Okay! Here's a new chapter as promised! o__o;; Please don't hurt me. It's a chapter with action, adventure, and- Okay..Dialouge..

Standard Warnings/Notes:Gomen, I don't have spellcheck so I may mess up some spellings... Also Ryou will be used to refer to..well, Ryou, and Bakura will be used to refer to his yami. As always, positive comments and constructive criticism are welcome. Flames on the other hand, will be used to toast marshmallows and to chase Yami Bakura around with.....and now that I think about it, maybe Pegasus too. *insert insane fanfic writer cackle*

Standard-everyday-semi-original-disclaimer:I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!. I don't own the Star Wars franchise. I don't own any other mentioned brand/animé names. Hell, I don't even own a car. So don't sue me.


Yu-Gi-Oh! :The attack of the Yami(s) (Or 'The cast of Yu-Gi-Oh! watches "Episode Two" with near-disasterous results')

It was an odd feeling as the group stepped of the theater. It had been an interesting showing.. Almost as bad as when they went to see 'Gone in 60 seconds', but that was another story.

"Wow.. That movie was pretty long.."

'About a year long..' Muttered Joey under his breath.

"At least we're still in one piece.." Tristain said, being the amazing source of reason.

There were nods of agreement.


The authoress yelled at the characters to say something. Apparently the characters were still a little...Disgruntled. After a few moments in which the authoress begged and pleaded...

"Da night's still young! Whose up for pizza?"

There was a chorus of 'Me!'s and 'I do's, except for one.

"There's no way I'm going anywhere with you idiots." Seto said flatly.

"But I wanna to go eat pizza with Yugi, an' Téa, an-"

"No, you don't Mokuba..."

"Yes I do!"

Mokuba then displayed his puppy eyes. This time there were even sparkles in the background. And pastel bubbles.

Seto was obviously no match and yielded to the cuteness.

"Alright...But I don't want you want you by yourself with these idiots..Especially the dog."


"..So I'm coming along."

"Alright big brother!" Mokuba's smile could've powered a city block.

"Not another chapter with Mr. I've-got-money-coming-outta-my-"

"Joey! The rating!"


"So where are we going to eat?" Ryou said, also noticing that Bakura was unusually quiet. Which was by far, never a good thing.

"The only pizza place near here I can think of is at the mall..."

There was a chorus of groans. Alright, there was really one objection from Seto, but seeing as he was normally anti-social, no one paid any attention.

"Alright then, to the mall!"


"Something wrong, Yami?"

"What is this 'Mall' you speak of?"

Everyone took a moment to do the obligatory animé face-fault.

"Guys..Why are we on the ground?"

"Good point."

After everyone righted themselves up, there was two things left, explaining malls and consumerism to Yami (And Bakura, who was intrested but wasn't admitting to anything), and...

"Are we going to be driving?"

"I don't know..Mayb-"

"I will!"

There was a sudden simultaneous outburst.



"No one is driving.. We'll take the bus."

"Nooooooooooooooooooo!!" That was Joey.

"Public...Transportation...." You could hear the twitchiness in Seto's voice.

As if on cue, a bus pulled up to the stop. It's doors ominously opening.



"Let's go then."

It was going to be an interesting bus ride....


Yami: *Glares at Kitsune* What happened to -*Mimics a girl voice* "I'm going to update really soon!"

At least I updated..

Yami: -_-;; It's the principle of the thing!

o___o; Come on, the next chapter will be long! I promise!

Yami: Liar.

-_-;;.. ...Um..Please review!

Yami: You're changing the subject!

No, I'm not! Review please!