Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia. But I do love it! I also don't own Peter Pan.

A/N: Oh, goodness. This is my first Hetalia fic. So I might probably be a noob on writing Hetalia stuff, so I apologize. I got this idea after seeing a picture of fem!UK reading stories to a young America. So there's magic here and stories and USUK (in upcoming chapters). I won't reveal why the title is Finding Arthur while Arthur is an Alice here, but it'll slowly reveal itself soon. I hope you guys like it! Please be gentle... it's my first Hetalia fic. I hope I didn't write something lame!

Finding Arthur

Chapter 1

The Babysitter

"Mattie! I'm bored!"

"Alfred, your brother is sleeping."

The little blond boy pouted, crossing his arms in annoyance. Why his Canadian half-brother decided to sleep, he didn't know. It was only seven in the evening. At the age of six, sleeping at seven o'clock sounded completely lame for Alfred F. Jones. He was thankful that it was summer vacation because he could go as far as nine o'clock in the evening. Nine thirty, if his babysitter allowed him to. Sadly, his English babysitter didn't.

He turned around and saw her, the golden-haired beauty he called babysitter, stroking the hair of his brother whose head rested on her lap. She was humming a song unfamiliar to the ears of Alfred, though he found it as music anyway. He watched her gently keep Matthew – his brother – asleep because he had to be rocked back and forth like a baby for a while or he'd wake up again. Somehow, in the pit of his stomach, the young boy felt a strange sensation. Not that he hated Matthew, but he wanted to push him away from their babysitter and be the one she plays with.

"Alice, I'm bored," he said.

The girl looked at him with piercing green eyes and a scowl. "Alfred, as much as I am happy that you can now pronounce the letters L and R properly, I think you should keep calm and rest from all the talking you have done."

The boy stared at her with his big blue eyes. Not tolerating her ignoring him any longer, he yanked one of her long pigtails, thanking she had long hair. The girl did her best to stop herself from yelling. She was fond of Alfred and his childish antics, especially because he was a child. But she disliked the way he goes over the edge sometimes.

"Alfred!" she whispered furiously. The boy gave her a very wide grin that could melt anyone's heart. Alice Kirkland's anger faded and soon she found herself smiling softly at the boy. "If you promise to be good, I'll read a bedtime story to you."

"Isn't that for little girls?" Alfred asked. Alice shook her head. "Hmm… I think Matthew's in deep slumber now. I'll get one of my books from my bag, alright?"

Alice slowly lifted Matthew's head up and gently returned it on the couch. She sat beside Alfred on the couch he sat on and grabbed her bag from the coffee table in front of them, taking out a thick book.

"Do you know the story of Peter Pan? I'm sure you do because of Disney," Alice said, calmly placing the book on her lap. Alfred shook his head. "Nope. I want to watch it, but mommy said we have to rent a CD for it, and I don't want her to use money for that. She can use the money to buy me burgers and toy cars!"

Alice giggled – a first for Alfred. He was used to see her laugh. She started babysitting them four days ago and she barely laughed until the third day. But seeing her giggle was very different.

"Well, you're lucky. I have a book of that story. I figured that you boys might be interested in a story until I babysat you. But give it a try. I'm sure you'll like it." Alfred still looked sceptical as he traced his small hand over the book. The cover looked too ancient for Alfred's taste. "If you want, I'll change my voice to portray the characters better," Alice added with a grin. Alfred smiled and nodded before Alice opened the book and started on the first page. At first, Alfred didn't find the story interesting. He understood that a mother would naturally tell bedtime stories to her children, but it still felt bland. But at the time Peter Pan came into the story, Alfred couldn't help but be absorbed. It was not just because of Alice's sweet voice, but he came to like the story. He tried peeking for the pages, only to find lines and lines without any pictures.

"Alfred, there's a reason why I'm reading this to you. I want you to develop your imagination. It's nice if you could picture Peter Pan's adventures without looking at pictures. It will expand your creativity in visualizing things. It has no pictures, sadly," Alice said. "But I have another book with pictures, although it's a different story. I'll read it to you once we finish this book."

"Is it long?" Alfred asked. Alice laughed softly and shook her head. "I think we can finish this book before your parents arrive. They came home at about midnight during the last time they had a date."

"How about your parents? Don't they ask if you're not home?" Alfred asked. Alice sighed and placed a hand on the boy's head. "No. It's quite complicated to explain, but no. It's alright with me, though. I enjoy spending time with you and Matthew."

Alfred saw the pained expression on Alice's face and decided not to ask her any disturbing questions again. "What's the meaning of complicated?" He could still ask petty questions, however. Alice laughed and resumed the story. When Captain Hook came into the scene, Alfred was delighted that Alice changed her voice to a scurvy old pirate with a rough edge on her tone. She sounded so convincing!

"Lemme read too! I want to read Captain Hook's lines!" Alfred exclaimed. He tried to grab the hardcover book but was unsuccessful. Alfred swore that he'd pay Alice back once he grew taller.

"I'm so happy you're entertained with the story," she said. She continued reading, still making different voices for each character. Now Alfred could visualize Wendy as a girly girl, Peter as a boy like him – heroic in a way and mischievous in many ways, and Captain Hook as a twisted man with a hilarious fear of the crocodile. Now Alfred wished that the crocodile had lines. He wondered what Alice would sound like if ever the animal did have lines. At the time Tinkerbell drank the poison, Alice requested Alfred to say he believed in fairies. Alfred checked the clock – 8:45 in the evening – before saying it countless times. Alice giggled and kissed him on the forehead. The boy felt his cheeks heat up

"You know, I wish more kids believed in magic." Alfred looked up at her and saw Alice staring at the wall with a distant look on her face. "I still do. When you grow older, Alfred, please believe in magic and fairies."

"For you," he said with a sweet child's grin. Alice smiled and continued the story. They finally reached the part where Peter had to rescue Wendy from the wicked Captain Hook. Alfred begged Alice to let him make the crocodile's ticking noise and she finally allowed him to. Alice was amazed that Matthew didn't wake up from all the noise that she and little Alfred made.

Alfred became bored again when it came to their return to London. But he felt Alice's voice drop… and he wondered."Alice, what's wrong?"

"Oh… well… nothing. I'll finish this up quickly because I know you prefer to listen to the adventurous part of stories," she said quickly. Alfred shook his head and grabbed the sleeve of Alice's sweater.

"Pwease tell me."

Alice knew that it was a ploy to get her to talk. But what the hey? Alfred's pretty close to her heart now. "It's please. Not pwease. And Mary Darling is sick, that's why Peter decided to leave the window open."

"I know," Alfred said. "But why do you feel sad?"

Alice sighed in frustration. "My mum died already. She has the same condition as Mary Darling. Too bad I don't have Peter Pan to help ease her tension back when she still lived."

"Did Peter and Mrs. Darling know each other before?" Alfred asked. Alice looked at him in surprise.

"Good observation for a six-year old. I think they did. Let's finish the story before we discuss it as a whole, shall we?"

At 9:30, they managed to finish the story of Peter Pan, making Alfred wish Peter Pan would visit him and sprinkle pixie dust on him so he could fly and become a full-fledged hero.

"I want Tinkerbell to put pixie dust on you and Mattie too! And we'd fly around together around the world and we won't grow up!"

For some reason, Alice laughed nervously at that thought. "Y-yes."

"I just don't know why Peter didn't join the Lost Boys," Alfred said. "He doesn't want to grow up?"

Alice cleared her throat. "Well, yes. It's his reason, but I think it's unreasonable. Growing up is a wonderful phase in life. He's lucky enough to be given a chance to."

"But we all can grow up, right?" Alfred added. He smiled at the sight of Alice's pink-tinted cheeks.

"I guess."

"Hey Alice! When school starts again, will you still babysit us?"

Alice shook her head. "No. I have school too. And I might have to return to London for that. I'm just staying over at… uh… my friend's lovely home."

Alfred's expression dropped. Seeing Alice was what he wanted ever since she stepped foot into their house. Now he couldn't imagine his life without her. "Like Wendy said… You won't forget to come for me, Peter? Please, please don't forget," he said in a mock-female voice. Alice laughed and pulled the young boy closer.

"So now I'm Peter?" she asked jokingly. Well, we do have a lot of similarities. "Don't worry. If I can, I'll always visit you. Now don't you think it's high time that you go to bed?"

"But…" Yawn. "…I'm not yet…" Yawn. "…sleepy."

"Lies, Alfred F. Jones. Never lie. Remember that."

Alfred watched Alice stand up and cradle Matthew into her arms. He was surprised a girl like her could carry a six-year old boy. Alice was only sixteen, ten years his senior, and quite thin. Maybe he should reconsider underestimating the strength of girls. He followed Alice and sleeping Matthew to their room and quickly hopped on his bed across Matthew's. Alice was amazing – she managed to tuck in the little boy without waking him up. Alfred waited for Alice to tuck him in.

"Alice… don't go like Peter Pan did," Alfred said while rubbing his eyes. "Stay, please. I promise I'll never say L and R wrong again! Just don't leave me."

Alice was taken aback. To be honest, the boy showed more affection to her than how her brothers did, save for the youngest who was just born a year ago. If only she could. She hugged Alfred tightly and kissed his forehead before tucking him in.

"I will never leave you. Just… believe in magic, okay?"

"I will." Alfred gave a sleepy smile and after a few seconds, finally fell asleep.

Alice left the room and waited for Mr. and Mrs. Jones, who were almost home. She sighed as she sat on the couch, hoping the boys' parents arrive soon. Yao and Kiku might be waiting for her, and she didn't want her friends to be kept waiting.

"Ai ya! I waited for hours, aru!"

"Yao-san, I don't think shouting in the evening will solve anything."

She shook her head, laughing mentally at the possibilities that may occur later. She hoped that Alfred and Matthew were having sweet dreams tonight, especially Alfred. Maybe the young boy was dreaming of flying around the city because of pixie dust rather than the usual hero dreams he had. Reading Peter and Wendy to Alfred was enjoyable, but there was a sharp feeling in her chest.

If only I could age. If I were Peter Pan, I'd take Mrs. Darling's offer.

And she felt really distressed. Not only couldn't she age, but now she found herself thinking of the possibilities.

If I stay like this for ten years and Alfred… oh God… Alfred… I can't afford to fall in love.

No. She was going to find a way to break the curse. And she could quickly move on with her life and just remember Alfred as the child she babysat who often mispronounced words.

A/N: Alice is under a spell! Hahaha, so things are pretty self-explanatory. I love watching episodes where England raises America, so I thought Alice would be very loving to Alfred as a child, especially since she's a girl here. But when time passes... I dunno. Haha! I also searched for a real published Peter Pan book and I used the book Peter and Wendy. Maybe there will be a few more chapters of kid!America before the real USUK starts. Please R&R, no painful flames if possible. But critics are okay. :)