"A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic."

– Author unknown, most often attributed to Joseph Stalin.


In the aftermath of the Dark Days, a decree was forced upon the twelve remaining districts that every year, two of their children must be sacrificed to the Capitol, to participate in a death match known as the Hunger Games. Of the twenty-four tributes to be "reaped" each year, only one would be allowed to live. Seventy-five annual Hunger Games were held before a girl from District 12 sparked the Second District Rebellion which resulted in the overthrow of the Capitol. In those seventy-five years, one thousand eight hundred different boys and girls between the ages of twelve and eighteen entered the Arena. One thousand seven hundred and forty three would ultimately die there. While it would be impossible to name them all, these are just a few of their stories...

A/N: I originally envisioned releasing this as a one-shot, but I think trying to read all of them in one sitting might be a bit overwhelming. So I'm going to do it in three parts, each spanning 25 years leading up to each Quarter Quell. Most of these will be completely original characters, but as we get closer to the later years some of them might be a bit familiar from either the canon or the fanfic universe in which I've written my other stories, originally created by the great Caisha702 and be-nice-to-nerds. Part I should be up right away.

P.S. I'm working on an original song that will be a companion to this story. It should be up on YouTube by the 23rd.