A/N: Hello! Welcome to my new story From Out Of The Shadows. I will try to update as regularly as possible but I'm not promising anything. I'm still writing my other story Beautiful Savior but I don't know when I'll be posting the next chapter for it. Hopefully a new chapter will be ready this week.
Anyway, this story is Bella/Damon which won't be happening until at least a few chapters in. Damon also has never been in love with Elena, it just wouldn't work in this story. It starts off when Edward leaves Bella in New Moon and when Stefan gets trapped in the tomb saving Jeremy from Katherine in the second season of Vampire Diaries. I hope you enjoy reading.
Disclaimer: I do not and never will own Twilight or Vampire Diaries.
Chapter 1: Back To The Beginning
Isabella POV
Welcome to Mystic Falls
Thank whatever deity there may be, we're finally here. I swear I was going to go crazy if this little road trip went on any longer. I am probably overreacting, but I would have gotten here a lot quicker if I was travelling on my own. I could have run all the way here from Forks if it weren't for my companions who are currently sleeping. Then again I actually need them. There is a reason that they needed to be here with me.
It started around six hundred years ago when I made a deal with a witch. I needed to hide and she had the necessary powers to help me do that. But witches never do anything for free, especially for a vampire such as myself. I promised her that if she and her descendants helped me with anything I needed then I would protect her and make sure her family line continues. Apparently I have an honest face, that and her witchy powers made her believe me. I kept my word.
That's how I ended up in Forks. I was running. I had to move on. Before that I was staying in Phoenix, Arizona with a lovely woman called Renee and her husband Phil. Her childlike personality drew me in and her perceptiveness is what kept me there. She knew all about vampires and almost straight away she could tell what I was. Then she decided that she could trust me, that I wouldn't hurt her or Phil and invited me inside their house. I couldn't decide whether she was stupid or being nice. She told me all about her ex-husband, the one who lived in the state of Washington, the one who she was still friends with despite their rocky breakup, the one who taught her about the supernatural. When I asked how their marriage ended, considering he trusted her enough to not think he was crazy, she replied that she guessed the novelty wore off. She loved him but wasn't in love with him and was too young to notice the difference. Then she left, both decided it was for the best even though they both said some hurtful things. They made up eventually. After all, they were friends since childhood and weren't about to throw it away.
When my time with her ended, I chose to go to Forks to check on the new generation of witches I swore to protect. Renee contacted Charlie, her ex-husband, to ask if I could stay with him for a while. Coincidently, he lived in Forks too. Charlie was a bit indecisive at first and wanted to meet me before making any decisions. How could he trust a vampire he has never met? Even he realised that Renee could be entirely too naive for her own good and I could have been compelling her the whole time. I didn't of course. I like Renee.
When I met Charlie, I knew immediately that Renee hid something from me. It turns out he is from a long line of shifters and that's how he knows all about supernatural beings. I can understand why she didn't tell me; it wasn't her secret to tell. After that, we quickly became friends.
To keep up appearances, we pretended that I was his daughter. It was the perfect cover story as it meant that I could keep an eye on the people I was here to see. I befriended Angela Weber and her cousin Mike Newton on the first day of school after being introduced to them by an overly talkative girl named Jess. I discovered they both knew of their powers and had been using them their whole lives. They're pretty strong for being so young. This pleased me.
Forks High School is also where I met them for the first time. The Cullen's. I was shocked to see cold ones as they usually don't hang around in schools. Why would anyone want to spend any part of their immortality in high school? Obviously their sanity was questionable unless, of course, they had an ulterior motive like me.
The copper haired boy, Edward, became infatuated with me. I just thought he and his family were idiots. They didn't notice anything off about me. Nor did they notice anything different about Angela and Mike. Could they not tell my scent was sweeter than the average human? Could they not tell that, although I had a heartbeat, it beats slower than a human? Could they not tell that both the witch and the warlock had slightly different scents themselves compared to other people? No, they couldn't. I found out that they never met my type of vampire before and they didn't know witches existed.
Sometime later, Edward became my boyfriend. I was curious about them and they just thought I was a clumsy human. I eventually grew bored of them and staged getting a paper cut at my eighteenth birthday party that was organised by Alice, the girl who claimed that we would be great friends although I know for a fact that her power won't work on me. I had no idea how Edward could thirst for my blood since no cold one has ever done before. But the deed was done and I let him push me into the table that had the ridiculous pink birthday cake on top. I was happy when, three days later, Edward took me into the forest and left me. I didn't show it; instead I acted like a broken hearted, silly little teenage girl. I could have cared less.
Forks was, still is, strange. So many supernatural creatures are drawn to it. Cold ones (the Cullen's and the Nomad's), shifters (both Charlie and the La Push wolves), witches/warlocks, traditional vampires. I'm actually surprised that I didn't find any demons or unicorns or even a leprechaun with his pot of gold.
Anyway, after Edward left, I decided I needed to leave too. Victoria, one of the nomads and "mate" of the cold one that tried to kill me, was very useful. She knew what I was but she still blamed me for James' death. Just because he was clueless doesn't mean that I should get the blame. I told her this and she tried ripping my heart out. I don't think she has ever heard of the Originals, let alone know I was one. I compelled her to go to Mystic Falls, Virginia to see if either of my brother's had found the doppelgänger yet. She learned that at least one had, Elijah. If he was there then Niklaus wouldn't be far behind. She also revealed that some of the resident vampires where concerned about a woman called Katherine. I knew straight away that it was Katarina. Now I had two reasons to go.
Being the nice person that I am, I compelled Victoria to find her true mate as James was a dick and she should be happy. And she did, in Seattle, in the form of a young man called Riley Biers. She promised to keep in contact.
I managed to convince both Angela's and Mike's parents to let them come with me. They did after some persuasion and the fact that they both wanted to go helped too. Charlie also tagged along and we set out on our long road trip across America.
Now, as we pass the sign indicating that we have reached our destination, I shake Charlie awake and tell him we're here. He lets out a big yawn as I pull up outside our moderately sized house. Well, it was smaller than what I usually buy anyway.
Charlie wakes up Angela and Mike and we all get out of the car. They rush off to explore the inside of the house. I hold back and stare the white building.
I'm back to where it all began.
A/N: Yes, I did make Angela and Mike cousins. I have a reason for that but I mainly just wanted to include both of them without turning either of them into a vampire. And yes, Isabella is an Original. You'll be finding more about her later on. Also, I just want to mention that the Cullen's will not be making an appearance in this story.
Please tell me what you think and review! It will be much appreciated.