Sorry for the long wait my readers! I've been super busy, exams and such. I know I've started a new fanfic but I've been working on that one with a friend, so that one was super important. Hopefully I should be able to come back and work on the two yaoi fanfics I have going at the moment. This fanfic is more difficult as the chapters are going to need to be longer, plotlines need to be thought up etc.
I hope this chapter can make up for my lack of updates! I'm sorry if it doesn't! T-T
Pairing: ShiroIchi
Requested by: Mayuzu
Rating: M for smutty-stuff
Warnings: OOC-ness (I'm a terrible person, I know!)
Blinking a few times, Ichigo finally opened his eyes. He glanced around, trying to focus his eyes on something, anything. Eventually they locked onto the person standing in the doorway. He sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes to try and clear them, before looking back up at the person, who had now entered the room and was stood next to the bed.
"How long were you watching me?" Ichigo asked with a yawn, looking up expectantly with one brow raised in question. The person shrugged, smirking down at Ichigo.
"Shi, I've told you to stop doing that!" Ichigo said with a small sigh, before stretching his arms above his head to pop his bones back into place.
"Can't help it little bro, you're just too damn cute." 'Shi' said, chuckling when Ichigo attempted to hit him, failing as his body was still waking up. Ichigo grumbled, before looking down at his hands, which had returned to his lap.
"Get out; I'll see you for breakfast in after my shower." Ichigo muttered, shooing the other out. He went willingly, not wanting to argue with Ichigo this early in the morning. He left the room and went in the direction of the kitchen.
Ichigo groaned, before throwing his sheet off and grimacing as the cold hit his bare legs. He then threw his legs over the side of the bed and placed his feet on the floor, before lifting his body off the bed and standing up. He wobbled slightly, before steadying himself and heading towards his drawers.
"Shit." Ichigo muttered glaring at the note placed on top of his drawers. He batted it away after reading the message:
'Good morning Ichi-berry! Your uniform is ironed, after I slaved away for hours making sure that it was perfect. Love you, from your loving twin Shiro xx'
Ichigo pulled the top drawer open, pulling out a pair of clean socks and underwear. He then opened the second drawer, and there it was, his perfectly ironed and folded up uniform. His eyes narrowed, before he hung the uniform over his forearm, socks and underwear balanced on top. He then headed to the bathroom, muttering something about having a 'stupid twin'.
00 (Shiro's P.O.V.) 00
I stood in the kitchen, toast in one hand and a can of energy drink in the other. I was waiting for Ichigo to get out of the shower; he seemed to be taking longer than normal.
"Oi, Ichi-chan! You're not dead are ya'?" I yelled, waiting eagerly for the response from my adorable little twin. I got an angry response, something about hating that nickname. I just grinned and took a sip of my drink.
I and Ichigo were twins...except there was one major difference; I was an albino. Apart from that, our appearances were pretty much the same. My hair was an inch or so longer, and I had a few piercings – little Ichi-berry is too much of a prude to get things like piercings.
"Shiro, I've told you to stop leaving me those stupid little notes!" My twin appeared before me, shouting in my face. I just grinned and ruffled his hair.
"Aw, but don't ya' like gettin' little loving notes from me?" I asked sarcastically, my hand batted away by Ichigo's. He glared at me, a small hint of pink gracing his cheeks.
"No. Now where's my toast?" He demanded, and I stepped aside, my hand gesturing to the plate of strawberry jam-coated toast on the counter next to me. His eyes lit up and he reached his hand out to grab a piece. I intercepted him with my arm, blocking him from reaching any further.
"Where's my thank you kiss?" I asked, pointing to my lips with my free hand. He pouted, before trying to duck under my arm to get his toast. I placed my entire body in front of the toast, making him whine – so adorable – and stamp one of his feet impatiently.
"Shi-nii! We're going to be late, just let me have my toast!" He whined, folding his arms over his chest defensively. I gestured to my lips one more time with a smirk, not caring what time we arrived at school.
"C'mon, it's just a little kiss." I urged. We were both as stubborn as each other, but I knew he wanted to get to school, meaning that he'd have to give in sooner or later.
Around ten seconds later my demands were met, he sighed and unfolded his arms. He then leaned up slightly – me being a couple of inches taller than him – and pursed his lips. He placed a small kiss on my lips, the blush intensifying. I smirked into the kiss, before wrapping one arm around his waist and placing one hand behind his head. I pushed my lips against his roughly, drawing a small surprised sound from Ichigo, before slipping my tongue out slowly. He squeezed his eyes shut as I attempted to pry his lips apart with my pierced tongue, his pink lips refusing to open.
An idea came to mind. I slipped my hand down, brushing it lightly over his ass, before squeezing gently. He gasped slightly, allowing me instant access into his mouth. I slipped my tongue in, rubbing the tip of it against Ichigo's, urging him to join in.
A small moan came from the back of his throat when I passed my tongue over his. His eyes widened and I smirked slightly. I drew back quickly when I felt his teeth sink into the flesh of my tongue, just missing the black stud in the centre. I tasted blood for a second, my tongue throbbing slightly.
Ichigo panted, wiping the small trail of saliva from his chin, glaring up at me defiantly. Crimson painted his cheeks, and his eyes were slightly lidded. He then reached up, grabbed a couple of slices of toast, before walking out of the kitchen.
"Ichi-chan..." I called out after him, licking my lips slightly, the taste of him lingering.
"Fuck off! Stupid, idiot!" He yelled back, obviously flustered. I heard the door slam shortly after, and I sighed. I grabbed my drink, downing the rest of it in one, before following after him.
00 (Normal P.O.V.) 00
"Ichigo, c'mon! I didn't mean it!" Shiro's voice drew the attention of everyone in the area, all eyes falling on him and his twin.
"Shut up! Leave me alone!" Ichigo's angrier voice yelled out, making people roll their eyes, most of them used to hearing arguments like this every morning.
Only two people dared approach them when they began arguing like this, both friends of Shiro, who also knew and were quite close to Ichigo.
"Oi, annoying twins, shut up. D'ya have to argue like this every morning?" A blue-haired teen asked, walking up to them with a tall black-haired teen following close behind.
"Until he..." Ichigo pointed at Shiro. "...stops being an asshole, no!" He added, glaring daggers into his twin, who stood whistling nonchalantly. The blue-haired teen sighed, before walking over and throwing his arm over Ichigo's shoulder.
"Don't let it bother ya', he'll get bored of ya' sooner or later, and then move on to someone new." He said, earning a harsh glare from Shiro. Ichigo pouted, disbelieving of that statement.
"Anyway, wha' did 'e do this time?" The tall, lanky teen asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"It was only a small kiss." Shiro said, adding emphasis to the word small. Ichigo scoffed.
"It was going to be until you...until you..." Ichigo started shouting, but couldn't bring himself to finish what he said, the last part turning into a mumble. He'd pointed an accusing finger at Shiro, but he slowly brought it down, a blush on his face.
"Jesus, no need ta' be so innocent Ichi. I jus' slipped my tongue in a little, tha's all." Shiro said, dismissing it with a quick wave of his hand. Ichigo 'hmph'-ed, folding his arms over his chest and muttering something under his breath.
The blue-haired teen could feel the tension building, and decided to deal with it the only way he knew how. He leant down, brushing his lips against the back of Ichigo's ear, earning a shudder from the red-head. He slowly brought his tongue out, licking the outer rim of Ichigo's ear. He grinned when the boy let out a small noise of pleasure, un-heard by anyone but the four of them.
"G-GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME! BAKA! PERVERT!" Ichigo yelled, pushing the slightly taller teen's arm off his shoulders and moving away. The blue-haired teen's grin grew slightly, whilst the tallest of the four chuckled. Shiro glared at the two of them.
"Fuckin' hell Grimmjow, don't do that to 'im. 'E's terrified now." Shiro said with a grumble, watching as Ichigo recollected himself and breathed a heavy sigh.
"Fucking assholes. If you want me, I'll be hanging around with Ishida and that lot." The red-head muttered, before storming off, not even sparing a second glance at the three of them. Shiro sighed heavily, shoulders drooping in defeat.
"And just who was the one frenchin' 'im up so early in the morning?" The blue-haired male asked his voice laced with sarcasm. Shiro shot a glare at him, before shoving his hands in his pockets and walking off moodily. The other two teens followed behind him obediently.
"That stupid fuck." Ichigo muttered, the curse slowly followed by a low string of grumbles.
"Seriously Kurosaki, just get over it. You should be used to it by now anyway…" Ichigo's friend, Ishida, said. The comment was ignored by the irritated red-head, not that Ishida cared as he was too engrossed in his sewing. Ichigo sighed exasperatedly, before drawing his knees up to his chest and resting his head on them.
"You wouldn't understand unless he was your brother." Ichigo muttered into his knees.
"Maybe you should talk to him about it?" The suggestion made by Ichigo's second friend, Chad. Ichigo looked up and glared with one solitary eye. Chad shrugged.
Another sigh. "I can't! I'm worried…what if he does something like that again?"
"Kurosaki, listen here. This is his idea of a practical joke, he's done it before to others, just forget about it." Ishida snapped, before pushing his thin-rimmed glasses up slightly and tucking a lock of black hair behind his ear. Ichigo whined, lifting his head and bringing an apple-juice carton to his lips, sucking on the straw lightly. Scowling, he crushed the carton in his hand and stood up abruptly.
"I can see I'm just annoying you so I'll be taking my leave." Ichigo muttered moodily, before storming off, slamming the door to the roof on his way out. Chad and Ishida ignored his little tantrum, already used to them after knowing the red-head for a couple of years now.
00 (Shiro's P.O.V.) 00
"Shiro, you asshole, get over here." I turned my head when that familiar angry voice called my name. The others in my classroom ignored my twin, used to him coming here in this state.
"Why can't you tell me it here, Ichi-chan?" I asked, teasingly, happy when I got my desired reaction of him blushing and stammering.
"You know why. Come with me." Ichigo demanded, finally finding the words he wanted. I remained seated.
"Shi-nii." He said sternly, and I knew then it must be important. I rose from my seat, walking a few paces to reach the classroom door. He grabbed my sleeve when I was close enough, dragging me out of the room and down the hallway. We headed towards the end of the hall, stopping just in front of the staircase. Most people were in class currently, so no one was around. I smirked, making him instantly wary.
"Oh-ho, I see your plan. You wanted us ta' be alone so we could continue our earlier activities." I said, leering down at my blushing twin. He glared at me and stood on my toe, the anger obvious.
"Of course not i-idiot! I'm here to talk to you." Ichigo said, his eyes refusing to meet mine.
I was about to talk, when one of Ichigo's friends – friend may not be the right word here – Keigo came charging round the corner. He instantly latched onto Ichigo's arm with a cry of his name, making Ichigo cringe and flinch away.
I glared at him, the close contact pissing me off. He ignored me, even more irritating, and blabbered on to Ichigo about something.
After around two minutes of him blatantly ignoring my glares, I decided to tell him straight out. As I was about to, the boy encased Ichigo in a large hug, nuzzling his face against the berry's shoulder affectionately. I felt my eye visibly twitch, my anger finally getting the best of me.
"Don't touch 'im." I spat, catching his attention momentarily. Ichigo seemed shocked by my sudden change of attitude. I grabbed Keigo's wrist in a vice-like grip, before twisting his arm and making him release Ichigo. I pulled him off what was rightfully mine and turned to face him.
"Don't you dare touch MY property. You do it once more and I'll snap ya' neck." I hissed, Keigo practically pissing himself. He nodded vigorously, before giving Ichigo a quick two-finger salute and running off, followed slowly by Mizuiro, friend of Keigo and Ichigo.
I turned back round to face Ichigo, my anger now turning on him.
"Ya' le' that bastard touch ya' so easily! Yet if I come within ten feet of ya', ya' panic and run away." I snapped, Ichigo flinching at my harsh words. I grabbed his wrist, pulling him towards me, his legs not quite keeping up as he stumbled into my chest. He rubbed his nose with his free hand, before looking up at me. I leant down the couple of inches it took to have my nose bump against his, before smashing my lips against his roughly. He whimpered slightly when I bit his lower lip lightly, his mouth trembling as it opened up to my probing tongue. His eyes were squeezed shut, a heavy blush coating his face.
"Phwah!" A small noise escaped his mouth when I pulled back. I smirked slightly, glancing down at his slightly-red bottom lip, before diving back down again to steal another kiss. He tried to pull back, but I grabbed both of his wrists in one hand, using the other to push the back of his head closer to mine, allowing me further entry into his delicious mouth. With his arms under my control, he was powerless, only able to make small, weak noises in the back of his throat.
I slipped my hand down, releasing the back of his head, and slid it round to the front. My fingers danced along his collar bone, gently stroking the lightly-tanned skin. He made a small sound, much like a sound of pleasure, and tried to free his hands.
I pulled back from the kiss, finally giving him some air. His kiss-swollen lips open and panting for breath, and he glared up at me – still defiant. I had to admit that look was sexy, especially on him. My fingers continued to trace the skin around his neck and collar bone, before I leaned my head down, lips brushing lightly against the smooth skin of his neck.
I placed my hand against his mouth, before sinking my teeth into his neck. A muffled yelp came from behind my hand, his teeth sinking down into my hand. I ignored it and sucked lightly, nibbling the already-puckering flesh. Drawing back slightly, I admired my work, the red mark encased in a circle of teeth marks. I then leaned back down and licked the damaged area, soothing it over with my tongue. After moving back and releasing his hands I froze. Small tears were leaking down his cheek.
"Tha's what happens when you let other guys touch ya'. Now none of them will come near ya'." I said, albeit rather reluctantly. He looked up, a ghost of fear crossing his eyes.
"B-But it's not right! Twin's can't do this!" Ichigo cried out, his voice slightly shaky as he brought his hand up to wipe his tears away. When I brought my hand up to wipe away a stray tear, my hand was slapped away. He glared at me through slightly watery eyes, before drawing his collar back up to hide the mark and turning away. I could practically feel the anger and fear radiating off him, so I took a step back.
"Is that really all ya' worried about? The fact tha' this isn't 'right'? Shouldn't ya' be more worried about wha' I migh' do ta' ya'?" I asked irritably, only receiving an even harsher glare in response. He crossed his arms over his chest and sighed.
"You don't get it do you Shi-nii? Twins shouldn't do this! It's not right! And you wouldn't do anything worse than what you just did, I know you better than you think! Stop messing around with me!" He yelled, his face crimson with both anger and embarrassment. I stopped, before turning away, unsure of how to respond.
"Ta be honest, it's ya that doesn't understand anythin'." I muttered, before striding away, slapping myself internally at how un-cool I'd been. But if this was what my twin wanted, he could have it.
I'll ignore him for a while, leave him by himself, and he'll come running back.
00 (Ichigo's P.O.V.) 00
"Grimmjow, have you seen Shiro?" I asked, walking up to both mine and Shiro's best friend. His hair was an odd colour – blue – which was apparently all-natural.
"'E said tha' 'e'd gone 'ome early." Grimmjow replied, raising a brow at me when he noticed my confused expression.
"'E didn' tell ya'?" He asked; I shook my head in response. "Ya' fightin' with 'im again?" I nodded.
"No surprise really, 'e seemed super pissed when 'e came up ta' us earlier." Nnoitra, a tall teen who often hung around Grimmjow and Shiro, said. I looked up and raised one eyebrow. Nnoitra nodded and looked down at me, his one-visible eye (the other covered by a white bandana) widened momentarily. I glanced down and could feel a blush creeping up the back of my neck when I realised that the collar of my shirt was open just enough to see the mark that Shiro had left earlier.
"I-It's just a bug bight!" I said, cursing my stutter internally.
"Tha's gotta' be one hell of a big bug to leave a bite that size." Grimmjow pointed out, I felt my face heat up at the comment.
"Looks more like a love-bite ta' me, probably from Shiro too." Nnoitra said, grinning when he saw the blush on my face. I felt flustered, so I simply said my 'goodbyes' and ran off; I could hear them sniggering behind me. I felt my brow furrow slightly, but I couldn't be bothered caring.
"Shi-nii?" I called out, hoping for some sort of response. I wasn't greeted with one. I tried once more, slightly louder this time, but still got no response.
I wandered into the kitchen, wondering if he'd leave me a note like he always did whenever he leaves like this. There wasn't one. An odd feeling of dissatisfaction and uncertainty filled my chest, my frown deepening.
"Stupid Shi-nii. Not that I care anyway, not after he did that to me earlier." I grumbled under my breath, before heading towards the stairs. I jogged up them, stopping at the first door on the right – Shiro's room. I pushed the door open lightly, before poking my head in and looking around; it was empty. I tried the next room on the right – the bathroom – and did the same, the bathroom empty too.
I trudged into my room, hopes rising slightly when I saw the small note lying on the floor, only to realise it was the same note from this morning. I felt some form of sadness tug at my heartstrings, I was completely confused. Wouldn't it be natural to not want to see someone after something like that had happened? For some reason I wanted to see Shiro…
No, no I didn't. Why would I want to see him? Hah, no way.
I threw my bag onto the bed, my whole body soon following, falling just next to the bag.
00 (Normal P.O.V.) 00
"What the fuck! Am I really not good enough for you?" This was all the warning Shiro received before a manicured hand connected with the side of his face, the owner of said-hand soon storming out, the door slamming behind them. Shiro sighed, before yanking his underwear and pants up and zipping the fly, picking up his jacket that had been tossed aside in the middle of a heated tongue-war.
"What the fuck is happening, why the fuck couldn't I get it up?" He grumbled, before heading out of the room and back out into the club. The name of the club was 'Vizard', a club he often visited to rid himself of any sexual frustration. The club was also connected to a series of rooms, much like the rooms found in love-hotels, which one had to reserve for the evening.
Shiro had reserved one of these rooms, yet he had not managed to use it to its full potential thus far as every time he'd tried with a partner, he could not get it up. All his partners so far had been women, so he wondered if his dick was in the mood for a male partner. The woman who had just left him was a busty woman named Rangiku, she was often his partner if he couldn't be bothered tracking down another, however they weren't dating – the woman had a boyfriend – just sex friends to relieve frustration on one another.
He left the room, the door locking itself automatically. He then headed towards the balcony, which looked down on the club. He looked around for any males that appeared to be interesting. Out of the corner of his eye he though he saw a head of orange hair, but he was wrong. Sighing heavily, Shiro headed towards the stairs that descended down into the club, hoping he could find a partner soon.
"Rangiku-san?" Ichigo said down the phone, getting an excited giggle and a high-pitched 'hi!' from the other end of the line.
"What's up Ichigo?" She asked, the giggling dying down when she heard the sigh from Ichigo.
"You haven't, I don't know, seen Shi-nii by any chance have you?" He asked, running a hand through his hair irritably.
Rangiku paused. "Um, no I don't think so. Why? What's he done now?" Ichigo chewed his lower lip, wondering if he should tell her what happened.
"Ah, it's nothing. Just a small fight is all. Thanks anyway." Ichigo said, deciding to keep it a secret.
"Well…if you're sure…Can I ask how long he's been gone?" Rangiku asked, having to switch her phone to the other ear so that she could rummage through her purse for something.
"Two days now. I think he's been at school, but every time I see him he disappears." Ichigo replied, Rangiku could hear the sadness in his voice, and decided that it may be best to tell the red-head.
"Well, I think I know where you might be able to find him, if you come to Club Vizard on Friday, you should be able to find him." She said, trying to reassure the sad red-head.
"Okay. Thanks Rangiku-san." Ichigo said, glancing up at his calendar – Friday was two days away.
"Sorry Ichigo, I have to go now, my friend needs me." Rangiku said, a small giggle passing her lips at something one of her friends had said.
Ichigo smiled slightly, thankful that this girl was his friend. "Okay, bye!" He said, before pressing the 'end call' button and snapping his phone shut.
He was really beginning to worry; Shiro hadn't been home at all, Ichigo had even stayed up all of last night to check. Shiro had only done this once before, just after he broke up with his girlfriend, he was really depressed. Ichigo had wanted to help him, but his twin hadn't let him, but as soon as he came back he was back to normal.
But this time, it was different, Ichigo had heard how angry Shiro was when he'd left him after that incident at school a couple of days ago.
Shiro was satisfied – or so he wanted to believe – after three rounds of hot sex with a pretty-faced, brown-haired male and just before that three rounds with a blond-haired boy.
A sigh escaped his lips. Of course he wasn't satisfied. He couldn't even look at his partner's faces without imagining Ichigo writhing sexily beneath him. The only reason he couldn't get it up with girls was because their bodies weren't right; at least with the males he could just change their faces to Ichigo's in his mind, and the body would be the right shape.
It had been a good few days since he'd last talked to Ichigo, and now every time he thought about Ichigo, his heart pounded and he felt a horrid sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. This feeling wasn't new to him exactly, he'd felt it once before, but he refused to believe it could be that. He only really wanted to have sex with Ichigo…right?
He knew he was in love with Ichigo, but after all that Ichigo had said to him, he was really beginning to doubt himself…I mean they were twins…
But love was the only explanation for his sudden possessiveness over Ichigo. Sure, he'd been pretty bad before, but now it was worse. He couldn't even stand the sight of someone touching Ichigo lightly, be they male or female. He was pretty pissed at Grimmjow too, after what he'd done to Ichigo in the past.
He pushed those memories back, before picking up the drink next to him at the bar. Swirling his drink lightly, he took a large gulp, before placing it back down, his eyes constantly scanning the room for another possible partner.
A lot of the people in there were regulars, meaning that it was difficult to find someone new sometimes, which could be a pain in the ass. For the majority of the time, people slept with the same people, people who they classed as their 'sex-friends'. Shiro had a few of these, one of them being Rangiku, another being a small-ish male going by the name Ulquiorra (who was also acquainted with Grimmjow). Most people approached him first, as he was – dare he say it – pretty fucking attractive.
He spotted a decent-looking male nearby, stood casually in the corner with a drink in hand. Their eyes met and the corners of the boy's mouth curled up into a small smirk. Shiro smirked back, and just as he was about to make a move, a hand grabbed his arm. He was spun round to face Rangiku. He looked back to see if the male was still there, but he had apparently moved on, drawing an irritated sigh from the albino.
"What the fuck Rangiku –" He was cut off quickly.
"What the hell is going on between you and Ichigo? He just called me and was asking for you, he seemed pretty goddamn worried." Rangiku snapped her normally-cheery face now serious.
"It's nothing…" Shiro lied.
"Nothing?! As if I would believe that. You're fighting with him again, aren't you? You always avoid him when you're fighting with him." Rangiku bit out, folding her arms over her busty chest.
"So what if I am? What's it to you? He started this whole thing any-" Shiro froze. He wasn't meant to tell her anything, she was just a sex friend.
"It means a lot to me, Shi. Ichigo's like a younger brother to me." Rangiku paused, watching for the others reaction. "Don't be such a fucking idiot. Ichigo needs you, you know?"
Shiro turned away, picking up the drink he'd left at the bar and drinking what was left. Rangiku sighed.
"Just try not to be such a dick to him Shiro. You know what it's been like for him in the past right? If you weren't around to help him out, he often had people attempting to make a pass on him. With you gone, who knows what might happen to the poor boy." Rangiku said, before walking off, leaving Shiro stunned and unable to respond.
"Ya' still fightin' with Shiro?" Grimmjow asked, only receiving a nod from Ichigo, who currently had his head cradled in his arms on the table, facing down so no one would be able to see his expression.
"'Ow long's it been now…three days?" Ichigo shook his head, holding up his hand with four fingers up, to tell the two before him the answer. He turned his head, looking to his right and out of the window. There was a permanent frown on his face, the crease between his brows showing that he'd been frowning for a while now.
Today was the day that Ichigo would be able to see Shiro, hopefully. He was going to go to (from what Rangiku had told him) Shiro's favourite club: 'Vizard'. He was pretty nervous; what if Shiro didn't want to see him? What if Shiro was still angry with him?
"Has he been at school?" Ichigo asked, looking up at Grimmjow and Nnoitra, who'd both pulled up a chair to sit on the opposite side of his desk.
"I'm pretty sure tha' 'e has." Grimmjow said. Nnoitra nodded, agreeing with his blue-haired friend. Ichigo sighed, something he'd found himself doing a lot lately.
"Anyway, I've been meaning ta' ask, why are ya' so worried? 'Asn't 'e done this before?" Nnoitra asked, receiving a nod from the red-head.
"Yeah, but this time he'd avoiding me because he's angry with me. Last time it was because he didn't want me to see him being upset." Ichigo explained, leaning back in his chair, glaring up at the ceiling.
Ichigo stepped into the club Rangiku had told him about, able to get in easily because Rangiku had told the two bouncers – Kenpachi, his old kendo teacher, and Ikkaku, a former sparring partner – to let him in. He must admit he really hadn't liked the way the two of them looked at him, the look in their eyes very familiar to him as he'd had it before.
He glanced down at his outfit once more; a black shirt – open – with a tight, white t-shirt underneath, a pair of black skinny jeans that hugged his ass nicely, and a pair of black and white converse. He rolled up the sleeves on his shirt, breathing out a heavy sigh, before walking further in.
His honey-brown eyes scanned the room, looking for Rangiku. It wasn't easy, as there were a lot of people in there. A lot of them looked at him as he walked past, and the red-head could feel their stares following his ass as he left. A shudder ripped down his spine when a hand gently caressed his arm as he passed, but he was used to it already, from past experiences with perverts.
"Ichigo!" He heard his name being called from somewhere in front of him, so he stood up on his tip-toes to get a better look at whoever was calling him. Rangiku ran over, the person in front of Ichigo side-stepping to avoid the girl, before encasing him in a tight hug. He smiled slightly, glad to see her.
"Hi Rangiku." He said once she'd released him. She smiled, before glancing over his shoulder. A man was reaching his hand out in Ichigo's direction, so she glared at him, the man instantly retracting his hand. Ichigo raised one eyebrow, but she simply smiled and shook her head. She then grabbed his arm and dragged him towards the bar.
"It's been a while since I've seen you in person; you've grown quite a bit." Rangiku said, gesturing with a smooth head movement to his body. He smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head nervously.
"You're definitely the same as always, a lot prettier too." Ichigo said, Rangiku smiling uncontrollably at the innocence and naivety of the boy. She then turned to the woman at the bar – Halibel – and ordered two drinks. Ichigo looked slightly shocked when Halibel's startling green eyes turned on him, but he quickly calmed down. She nodded at him, and he returned the gesture uncertainly. She then turned away and proceeded to make the drinks.
"She's not…wearing contacts is she?" Ichigo muttered to Rangiku, receiving a shake of the head from the woman.
"Nope! They're very beautiful aren't they?" Rangiku asked, hoping to ease Ichigo's awkwardness by making conversation with him. Ichigo nodded, blushing lightly.
He then remembered his initial reason for coming here.
"So…um…where's Shiro?" He asked, very nervous. Rangiku froze.
"Don't worry, he'll be here soon. I promise." Rangiku said, lifting her hand and ruffling his hair lightly, smiling still to reassure him. Ichigo nodded, turning round when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Halibel held a glass out, filled with a clear liquid and a slice of lime; he took it and thanked her.
"Did you hear? He said you had very beautiful eyes Hali-chan." Rangiku said, grinning at the bartender. The stoic woman nodded and turned back to Ichigo.
"Thank you." She said quietly, before turning back to finish off Rangiku's drink.
Ichigo nursed his drink, before taking a small sip. Slightly taken aback by the strong flavour, but not too bothered. He'd had alcohol once before, at one of Grimmjow's many drinking parties, so the flavour was nothing new.
"Ah, my friend's calling me. I'm really sorry Ichigo; I'll need to go see what's up. Stay here, I'll be right back." Rangiku said quickly, before walking off, soon lost in the sea of people.
Ichigo held his drink, swirling the liquid inside the glass lightly. He was soon lost in his own thoughts, thinking about what he was going to say to Shiro when they finally saw each other again. He was completely oblivious to the two figures approaching him.
"Haven't seen you around here before." A voice from his right brought Ichigo out of his thoughts. He looked up at the man who had spoken a frown on his face.
"You must be new…oh wow. What a pretty little face." A second voice to his left had him snapping his head to the other side, both men laughing at the action. The second man lifted a hand, cupping Ichigo's chin. He admired both sides of Ichigo's face, before looking at his defiant eyes.
"This one's a good one. He's got defiant eyes, I like that." The second said to the first, before leaning in closer. Ichigo tried to move back, but the hand cupping his chin tightened. He could smell the alcohol and smoke in the man's breath, making him scrunch his face up in disgust. The second man just grinned, before pressing his chapped lips against Ichigo's.
Ichigo's eyes widened and he raised his fist, punching the man square in the face. The man recoiled back and Ichigo coughed slightly, the taste of the other still lingering on his lips. He went to grab his drink, hoping to wash the taste out of his mouth. He was unable to, as the first man grabbed his wrists, before holding them tightly behind his back.
"What the fuck are you doing? Get off me!" Ichigo hissed, trying not to cause a scene or draw attention to himself. The two men sniggered, before pressing their lips to both of his ears, one on each side.
"Don't worry; we'll make sure that you enjoy yourself." They whispered, voices slightly slurred from alcohol. The second man reached his arms up – being the only one with free hands – and lightly groped Ichigo's chest, before pinching his nipples lightly. The red-head let out a quiet, surprised sound; a blush slowly spreading across his cheeks. He tried to kick his legs out, but the two men were unfazed by his weak attacks.
"S-Stop it!" Ichigo said, letting out a quiet moan when the man pinched harder, his nipples hardening, now visible through his shirt.
Before they could continue, the second man froze, his mouth falling open as a silent yell was released. Ichigo looked up, his eyes widening when he realised what was happening.
A hand connected with the back of the man's neck once more, said-man falling limp. He fell to the floor, knocked unconscious, revealing who it was that had attacked him.
"S-Shi-nii…" Ichigo whispered, Shiro – the attacker – looking at him. Shiro's glare intensified when he took in Ichigo's appearance; his lips open and damp from the kiss, his nipples perky and visible through Ichigo's tight shirt, and a small tent beginning to pitch in the front of Ichigo's jeans. Shiro's glare turned on the first man.
"Let him go." Shiro bit out, alighting fear in the man's eyes. He let go of Ichigo, his hands shaking. He stepped back, absolutely terrified of Shiro.
"Shi-nii." Ichigo said again, moving towards his twin. Shiro stepped aside, not allowing Ichigo to touch him, before walking towards the man who was currently frozen with fear. Drawing his fist back, he swiftly punched the man in the face, drawing his fist back again, this time punching his stomach. The man curled up, clutching his stomach and crying out in pain. Shiro brought his leg back, before throwing it forwards, catching the man's nose and feeling bones crack under his foot.
The man fell over, writhing around on the floor clutching both his stomach and nose – blood slowly seeping through the man's fingers and dribbling down the back of his hand. Shiro grinned, and brought his leg up, aiming directly for the top of the man's head.
"Stop Shi-nii." The voice from behind him made him freeze up. Shiro turned his head, looking over at Ichigo, who was standing just behind the unconscious body of the other man. He then grit his teeth and turned back round, bringing his foot down on the man's head. Ichigo couldn't be heard over the sound of the man crying out in pain.
By this time, practically everyone in the club was staring.
"Touch him again and I'll kill you." Shiro said, glaring daggers into the man beneath him. He then turned and walked off, grabbing Ichigo's arm in the process and dragging him towards the stairs. He walked up, ignoring the stares and mutters of people around them. He had one goal: to get Ichigo away from the eyes of all the perverts around.
Ichigo spluttered, protesting all the way. Once they reached the top of the stairs he took a right, heading to the first room on the left side of the corridor. He pulled a card out of his pocket and slotted it into the card holder, the light flashing green to signal the door unlocking. He pushed it open, his name being called in amidst Ichigo's protests, and pulled Ichigo into the room, slamming the door shut behind them. He flicked the light switch and pressed Ichigo up against the door.
"Shi-nii! Stop it!" Ichigo cried out, unable to think properly after all the events that had just happened. Shiro rested his head on Ichigo's shoulder, breathing heavily. Ichigo tensed up, unsure of what was happening.
"Why?! Why would ya' let those perverts touch you?! How stupid are ya'?" Shiro snapped, his voice muffled as he yelled into Ichigo's shoulder. Ichigo frowned again.
"How is it my fault?! I came here to see you! If you hadn't left me like that maybe this wouldn't have happened!" Ichigo yelled, attempting to push Shiro off of him so that he could talk to his twin's face.
"Oh, so ya' are blamin' me now are ya'?! Ya' are the one tha' pushed me away, ya' completely ignored ma' feelin's, constantly tellin' me tha' 'Twin's can't do this'!" Shiro yelled, mimicking Ichigo's voice for the last part. Ichigo looked shocked, but he quickly regained his composure.
"You never told me how you felt! You kept doing stupid things like kissing me and groping me! To me that seems like you only want me for sex! I was pretty fucking confused, so I said stuff that I didn't mean, okay?!" Ichigo yelled, finally managing to push his twin off. Shiro stumbled back slightly, looking down at Ichigo with a frown. He opened his mouth to speak, but decided against it and closed his mouth. Ichigo looked down at his feet, letting out a small sigh.
Shiro felt his eyes widen when he noticed, upon closer inspection, Ichigo was blushing heavily. He pressed one hand to the door next to Ichigo's head to lean on, before lifting Ichigo's head gently with his free hand. He could feel his anger disappearing slowly. Ichigo allowed him to, but averted his eyes and refused to look Shiro in the eyes.
"Fuck you. Ya' are way too cute for ya' own good." Shiro muttered, hanging his head and sighing.
"I'm still angry with ya' though. For comin' 'ere, tha' is. It's not safe fer' someone like ya' self." He added, before looking up again. His eyes widening once more when he noticed Ichigo's blush deepening.
"Heh. S'there a reason why ya' are blushing Ichi-chan?" Shiro asked, planting a small kiss on Ichigo's cheek. Ichigo mumbled something, but Shiro didn't quite catch it. Ichigo glared at him and muttered it just loud enough for Shiro to hear.
"I-I'm still hard…" These words were like music to Shiro's ears. But, since teasing was in his nature, he had to tease the berry first.
"Is there a reason? Maybe ya' really did want ta' go with those guys…" Shiro murmured, receiving yet another glare from the red-head.
"I-Idiot. That's not the reason!" Ichigo said, looking down at his feet in embarrassment.
"So why then?" Shiro asked directly next to Ichigo's ear, making his twin shiver when hot breath ran over his ear.
"Wh-When I saw..." Ichigo trailed off, embarrassment getting the best of him and leaving him unable to finish his sentence. Shiro grinned and let go of Ichigo's chin, allowing his twin's head to hang slightly.
"Wh-When I saw you my body felt hot a-and it j-just went up b-by itself!" Ichigo blurted out, before covering his face with his hands. Shiro smirked proudly and ran his tongue over the outer rim of Ichigo's ear.
"If you'd let me, I can help you." Shiro whispered sexily, that voice like silk against Ichigo's ears. The red-head quivered, pausing for a moment to think over Shiro's suggestion. After a few moments, Ichigo nodded slowly. Shiro grinned and moved Ichigo to the bed, his twin moving slightly reluctantly, uncertainly.
"Don't worry, I won't go anywhere near ya' ass." Shiro said which seemed to calm Ichigo down slightly. Shiro pushed Ichigo lightly so that he fell onto the bed. Shiro climbed onto the bed after him and lay Ichigo down, smirking down at his nervous twin.
"Relax Ichi, I'll make ya' feel good." Shiro muttered, rubbing his knee lightly against Ichigo's crotch, drawing a shaky breath from his twin. He seemed pleased with this so he continued, whilst also unbuttoning Ichigo's jeans. He leant down and placed a light kiss on Ichigo's trembling lips, looking into Ichigo's slowly-darkening, lidded eyes.
Ichigo lifted his hips to allow Shiro to pull his jeans and boxers down, just enough for Little Ichigo to spring up. He gasped lightly when the tip of his member rubbed against Shiro's shirt, making the albino grin.
"So sensitive, aren't we?" Shiro muttered, before walking two fingers down the front of Ichigo's shirt, rubbing against his nipples slightly.
"Un…" Ichigo moaned out quietly, spurring Shiro on. He pinched Ichigo's nipples through his shirt, rolling them between his thumb and forefinger, drawing another soft moan from the red-head. Ichigo's member twitched and he tried to lift his hips to get some form of sensation. Shiro noticed this and withdrew his hands, moving back, denying Ichigo what he wanted.
"Shii..." Ichigo whined, glaring at the smug-looking Shiro.
"What's wrong Ichi-chan?" Shiro asked, leaning down and blowing on Ichigo's member. "What do you want?"
Ichigo cried out angrily when Shiro raked his nails up the inside of his thighs gently, so tantalizingly close to his member, before drawing back. The albino could only smirk as he watched Ichigo writhe about.
"T-Touch me…" Ichigo muttered the obvious embarrassment showing on his face.
"Where?" Shiro asked, Ichigo absolutely mortified when Shiro drew back completely.
"M-My dick…" He whispered, and Shiro decided to stop teasing him.
"Come over here." Shiro said, sitting up and opening his legs for Ichigo to sit in between. Ichigo complied, in desperate need of release. He sat in between Shiro's legs, with his back to the albino's chest, unintentionally pressing up against the tent in Shiro's pants. Shiro let out a groan.
"Ya' fuckin' tease." He muttered, before grabbing Ichigo's member suddenly.
"Ah!" Ichigo let out a startled moan, his whole body tensing up. Shiro began moving his hand up and down, pumping Ichigo's member at a steady pace. Ichigo writhed and moaned in his lap, occasionally brushing against Shiro's crotch. The albino moaned quietly, before gritting his teeth and pumping faster, Ichigo's moans increasing in volume.
"Ah! Un – Shiro!" Ichigo moaned. Shiro didn't think that Ichigo said his name purposefully, but either way Shiro's mind said that was sexy.
"Say my name again Ichi." Shiro murmured lowly against Ichigo's ear, making the berry shiver with pleasure when that voice sounded. Shiro's voice did something to him that he couldn't explain, but it felt good.
"Sh-Shiro…" Ichigo moaned out quietly, and was rewarded with Shiro's hand speeding up. With his free hand, Shiro reached round and rubbed his thumb against the slit on the tip of Ichigo's member, beads of pre-cum already leaking out. Ichigo cried out, his hands fisting the sheets. Shiro grinned and knew he'd have to remember that sensitive spot for the future.
"Shiro! Again…Please!" Ichigo breathed out, a bright blush coating his cheeks. Shiro groaned out and complied, this time digging his nail into the slit lightly.
"Oh! Ah!" Ichigo breathed out heavily, his body twitching and his breathing heavy and shaky. Shiro smirked, his other hand still pumping up and down Ichigo's shaft with ease.
Ichigo's eyes clenched shut when Shiro rubbed his finger over the sensitive spot just below the head of his member.
"Shiro!" He cried out and his body arched, white spots appearing before his eyes. A hot, white liquid spurted out, his whole body going limp. He panted heavily, his body slumping in Shiro's lap.
"Heh, I got ya' off with just my hand Ichi-chan." Shiro said, holding up his cum-coated hand and bringing it to his mouth. Ichigo watched in shock as Shiro began lapping up the liquid on his hand.
"D-Don't!" Ichigo said, but Shiro ignored him.
"I'll stop, but ya will have ta' clean my hand for me." Shiro murmured, and Ichigo shook his head furiously. Shiro sniggered, his hand now clean, but he wiped it on the sheets anyway; the cleaners could deal with their mess.
"Ichi?" Ichigo turned his head, only to have his lips meet Shiro's. This time he didn't refuse, though his face scrunched up slightly when he tasted himself on Shiro's lips. Shiro pried his mouth open, slipping his tongue inside Ichigo's mouth. He rubbed it lightly against Ichigo's; encouraging Ichigo's to join in. Shyly, the red-head brought his tongue up to join with Shiro's, the two engaging in some form of intimate dance.
Shiro pulled back, noticing Ichigo's need for air, a trail of saliva connecting their lips, until Shiro licked his lips and broke it. He then leant down and licked it off Ichigo's mouth, grinning slightly.
"Love ya' Ichi-chan." Shiro muttered against Ichigo's lips, before planting one last light kiss.
"Me too." Ichigo muttered, realisation finally hitting him.
So that was why he'd wanted Shiro back.
Ichigo went to get up, but was prevented by Shiro.
"Wha-" He was cut off.
"Ya' honestly didn't think we were done did ya'?" Shiro asked, grinning.
"So ya' finally did 'im then?" Grimmjow asked; Shiro looked slightly shocked at the question.
"How did ya' know?" Shiro asked, narrowing his eyes slightly in suspicion.
"Virgins 're always way prettier 'nd sexy after sex." Grimmjow said with a shrug, receiving a smack over the head from behind. The two of them turned around to see Ichigo stood, his fists shaking angrily.
"Idiot! Pervert!" Ichigo yelled, a heavy blush coating his face as he stormed off. Grimmjow and Shiro sniggered, completely unfazed by his little tantrums now.
"Doesn't it, I dunno, bother ya' tha' we're twins?" Shiro asked, trying to act nonchalant. Honestly, it didn't bother him, but he wondered how they felt. Not that he really cared, he was more just interested.
"Na'. I'm pretty sure I fucked my brother before." Grimmjow said casually.
"Ya' really are an idiot ya' know?" Shiro muttered, before taking a bite of the sandwich in his hand.
Grimmjow ignored his comment. "Shouldn't ya' go after 'im?" He asked.
"'E'll be back in a minute." Shiro said confidently.
Just as Shiro said, within a couple of minutes, the door to the roof opened and in the doorway stood Ichigo. Shiro narrowed his eyes when he noticed Ichigo's hair was messed up and the buttons on his shirt were mismatched. Ichigo noticed Shiro's glare and tried to explain.
"A-Ah, don't m-misunderstand! R-Rukia and Inoue, they s-saw the lo-love bite and..." Ichigo paused, watching as Shiro rose from his seated position and walked over. Grimmjow rolled his eyes and turned to Nnoitra, who had followed the dishevelled Ichigo.
"Come with me for a minute Ichi-chan. You need to be…examined." Shiro said, smiling brightly. Under that bright smile Ichigo could see Shiro's true nature.
"Sh-Shi…It's fine! I promise" Ichigo said, but Shiro already had hold of his arm. Shiro dragged Ichigo through the door and off the roof.
"See ya' later, perverted twins." Grimmjow called out.
"Oh ho. Now look who's into it." Shiro said, thrusting his three fingers in and out of Ichigo's hole. Ichigo writhed around on the nurse's desk, moaning and panting around the temporary-bandage-gag. He looked at Shiro over his shoulder, his lidded, molten-brown eyes staring into Shiro's. He made a gesture with his head, which Shiro assumed meant that he wanted to speak. He pulled the gag down and pants began to fill the room.
"S-Shiro, please…y-your cock…in me!" Ichigo cried out, making Shiro grin. He pulled the gag back up; to make sure that the whole school wouldn't hear Ichigo's sweet moans of pleasure. He bent his fingers, tapping against Ichigo's prostate. Ichigo let out a muffled moan.
If his hands weren't tied up this would be so much easier.
He heard Shiro un-zip his trousers, followed swiftly by the sound of pants dropping to the floor. A cap was opened, and Ichigo presumed it was the lube. He looked over his shoulder, his eyes darkening more as he watched Shiro lube up his member. He felt his dick twitch and he knew he wouldn't last much longer.
Ichigo felt something hot against his entrance and tried to push back on it, but Shiro wouldn't allow it, stepping back slightly.
"Someone's desperate. Are ya' hungry Ichi? Does ya' hole feel empty without my dick?" Shiro asked, the dirty words making Ichigo's blush darken a shade. But he nodded anyway, he really needed this.
"Ya~" Ichigo cried out behind the gag when Shiro thrust forward, burying himself inside of the red-head. Shiro let out a groan as Ichigo's walls clenched down on him, sucking him in as deep as possible. Ichigo moved his hips, a signal of him wanting Shiro to move. The albino complied, as he needed this just as badly as his lover.
He pulled back until only the tip remained inside, before thrusting back in hard. He repeated this motion, making Ichigo cry out. His body writhed underneath Shiro's as the albino fucked him into the desk.
The gag around his mouth was slick with saliva, so it slipped off easily, ripping a moan from Ichigo as it fell. Shiro left it; he loved the noises his lover made.
Shiro changed the angle of his thrusts. "Oh god, Shiro!" Ichigo cried out, thrusting his hips back against Shiro's. After that he met Shiro thrust-for-thrust, making both of them moan.
Shiro couldn't help getting off on all the earnest, explicitly sexual noises Ichigo couldn't stop himself from making. Especially now that his lover was close to release, his moans increasing in volume, his breathing heavy.
"Sh-Shiro! So close!" Ichigo moaned, panting and writhing.
"Me too Ichi. Just hang on." Shiro murmured. He could feel Ichigo's walls were beginning to spasm, his own dick twitching. They were both close.
"Shiro! Shiro!" Ichigo chanted his name between pants, so desperate for release. Shiro grabbed Ichigo's leaking, twitching member and pumped it a few times, in time with his thrusts.
"I'm cumming!" Ichigo cried out. White spots again, flickering behind his eyes, as his member twitched. White splattered over the wooden desk, Ichigo letting out a long drawn out moan. Shiro came soon after with a cry of Ichigo's name, the clenching and unclenching walls around his member driving him to the brink of ecstasy. He came inside Ichigo, his member slowly going soft.
The two remained like that for a few seconds, their pants the only sound filling the air. Shiro then pulled out, Ichigo's nose wrinkling as Shiro's cum dribbled out of his ass and down his leg.
Shiro grabbed a damp cloth from nearby and cleaned his member, before turning it over and wiping up the mess he'd created. He ran the cloth across Ichigo's puffy, abused hole.
"Mmm." Ichigo let out a lethargic moan, making Shiro have to grit his teeth to prevent himself from ravaging the unsuspecting red-head again. He managed to resist, and cleaned Ichigo up. The cloth was thrown aside, the albino uncaring of where it landed.
"Maybe I should just leave ya' like this. Le' everyone see what a pervert ya' truly are." Shiro said with a grin, grabbing his pants and pulling them up, buttoning and zipping them up.
"Y-You can't!" Ichigo said, looking at Shiro over his shoulder, panic in his eyes. Shiro sniggered, before walking over to Ichigo and untying his wrists. Ichigo instantly brought his wrists down, rubbing the small red marks from where the bandages used to tie them had dug in.
"Don't worry, I'd never let anyone else see ya' like this." Shiro said possessively, before helping Ichigo up, handing him his clothes. Ichigo let out a small noise of pain, grabbing his hips and butt, before glaring up at Shiro.
"S'not my fault that ya' were beggin' me for it." Shiro said, sitting Ichigo back down on the desk. He slipped Ichigo's boxers back on, Ichigo raising his hips to allow Shiro to pull them up properly. Shiro then began helping Ichigo to put his pants back on.
Behind them a door opened, and in stepped the school nurse (a female named Unohana). She froze, looking around at the mess; the cloths flung on the floor, the ruined bandages; and then the boys. Shiro turned round, frozen.
Ichigo was sat on the desk; a blush still painting his face, his shirt crumpled, his hair a mess, his pants around his knees.
Unohana smiled darkly, before shutting the door behind her.
"So, would you like to tell me what you two have been up to?"
So! I know this chapter was a lot longer than the previous ones, but that's not because this one is special!
Also, sorry about the constant changing of point of view.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! ^-^