A/N: LOVELIES. Hey. Waddup. No excuses, I know. But I'm like 100% sure this is my longest chapter yet because according to word, this chapter without all the extra author's notes and stuff it's 4,000 words. Yeah. Woooot. So go check out this group called Rockapella. That's your homework.

I'm so sorry for being a bad person like this okay gah okay here you go enjoy.

Rating: T for swearing, possible...implied intercourse in the future... Yep.

DISCLAIMER: I (sadly) do not own the Beatles.

Holly's POV

Lazy Day

May 17th, 2014

I opened an eye to look around my room, closing it immediately after I discovered absolutely nothing. I was bored. And alone. And sort of confused. I had the option to call up Zoey, but at that point, I could care a hell of a lot less about our friendship. Actually, Sarah would have been the better option to call. Ever since John and I had finally started dating back in 1956 in the other timeline, he, Pete, Julia and I started hanging out more. And of course, in addition to hanging out a lot more in that timeline, Sarah and I hung out more as we got into high school. We had a lot of classes together and we became friends with a lot of the same people. Unfortunately, we had to leave poor little Ryan behind at the middle school, but we knew he'd survive as long as people didn't talk too much about George Harrison and the Beatles around him.

Which, of course, was hard for me to be entirely okay with. As a matter of fact, it was beginning to give me anxiety issues. I was constantly worrying about Ryan figuring out that George Harrison wasn't just an average boy from Liverpool. I knew it was hard to keep it secret that he would eventually be in the most famous band to ever exist. And it amazed me how he had already made it so far without hearing anything about it. It almost made me want to be around him less and less. I didn't want to be with him the moment he found out about George Harrison and the Beatles, simply because I knew he'd immediately turn to me and start asking his questions.

So I sort of just laid there on my bed with my eyes closed, thinking to myself. I didn't want to call up Zoey, I didn't really feel like calling up George, and I was just too lazy to call up Sarah. It was a boring, do nothing day for me. I had no homework and I had nothing to practice my instruments for; I honestly had nothing to do. Frankly, I didn't really care though. I didn't even feel like going on the internet. I just laid there with my record player (that my dear George got me last Christmas) playing some Led Zeppelin. I opted organizing my room and finding a place for my rather small vinyl collection, but I put that idea down after I considered my laziness.

That was until there was an unexpected bang on the top glass part of my opened window. I jumped up from my bed with a scream and then sat back down immediately, breathing heavily. My mother barged into my room, her eyes widened. "What's the matter?!"

"N-Nothing, mom. Something hit the window and it startled me. It was probably a squirrel or something… Sorry for screaming like that." I frowned.

"Oh… Okay." My mom stared at me for a minute, raising an eyebrow. She turned to walk out but then stopped and turned back around. She looked at me, confused. "Since when did you become so polite?"

"I, uh, I dunno. Is it weird?" I tilted my head slightly.

"Yeah, kinda…" My mom chuckled. "It's just not you. You're never polite with me."

"Oh," I frowned again. "Sorry about that."

"I… Don't apologize, Holly. I was just kidding."


My mother raised her eyebrows at me and then nodded slowly. "Alright, then. Apology accepted," She said unsurely. "I'll, uh, see you later." She gave me a short, quick nod and left my room.

I sighed and lied back down again, closing my eyes and shaking my head. I suddenly heard some giggling outside, followed by some whispers. I opened my eyes and stood up quickly, walking over to my window and pulling up the screen. I stuck my head out the window and looked down to find Ryan standing down there, ready to throw a stone up. "I swear to God, little squirrel, if you throw something else up at my window one more time, I'm going to have to go down there and strangle you."

Ryan roared with laughter, dropping the stone to the ground. He nearly fell to his knees, but then returned his gaze back up at me. "Aw, but it's funny when you scream like that." He grinned at me and giggled.

Wait, no, he didn't giggle. Well, yes he did, since I heard him giggle. But his mouth didn't move. I looked at him, narrowing my eyes and tilting my head. "Who was that?" I asked him, looking around.

"Uhh…" Ryan went to speak, but then looked at the bush next to my house. He then nodded slightly and looked back up at me. "A friend."

"Who?" I urged for him to go on.

The bush began to move again, and then somebody stepped out. He was wearing blue button down with rolled up sleeves, tucked into a pair of black jeans that were held tightly to his waist with a fine, black leather belt. He made his way to Ryan and stood next to him, making it clear that he was very much taller than him, and then turned to show himself to me with a small smirk on his face. "Surprise," John said, taking his hands from his pockets and holding them out with a tiny shrug, and then letting them fall to his sides.

I stepped back from the window, biting my lip to hold back a scream. I shook my head silently, not sure of what to say. Great, my boyfriend from 1957 was here with me in 2014. I was glad to see him, but oh, how much fucking trouble this could be. When you looked at his face, you could see John Lennon. He didn't just look like him; it was the same exact face. He didn't have a baby face anymore like George did. I clenched my fists and ran downstairs and outside to my side lawn. I marched my way up to John and pointed to him in the chest. "What the hell do you think you're doing here?" I hissed at him.

"I dunno, why don't you tell me?" He handed back almost the same amount of aggression in his tone of voice as there was in mine. "You seem to fucking know what's going on, don't you?"

"Listen, John, I hardly know at all, really." I frowned. "I have absolutely no clue how the hell this has been happening."

"Oh, luv, it's not John. Apparently it's… Adam?" He looked at Ryan, and Ryan just shrugged at him. "Adam" turned back to me and raised an eyebrow. "I guess you'd understand, Miss Holly."

I sighed and crossed my arms. "Well, now you know why I've been acting so weirdly."

"I thought you told me it was because your mom was pregnant?" He stared me down a bit. "Unless you were just lying and it's not actually true."

"No, no, she really is. Trust me, she is. Well. Was. In the other timeline." I sighed. "It was part of the reason. This has been adding onto it."

"Right, right. Because I'm pretty sure this is actually the original time you lived in, and then you suddenly poofed up somewhere in Liverpool or whatever." He rolled his eyes at me. "That definitely explains why you started acting weird after you met me in Liverpool."

Ryan backed away from us. "I'm gonna leave this to you two to solve out with each other." He turned and then ran off down my street in the direction of the corner store.

I turned to Adam and sighed, looking down. "Listen, John, I'm sorry. Really. I just… I just couldn't be honest with you about all this. The only possible way you would have understood is by it happening to you. And I never thought it would happen. I'm really sor—"

"Oh, just shut up already." Adam rolled his eyes and kissed me, getting me to stop.

I pulled away quickly, crossing my arms. "Is that going to be what you do whenever you don't feel like hearing me talk?"

He shrugged. "Yeah."

"Yeah? Well, it's rude." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Oh, please. It's not as rude as telling you to shut up or to stop talking or just being straight forward and saying I don't want to hear you talk." He crossed his arms. "Plus, it's not like we don't want to kiss each other when it happens..." I rolled my eyes and him and shook my head, turning a bit. "And don't you even act like you don't want to, because I know you do." He spoke quickly, grabbing my elbow and turning me to look at him.

I slapped his hand away and swallowed back a smile. "Stop it." I glared at him. "And I generally don't want to when I'm mad at you."

"And when are you ever that mad at me?" He raised an eyebrow.

"A good percent of the time, actually," I nodded my head.

"Oh really?"

"Yes, really."

"And is now one of those times?" He asked me.

"What do you think?" I asked him, raising the tone of my voice.

"I think that you're full of bullshit with all this, and you're not actually mad at me." He crossed his arms again.

"Well, think again, darling." I turned on my heel, rolling my eyes.

He spun me back around and kissed me hard, pulling away and resting his forehead on mine after a moment. "No."

"You stubborn little ass." I whispered, not moving myself away from him one bit.

"I'm the stubborn one?" He laughed and kissed me again, holding me in his arms. "You're the one who refused to believe that you weren't actually mad at me."

"Sometimes I really hate you." I said as I looked up into his grinning eyes, my own filled with defeat.

"No you don't. You can't hate me. No matter how much you try, you will never be able to bring yourself to hate me. Just watch." He smiled.

I just sighed and hugged him. "I know."

We hugged for a while and finally broke away from each other when Ryan returned with snacks. He handed a bag of chips to Adam and then a cupcake to me. I sat down in the grass of my yard.

"Oh, you're the best." I grinned and bit into my cupcake.

"The bakery is closing soon," Ryan told me as he sat down across from me.

I widened my eyes. "The one that we always went to over the summer? The one that makes these beloved cupcakes?" I pointed to my cupcake, frowning.

"Yeah. They asked for us to come back as much as possible, and we'll get a bunch of cupcakes for free if they want. I guess they're going out of business" Ryan sighed with a shrug and took a bite of his sandwich.

Adam looked between us and sat down slowly. "Just how long have you been here?" He asked Ryan. He laid down and rested his head in my lap, opening his bag of chips.

Ryan raised an eyebrow at Adam. "Maybe a year and a half? I dunno." He shrugged and took another bite of his sandwich.

"But why you? And why me?" Adam looked back and forth between us.

I simply shrugged, trying my hardest to stay calm and not give any hints that I had an idea. "I don't know either."

Adam sighed and looked back at Ryan. "What was it like for you? Y'know, suddenly showing up in the future?"

"Well, I kinda had this very long and strange dream of me, but not me. It was a dream that pretty much summed up my entire life up until the point in which I woke up. But it was this Ryan's life. Not my other one. It was weired," Ryan narrowed his eyes, leaning back on one arm and taking a bite of his food, as he tried to remember his past. "When I woke up from the dream I had, I was just moving here from some place called Maine or something…"

"It's a state," I interrupted him. "It's up north of Massachusetts, at the top of New England. It's filled with cold beaches and pine trees. And moose. It's one of those places." I nodded informingly to Ryan.

"Oh. Okay. I guess you learn something new every day," Ryan shrugged and continued on. "Anyway, I didn't really know anyone when I moved here. My mother and father, however, grew up together here before they got married and moved to Maine. So they knew their way around the place, and they pretty much knew every adult they saw walking around. So the day we finally unpacked, on the day of that Thanksgiving holiday thing or whatever, we went out to that little market like place in the center of town to get a few small things we needed around the house. My parents ended up getting in this long conversation with the man who worked at the deli, and since they knew they'd be there for a while, my mom gave me some money to get some candy down the street. And that's when I saw you. And your weird cousin." Ryan nodded to me.

"Oh, Liv." I laughed. "Sorry she was so, erm, rude to you. She doesn't really know where the line is between things that are acceptable in conversations and things that are rude."

"It's alright," He shrugged to me. "I wasn't really bothered by it."

Adam shifted in my lap, moving his head so he was looking up at the sky, and then sighed. "It was the same thing here. Except we came from Chicago and apparently my parents here are a bunch of wealthy assholes and they're never really around. So I've always been alone and stuff." I looked down at Adam, just to notice that my thumb had been stroking his cheek the entire time. He smiled up at me and I laughed lightly, my cheeks growing slightly red from embarrassment. "You're blushing," Adam laughed, and my cheeks grew even redder. I took my hand away from his cheek, but he grabbed it before I could set it to the ground. "No, don't stop. It felt nice," He told me as he brought my hand back to his cheek. I giggled and began to rub it lightly again, looking up from Adam to Ryan and smiling at him.

Ryan just stared back at us strangely. "Uh. Okay then. Uhh…" He sat there for a minute, thinking, but still looking at us weirdly. After a moment, his face lit up. "Right, so are you going to the school here, or are you, uh, gonna go to a private school or something?" He asked Adam as he crumpled up the paper that was wrapped around his sub.

"How about neither?"

"Oh, hush up. You need to go to school, or else you're not going to make it anywhere in life." I told Adam.

He rolled his eyes. "Like I want to. I hardly even want to be here. I'd rather be back in Liverpool."

"Me too," I admitted and then sighed. "But there's nothing you can do about it right now. You have to go to school."

"Then I'll go wherever you go."

I sighed and knew instantly it wouldn't be the best idea. However, I just accepted it. "Alright then. Are your parents home right now?"

"No." He sighed. "There somewhere off in New York for some dumb business thing or whatever."

"Do you want to stay with me, then?"

Adam smirked lightly and sat up quickly. "I'd be delighted, actually." He rested his chin on my shoulder.

"They just leave alone like that?" Ryan asked him.

"I'm 16 and rich; of course they leave me home alone." Adam rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, but why would they trust you?"

"Oh, shut up, you twerp." Adam narrowed his eyes at him.

"Guys, stop." I said, as I widened my eyes at Ryan. He just shrugged at me and looked down. I sighed and stood up, grabbing Adam's hands and pulling him up. "C'mon, let's go talk to my mom." He grinned at me and wrapped his right arm around my waist to escort me, but I pried him off me and turned to look at him. "My mother is not going to let you stay over if she thinks we're dating. Now you should not be you by keeping quiet and letting me do all the talking."

He rolled his eyes at me and the three of us walked into my house and into the kitchen where my mom was rinsing some meat in the sink. She turned to look at us and grinned. "Ryan! It's been a while since you've been here…" She smiled at him and then looked at Adam, and then me. "Who's this?"

"This is my friend J—Adam." I nodded with a smile to her. Adam laughed behind me and I moved my foot back into his to shut him up. "Adam's an old friend of mine from that camp I used to go to. He moved here recently, but his parents went away to New York on a business trip. They trusted him enough at their house alone, but I figured maybe we could take him in here for some time so he's not really… Lonely."

"Oh…" My mother raised an eyebrow at me and studied Adam. "Well… He looks like a good kid… I don't see why not." My mother shrugged. "Let me talk to your father first." My mother picked up her cell phone and dialed up my father's cell phone number, leaning her body on the counter.

"What is she doing?" I heard Adam whisper in my ear.

I turned around to look at him, holding back a laugh. "She's calling my dad."

"How is she calling your dad? Where's the telephone?"

"That is the telephone. It's a cell phone." I smiled as he raised an eyebrow at me. "It's a telephone, but wireless and small." I laughed.

My mother began talking to my dad, and Adam's face grew confused, yet amazed. I giggled and turned around to look at my mom. I glanced at Ryan who just remained silent, looking down at the ground. Finally, my mother ended the call and set her phone down on the counter. "You can stay her, Adam, on two conditions. The first one is that you sleep in a separate room from my daughter's, which will end up being our older daughter's bedroom she used before she moved out. And the second condition is that you allow us to get to know you more." She smiled at Adam.

"Of course." Adam replied. I could hear the forced smile in his voice.

"Well, why don't you just go on home and gather some stuff and come back for dinner. Do you know your way?" My mother continued to smile, but it wasn't as creepily happy as it was before.

"Yeah. I'm pretty close by." I turned to look at Adam as he began to walk away. "Thank you, by the way," He said to my mom and then looked at me with a light smile.

I smirked back and turned back to my mom as Adam left my house and made his way to his own. My mother grinned at Ryan. "And Ryan, would you like to stay for dinner?"

Ryan nodded. "Sure, I guess." He shrugged. "I'll call my mom and ask."

"Alright." My mom chuckled and ruffled his hair as if he were a child.

"I, uhh…" I raised an eyebrow at my mom. "C'mon, Ryan." I said and headed upstairs to my room. He followed after me.

"Why does he act like that around you?" Ryan said as he walked into my room and shut my door. He made his way to the chair at my desk and spun in it a bit.

"Who? Adam?"

"Yeah." He frowned. "He's an ass to everyone back in the other timeline. But he's… He's a completely different person around you. And I don't get it."

"I thought you hardly knew him." I raised an eyebrow.

"He has a reputation, Holly. Surely you know that."

"I suppose," I shrugged. "But just because he has a reputation doesn't mean he can't be nice."

"Well, when he first arrived here, I happened to be heading on over to your place when I saw him walking up his driveway with some groceries or something. Or probably snacks. I dunno. Anyway, he stopped at his mailbox to get something, and I kind of just stared at him because I just knew he was John. He glanced at me and got weirded out, so he decided to trip me. And then he insulted me, but once he saw my face, he just stopped what he was doing and helped me up. I explained to him that I recognized him and that's when we figured out that the same thing happened to him." Ryan sighed.

"See, he can be nice. He helped you up." I shrugged.

"Yeah, after he tripped me. He just does that to random people. He's mean." He frowned a bit. "Plus, you saw the way he was earlier. He was all about you, and then once I spoke, he was rude to me."

"That's because you were being rude to him, darling." I walked over to my record player and looked through the records I had. I slowly turned them around on the table so the names of each record were facing the wall, rather than showing out to everyone. I began to flip through them. "The reason he's so nice to me," I began and then stopped flipping through the records so I could turn myself around and look at Ryan, "Is because we're dating in the other timeline."

"What?!" His eyes widened. "No, no, no. But Holly… No! What about Paul?!"

"Paul and I broke up last year. You know this already."

"I know, I know. But I don't see why you're moving on so quickly. Or how." He frowned, throwing his head back.

"We broke up almost a year ago, Ryan. I no longer have feelings for Paul." I shrugged and went back to my records.

"But he still has feelings for you!"

I smirked lightly to myself. "Oh, does he? Well, that's just too bad."

"You just… You can't be dating John… You don't know what it'll do to Paul… I'm telling ya, you really can't." Ryan was almost begging at his knees.

"I'm sorry, darling. Send Paul my apologies if he's really that hurt by it." I shrugged and flipped through the records, bringing myself to complete silence. I then put on a Buddy Holly record and lied down on my bed, closing my eyes.

Ryan smiled instantly. "You have Buddy Holly?! He's one of Paul's favorites!"

I looked at him and forced a smile. "Yeah, I know he is." I closed my eyes. "He's also one of John's."

I heard Ryan snicker and turn around in his chair again. I smiled lightly and we let the music fill the room until the side was over. At that point, I was too lazy to go flip it, so I just remained where I was, relaxed and everything.

"You know what happened to me today when I went to the corner store to get snacks?" Ryan broke the silence suddenly. "It was the strangest thing…"

I opened my eyes to look at him. "What happened?"

He blinked for a moment and opened his mouth to speak. He took a minute before he could even get anything out. "Someone told me that I looked like George Harrison," He spoke finally, nodding and swallowing slowly when I dropped my jaw.

A/N: Give me feedback, lovelies.