Heyy, everyone! I am so sorry I haven't updated in so long. I've been having medical problems, but I'm back. I don't know if I'll be updating often, but I'll try. Depending on my health and I know that is still no excuse for not updating. I am truly sorry! Also, check out my new story "Theory Of Falling In Love"! I will be updating that one as my main priority as well as, "Conquering Throughout All." SO that means "Forbidden Love" will be on hiatus, well at least till I'm halfway through "Theory Of Falling In Love" and "Conquering Throughout All." I won't forget about "Forbidden Love." Thank you to all of you who reviewed, followed and favorite! It means a lot! This one is for all of you who did. No on to "Conquering Throughout All"….

Eli's POV

Clare was dragging me down the hallway, slightly fuming. I turned her around, looking her in the eyes, "Hey, are you ok?"

She let out an exasperated sigh, starring at the ground saying, "Yeah, yeah... I just... I didn't want things to go as far as they did back there. You could have gotten hurt."

I gently lifted up her chin so she could stare into my eyes. "But, I didn't... Anyways, I could have taken him down. Don't you see all this muscle I have." I said while lifting my arms, flexing my muscles.

She let out a soft giggle, playfully swapping my arm away.

"Ouch, blue eyes! I know I'm strong, but I can still feel pain!" I teased her.

"What?! Muscle man can take a punch, but not a simple slap from a petite, helpless girl? Wimp!" She laughed at me.

I playfully glared at her while she kept laughing at me. I could stand here all day just listening to her laughter, it was like a chorus of angels singing. But right in the middle of her laughing fit I had an idea.

I grabbed her hand and ran to a side exit of Degrassi where no one could see us exit out, with her right behind me.

"Eli, where are we going?" She questioned.

"We're going to take off." I answered her as I reached Morty.

"You mean skip?" Oh, how adorable she is when she acts so innocent.

"If you want to get official, then yes." I smirked at her while opening the passenger door for her.

"Eli! We can't!"
"Why not?"

"Well, for starters it's wrong! Second," she started, showing up two fingers for emphasis. "we're going to be behind in our school work. You know how I hate to be behind." She finished off crossing her arms in defiance.

"Let me ask you one question Clare," she nodded for me to continue, "did you finish writing that essay about the whole 'getting to know your partner'," I quoted, "honestly?" I interrogated her with a smug smirk of mine and a lifted eyebrow.

Clare then immediately ducked her head downward, whispering almost inaudibly, "No."

I could feel myself smirking already as I decided to mess with her little pretty mind a bit more.

"I'm sorry. What was that? I couldn't hear you. Can you speak a little louder please?"

"Ugh... no Eli, I didn't finish my essay."

"Yeah, I thought so." I said smugly. "So, what do you say Edwards? Stay or go?" I asked while weighing down the options metaphorically.

She turned her head slightly to the left, weighing her options. As she took this time to think, I noticed how her luscious, kissable lips stuck out a little in the cutest way possible. Every single thing this girl does makes her look even more beautiful, gorgeous and incredibly sexy. I couldn't tear my eyes away from her, she is just so addicting.

In an instant, her eyes gave out a mischievous glint and her lips created a small smile adorning her adorable face.
"What the hell?! Let's go!" She giggled out.

"Did Miss Saint Clare just curse?! Gasp! Someone inform the press!" I teased.

"Oh, pish posh! C'mon, before we get caught!" Clare bounced a bit in place.

"Alright, no need to be bossy.," I gestured with my hand for her to enter Morty, through the open passenger door. "After you, malady."

She gracefully entered as she thanked me, "Thank you kind Sir. And they say chivalry is dead

"They haven't met me, now have they?" I answered as I closed her door and ran to the driver's side.

I hopped in and turned on the ignition. I started backing out and drove off, leaving Degrassi nothing but, a speck in the distance.

"So where are we heading?" Clare questioned.

"No, no, no, baby blue. Now that is a surprise."

. . . . .

"Are we there yet?" Clare asked for the twentieth time.

"Clare, we've went over this. No."

"Hmph,...what about now?"

"What was my answer two seconds ago?"

"No." She huffed out, crossing her arms and stared out the window.

"And my answer won't change from that two second interval to now. Clare you are the MOST impatient

person I have ever met, you know that?"

"Ok, ok, I might be a little," she said, turning her head back at me while demonstrating with her index finger and thumb the amount of tiny she was of impatient, "impatient at times."

"You think?" I teased as she playfully stuck out her tongue at me. She is so cute when she stuck out her tiny tongue. I wanted to kiss off that tongue of hers right there and now

She turned her head back at the window, watching the trees go by when she broke the silence by saying, "Hey, Eli?"


"Are we there...now?" She asked cheekily as she turned her head towards me again.

I couldn't hold my chuckle in any longer as I answered her, "Yes, Clare. We're here."

"Yay! Finally! It seems like we were in the car for hours!"

"You do know we weren't even in Morty for thirty minutes right?"

"You serious?"

I nod at her question, laughing at her impatience.

I opened my door and ran to her side, opening her door for her like the true gentleman I am.
I held out my hand for her to take and as she took it, I could see that undeniable blush of hers I love so much. She tried to hide it, but I still caught a glimpse of it.

I started leading her to a trail, holding her hand in mine.

"You up for a little climbing?" I asked her.

She looked at me quizzically, giving me a 'what you talking about boy?' look.

"Ummm...?" She drawled out, not sure if she was ok for what I had planned.

"Do you trust me?" I asked her all serious, hoping that she did even the slightest.

"Yes, completely." She said all serious, without a hint of it otherwise.

My face soon grew a smile ear to ear, as did hers. A small bubble of joy and happiness erupting inside of me.

I held onto her hand as we made our way up a small hill.

"Good, now close your eyes, I want it to be a surprise." I said.

"But, then I'm not going to see where I'm going." She persisted.

"That's where the trust comes in, trust me to lead you there safely."

"Ok, lead me away." She smiled.

I returned her gentle smile as I led her through the small pathway and finally reached our destination.

"Here it is." I whispered quietly at her.

I could hear the small gasp escaping her plump lips, as she took in all the beauty.

I had a feeling she might like it.

We were on top of a small hill that viewed the entire city of Toronto with a small patch wildflowers covering the entire top of the hill. The grass was an exceptional color that made you thought it was unreal . The atmosphere of this place was serene, calm and relaxing. The whole place just gave you a vibe of peacefulness. Although, the scenery is much more beautiful when all the Toronto city lights come up and the bright stars illuminate the sky. Right at this moment the sun was setting, giving off an orange glow, every which way.

"Eli, this place is gorgeous!" Clare awed.

"I'm glad you like it." I smirked at her.

I then, pulled out a big blanket that I had carried with me up the hill and placed it in between the sea of flowers. I sat down on it and patted the spot next to me to Clare. She complied and sat next to me. I watched silently at Clare admiring the sunset, enjoying the bright glow reflecting off her face. She looked so peaceful...so beautiful.

Clare kept starring at the sunset as it kept fading away bit by bit, till she whispered softly, trying not to ruin the serene feeling of this whole place, "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

I just kept admiring her as I answered her question with the same tone of voice, "Yeah, you are."
I could already see the small blush radiating off her face as she turned around with a small smile and replied, "I was talking about the sunset, silly."

"Ehh, I guess. But it has nothing compared to you." I huskily whispered to her.

Her small blush became bigger and much more pronounce than before as she squeaked out a small, "Thank you."

We both watched the last bit of sun go down and we were soon engulfed by the dark sky. We both laid down now, looking at night sky, star gazing.

"I have always had an admiration for stars, you know?" Clare whispered.

"What do you like most about them?" I questioned her.

"Well, other than how beautiful they look, I like how they are always there. Everything in your life either leaves, changes or abandons you, but not them. You can always count on those stars to be here every night. I like how they are constant and dependable in life." She finished.

I turned around to look at her straight in the eye and said sincerely, "You can always count on me to be there for you, by your side, through anything."

"I know, thank you." She said, gazing into my eyes as well, gratefulness radiating off of them.

"Now, what's your favorite thing about the stars?" She asked.

"I have to say the tranquility of them all." I paused as her head nodded to me indicating for me to continue, "In life there is always something extreme or hectic going on. You rush by everything in life and no one ever takes the time to slow down and absorb all the good things. They just speed by everything. Now, with the stars, I can take a break from my life and enjoy the peacefulness of them all. Admire them, while life goes on. It's as if everybody keeps speeding by but when I'm gazing at the stars I freeze in time and actually enjoy my life." I looked at her as I finished. She did the same. We were just there admiring each other's presence as she spoke out, "I'm glad you took me here Eli, thank you."

"Anytime, blue eyes."

After about half an hour of stargazing and sharing, we decided to leave before it gets late. The whole ride to her house was quiet and comfortable. And every now and then I would catch her starring my way. When she saw that I had caught her starring, she would blush and turn around, starring out the window.

We soon reached her house and I ran out to her door and opened it, like a true gentleman. I gave her my hand to help her get out, receiving a small blush from her part.

I walked her to her front porch and turned around to face her as she did the same.

"Thank you for tonight, Eli. It was the best I had in months. I really needed that." She told me.

"I'm glad you had fun, baby blue. I'm always here if you need me." I said.

She then, engulfed me in sweet hug and gently kiss my cheek. Before she went in she said a quick thanks, again and slipped inside.

A huge grin was on my face as I started making my way to my hearse. I stepped in and started driving off, but not before I stared at her house once more, processing the thought with a smile on my face, "she kissed me."

Clare's POV

Tonight has been great. Eli is the most sweetest and caring guy I have ever met. I had the best time with him tonight. Just being around him brought a smile to my face.

I don't know how much longer I can be friends with him, he's just so comfortable to be around. Even though I have only met him for a couple of days, I know he is perfect.

I put my purse on the small table next to the front door as I thought more of how I can finally tell Eli, I want to be more than just "friends". When I felt a strong hand grip my arm. Before I could turn around I felt someone push me hard against the wall and a body hovering over me. I was about to scream when he put his hand over my mouth. I knew it was a man, no girl had the strength and a body like that. I could feel tears overcoming my eyes as they threaten to fall out. He inched himself closer to my face. I could get a closer look now in who it was. I couldn't believe it...


Author's Note: I hope all of you still reading this story liked this chapter! Please review, they mean the world to me! The more reviews I get, the faster I want to update. So all of your reviews really do help me speed up the writing process. Thank you, everyone! I already have some of the next chapter written, but if you guys review, that would make it a lot easier to finish the next chapter. Thank you all, for still reading, following and subscribing! So as a treat, here is next chapter's preview…


I don't want you around him anymore! Don't you understand!? You're mine!" He yelled.

"No I'm not! And I never will be!" I struggled against his grip.

Then he did the unthinkable...

He slapped me.