slowly "What's going on?" asked Mashell. I raised my hand for silence. "I-I remember- Aragorn, Gimli, Sam." she held her head again and flinched in pain.
Karmen pov
I closed my eyes and it all came back.
Flashback start
"You snuck up behind me, you should never do that?"
"Well, I fell at a disadvantage."
"You're hot, you know that."
Flashback end
I opened my eyes and looked into Legolas' "You're hot, you know that." Legolas smiled and helped me to my feet. "Okay, time out! What in the name of Shuggazoom is going on here!" yelled Mashell as I stood. I looked at her "Not here, it's too public. Besides, I need to get home." I turn and left the park with a new sense of purpose "Mom has some explaining to do." I said as Legolas appeared at me side.
We got to my house and went in. Mom wasn't home yet so we waited. I paced the kitchen, anger clear on my face. I felt betrayed by my own mother. Why did she tell me about my middle-earth heritage? Why lie about what happened to me two years ago? Theses questions and more swarmed in my skull and I only stopped pacing when I heard the door open and close. We all looked in the direction on the front door "KARMEN, I'M HOME!" called mom. I glared "In the kitchen!" I called back. Mom walked in and stopped at the sight of us all there. "Mom, I suggest you tell the truth about what happened two years ago." I said as she noticed Legolas. Mom leaned against a wall and sighed "Please, Karmen, you were so traumatized. I didn't want you in a worse state. So when you said you forgot I came up with the coma story for two reasons. One, I didn't know what happened to you and Two, I didn't want to hurt you." I glared at the ground "Well, I guess I can let that one go. However, Lieing about my father and heritage is not so easily let go."
Karmen mom pov
My head shot up in shock. I had never seen Karmen so angry. Her forms flickered between elf and human as she glared at me. I didn't know what to say. How did she find out about her father. The man standing beside the counter walked up to Karmen "Karmen, I'm certain she has a good reason." he said looking at Karmen. His hair shifted and revealed a pointed ear. An elf! Was he the one who told her.