A/N So this is my first shot at Red Swan, it was kind of an idea that popped into my head when I was attempting to fall asleep after Red Handed, and it took me this long to write it... I apologize in advance for my not so wonderful sex writing skills.

Disclaimer: I cannot think far enough in advance to plan anything like this show. So no, I'm not involved in it any way, well not legally I mean, I'm all kinds of involved in the fandom.

The apartment felt wrong without Mary Margaret. Empty, and Emma felt like she was intruding.

Sure over the past few months she had grown to feel at home here. The most at home she had ever felt. Other than the time she spent in her bug, and she was pretty sure that was more comfort out of habit than home. With Mary Margaret, at Mary Margaret's, she felt like she belonged. Like she would be missed.

Now she missed Mary Margaret. A pang of guilt flowed through her at the thought, as she pictured the petite, currently very vulnerable, innocent, in more ways than one, woman as she had left her. Lying there on the cot, she herself had inhabited. Staring at the ceiling, with nothing to do, and too much to think about.

Emma glanced around the living space. Just coated in everything Mary Margaret. She needed to get out of here. Distract herself in some way.

Alcohol first came to mind, and she gave it an angry shove from there.

She was the sheriff, and a grown woman, she could handle her problems in a better, more grown up way.

She grabbed her jacket from where she had tossed it over a chair, and headed to the door. As she landed her hand on the doorknob to head out, it turned in her grasp. Causing her to jump back and let out a small muffled squeak. As the door inched open, and Ruby stood on the other side.

"I was coming to get my stuff... Granny's letting me move back in..." She supplied as reason for being there after a moment of silence between them. In which Emma attempted not to give away that she was on the verge on a heart attack.

"Oh.." Emma stepped to the side, letting her in, and closing the door behind her. Next thing she knew she was wrapped in a tight hug. She had gotten used to Ruby's displays of affection, in the way of touching. A squeeze to the shoulder, a pat of the hand, even the occasional hug. But this one caught her off guard.

After a moment of stiff shock she found herself sinking into the taller girl. Feeling her arms tighten around her. In the back of her mind registering that 'home' feeling.

"I heard about Mary Margaret." Was mumbled against Emma's shoulder. She didn't wonder where she had heard. Mary Margaret had been out of school one day, and everyone knew. That need to get it out of her mind flared up, and Emma took a step back from Ruby.

The brunette looked up confused and a little apologetic. Thinking she had crossed some line. "I'm sorry." She mumbled. Taking her own step back from the blonde. Only to have the space closed again.

"Don't be."

"I mean it must be horrible for you. Having to arrest her, and I'm not making this any better I should go. Sorry I'm just not very good with my mouth. Words at least." Ruby stopped at the way Emma's eyes snapped up to hers. Briefly wondering where exactly they had been looking before.

"Don't go." Ruby stopped about to just ignore the plead, brush it off as Emma being polite when she felt a hand on her upper arm.

Fingers ghosting down until they reached her wrist and stopping her. "Don't go. I..." Emma's voice sort of shorted out, she took a deep breath, and forced the words she hated, out. Knowing it was the only way to make Ruby stay. "I don't want to be alone."

She wasn't quite sure why she didn't want to, or why Ruby seemed like the best person to be with right now. But the way the younger woman turned back to her from her place halfway in and halfway out of the door. Shutting it, and taking a step forward, into Emma's personal space.

Emma felt her heart do that funny thing where it picked up and made her breathing all funny at the sudden change in proximity.

Obviously the gods Emma was praying to weren't very interested in her tonight, because Ruby noticed.

Raising her eyebrows, and moving a bit closer to the blonde. Emma all but flinched when she felt a hand on her cheek. But soon found herself sinking into the touch.

"You know. You're the first person who's ever believed in me?" Emma wished she could reply, but the thumb which had taken up stroking her cheekbone made that all to difficult. "Do you know what I think you need Sheriff?" Ruby didn't wait for an answer, or give Emma enough breathing room not coated in her scent to do so. "Someone to take your mind off of things."

Emma looked up from where her eyes had wandered to Ruby's heel clad feet, inches from hers. Caught a little off guard by the kiss. Then again if she had been expecting it, she probably wouldn't have responded so readily.

The effect that Ruby's smell. Her touch had had on her seemed to shrink in comparison to the feeling of her lips on hers. She wrapped her arms around the brunette's neck. Not wanting her to move to far away. Needing the hot searing kiss to stay. Needing it to burn away this ache she was feeling.

The ache of betrayal, and fear, and loss. Ruby replaced it with something, something giggly and fluttery, or right now. Burning and needy. But she supposed that was the effect of Ruby's lips, and now her hands.

Emma stumbled back a few paces her brain not working quite right. Except to shout out no when Ruby broke away gasping for air. Her cheeks flushed, and her her hair a bit rumpled from Emma's fingers she didn't know she'd tangled into the brunette's hair.

Emma furrowed her brow when the gross feeling in her rose back up, and caught Ruby's lips off guard.

After another few moments of this Emma realized that if it was going to continue she'd have to stop long enough to get them to her room.

Ruby seemed to be thinking the same thing, as she pulled the handfuls of Emma's shirt she had in the direction of the staircase. She'd been to Mary Margaret's enough, actually slept here on the occasions that her and Granny had fought before to know where Emma's room was located.

They got there, with a bit of difficulty, and Emma found herself being thrown onto her own bed. Her thoughts as from Mary Margaret, and the events of the day, and night before as they could get at the moment.

Ruby's heels clattered to the floor, and her lips found Emma's quickly beating pulse. Smiling into the kiss she pressed to the flutter of the blonde's heart. Emma slid her fingers into brown locks, and when she can't stand the teasing of the brunette's skilled tongue against one of the most sensitive spots on her, brings her back up face to face with her.

She catches hazel eyes, and for a moment is stuck. It would be so much easier to just let this be a mindless, forget the bad, endeavor. But Ruby's eyes seem to be staring right into her, right past her skillfully built walls. Emma shivered, and Ruby closed the distance between them. In a heated kiss that scared off the chill she had felt.

Ruby's knees tightened against the blonde's hips. Feeling them jump against her when she finally managed to make her way back down to Emma's pulse point. Taking note on the way Emma's eyes fell shut and she groaned. Tightening her grip considerably in Ruby's hair.

Ruby pressed another kiss to the beat of Emma's heart, before running her tongue over a collarbone. Getting another small noise Ruby didn't even figure possible to come from the hard-shelled blonde.

She dropped a few more kisses in a trail down as far as she could go with the infuriating fabric of Emma's shirt in the way. She got a few buttons undone. Which was an incredible feat, considering how Emma's hands had loosed their grip in her hair when she no longer needed to hold her to a certain spot, and now were doing their fair share of exploring.

After a few more moments of fumbling with Emma's shirt, and her mind becoming considerably more fogged Ruby just shoved the fabric, with her white undershirt off.

Ruby found that Emma had one of the most perfect stomachs ever..., and didn't she have a kid? Yes Henry, and her stomach was still perfection. The brunette decided when she had Emma actually panting it was time to cut the foreplay, and pretty much all the touching she had been aching to do since this stupid little crush had formed.

Emma's tight, oh so very tight, skinny jeans served to be even more of a problem than her shirt. She settled for getting them down around her ankles, and after crawling up the blonde. Who was almost quivering in anticipation, and need, and placing a kiss on her lips. Which lasted a little longer than intended. She settled herself between her thighs.

Emma feels like every inch of her is on fire, and all of it surges to meet Ruby's tongue as it travels the length of her sex. She tries for a few moments to hold onto herself, her sense, even though when this all started that was exactly to opposite of her intentions. But soon against her will or not, Ruby's attention to the pressure, heat, and wetness building deep in her takes away any grip she has, and she's having trouble remembering her name as she screams Ruby's.

Ruby watches the sheriff she's come to call her friend lose herself at her hands. Well hand, and mouth. Crying out her name, and burying her fingers in Ruby's thick brown locks.

She has her eyes squeezed shut, and is biting so hard into her bottom lip, when the cry ends Ruby's scared she might draw blood. Then she slackens in ecstasy. Her hands are still tangled in Ruby's hair, but not gripping quite so tight.

Ruby shifts, starting to untangle herself from the blonde. Intent on picking herself up, having done her duty and taken Emma's mind far from the events of the day, and night before.

When the blonde let's out a small noise, another one of those Ruby never would have expected to come from her. She mumbles again, and Ruby recognizes it as her name. Then Emma's rolling on her side in the sheets and wrapping an arm around the brunette's waist.

Ruby glances down at it and fighting down all second thoughts crawls into bed with her. Snuggling into her side. She glanced up at Emma who seemed to be already slipping off into a much needed sleep. Only to catch a content smile on the blonde's face. Ruby felt one creeping over her own features.

A/N So I have an aftermath to this planned out, so it will most likely be a two-shot. I would love to know what you think.