A/N: First published story. The pairing is Finny x Aleister, so you've been warned for utter crack and utter cuteness. If you don't like crack, cuteness, shonen-ai, shortfics, pointless, plotless fluff or gardens, this story isn't for you. So, let the story begin. And even though it's my first story, I beg you don't go easy on me. Be completely honest when you review, please!

"Oh, oh my!" gasped the blond man when he saw the boy at his door, almost collapsing and showing utter amazement in his eyes. "You, sir! You wouldn't happen to be a gardener, would you? I asked for a gardener, not a garden rose!" commented Aleister, taking the young-looking boy's hand and smiling, staring deep into his eyes. "Your eyes are like lush fields of green grass! Your hair, so lovely like the yellow petals of the tulip! You have such soft hands, it's so amazing... What is your name, my gardener from Heaven?"

"Uh, Finnian, but most people call me Finny," answered the boy, widened eyes and blushing. He had heard the truth about the Viscount of Druitt. "And I, um, I'm here to garden for you, sir!" This viscount was the same as the one he had been told about. Flamboyant, over-the-top, and liked describing things. "So, where's your garden, sir?" He smiled. He liked being a gardener. He liked the outdoors in general, because when he was a child he wasn't allowed to go outside. He hated that past and wished he could forget it.

"Right this way, my lovely flower!"

When they got there, Finny's eyes widened in amazement and he smiled widely. It was so beautiful! Perfectly cut hedges, white roses, and a wonderful fountain in the centre. At the sides stood tall cherry blossom trees, and cards rested against their roots. One of them said 'Louise' and another said 'Mario'. "Wow! You named your trees, that's so kind!" yelled Finny, getting carried away in the beautiful display of nature and care. "Your garden is amazingly beautiful, sir!"

"But you... I bet you could make it even more beautiful, my sweet gardener," purred Aleister, kissing Finny on the cheek, and causing his face to go completely red.