Thanks guys for all the reviews/follows/favourites.

I in no way own PJatO or HoO


The room, honestly he had no idea where is seemed to come from because it is big and there is a lot of expensive furniture and Hades even the paint on the walls looks expensive, like it had cost someone and arm, a leg and their left shoe to buy enough for just one wall let alone four.

He was dressed in clothes that felt wonderfully smooth against his skin, the shirt was a button up and his pants were a little too lose around him and in other areas they were too tight, he was constantly shifting trying to unpick his wedgie, over the top of his shirt he wore a jacket with buttons instead of a zipper.

Yep life was complete when he wore a jacket with buttons and shoulder pads.

He definitely didn't look like the boy that was snatched from his home in the night.

He wandered around the room feeling freshly shaven and well just clean, like incredibly so he looked over at the many paintings that covered the expensive walls and he frowned in distaste at them, they were pretty gruesome.

Growing tired of staring at the paintings he decided to sit down.

Percy had never sat on a cloud, but he was pretty certain that this is what clouds felt like, he pushed his head back against the pure bliss of a pillow and looked up into the ceiling, his back moulded perfectly with the pillows and he didn't realise how tired he was.

His eyes shut slowly and his breathing stilled into a relaxing breath, he wanted everyone to come and see this place, he wanted Will, Annabeth, Hades, even Grover could come and sit in this room, can sit on this chair.

Unfortunately for Percy he was too lost in the bliss of this chair to hear the door open or the conversation that had no doubt been going on for a few minutes to halt completely.

"Ah, our champion seems to be resting." Percy's eyes shot open at the sound of his Master and swiftly his head was up off the beautiful pillow as well as his very own butt.

Kronos had a slight smirk on his face that didn't match his eyes, no he was mad and glaring at Percy, probably for making him look like an idiot in front of who no doubt must have been one of the people who were suppose to support him.

The girl stood beside him, her caramel hair is long and it twists around her neck on sits in a ponytail against her shoulder, she is short and everything about her screams royalty and importance her smile is soft and her skin looks softer, but that is not what gets Percy it's her eyes they are a light blue that burns through his skin and looks deep into his soul, they are kind compared to any other eyes he has seen in the past few hours.

She is the girl from the arena.

"Percy, meet Calypso, she would like to sponsor you." Percy doesn't say anything but when the girl steps forward he has a sudden urge to kneel at her feet, embarrassingly enough that is what he does.

She giggles softly at him and gestures for him to stand.

He follows and never does he take his eyes off of hers, because if he does he is scared they will look elsewhere with him and then he won't be able to look at them.

"You fought well." She says and he smiles a little dopily, yes Percy the pretty girl did just compliment you.

Kronos clears his throat and it startles Percy for a moment and when he looks at his master who simply raises a brow, Percy does feel like an idiot, so he nods his head and then realising that mistake continues to do so as if he is counting a beat, before turning towards Calypso.

"Thank you." One eye slyly travels to Kronos who still had his brow raised. "But, I could fight better, with the support of a fine lady such as yourself." He looks back at Calypso who blushes slightly, but hey at least Kronos is happy.

"Why thank you, Perseus. I just may have to take you up on that offer." She peels her eyes off him and looks back towards Kronos and nods her head slowly. Kronos nods back and when she turns back to face Percy, Percy can see the titan smile and strangely enough he pokes his two thumbs up at the boy, who smiles at Calypso.

Who knows maybe he could get use to this.

Rachel watches the older man wearily, like she is expecting him to throw up everywhere, no wait that is exactly what she is expecting.

'Nico' sits in front of her his long black hair covers his face and from what Rachel can see from his eyes is that he has been drinking and from the smell of him he has been drinking a lot.

She figures he must have some issues.

"What, do you want?" Nico asks his hand covering half of his head and Rachel almost feels sorry for him.

"I want to help stop this." she replies, like it isn't obvious.

"We don't need the help of mortals." He says and rolls his head now sitting up straight the coffee cup is in his hand and when he goes to take a drink from it he pouts at the empty cup.

Okay so Rachel no longer feels sorry for him.

The door to the room opens and Reyna walks in, honestly while Rachel doesn't like the look of her, because she has the type of personality that thinks she is better than everyone else, she is what Rachel's father wanted for a daughter, she is the only one that seems to be able to control Nico.

He looks up at her and dangles the cup in his hands out to her. "Fill this up for me."

Reyna looks down in disgust and grunts a reply back at him. "I think you have had enough." Her dark eyes fall back onto Rachel and she smiles slightly. "Seeing as our, uh, leader is to hung-over to actually do anything and too stupid to do what is right." She glares at him and he glares back, honestly Rachel thinks she has walked into a massive mistake. "I would like to personally welcome you to the team."

Rachel smiles and stands up to shake Reyna's hand, Nico simply looks bored and annoyed, his fingers tap along the edge of the table and he stands.

"Well seeing as my being here was pointless-"Reyna shoots him a glare and pushes him back into his seat.

Nico falls with a harrumph and glares at the floor, which keeps swaying. They aren't on a boat are they?

"Actually this is a history lesson." Reyna takes a seat beside the older demigod who just groans and slams his head on the table with a pitiful yelp.

Rachel just watches the two.

"Wait? A history lesson? I have enough of those at school, I really don't need anoth-"Reyna shuts her up with a glare and Nico looks up towards her with what she thinks is a smile, honestly she has no idea what you could call that.

"I like her." He mumbles, Reyna punches him on the back and he yelps again, before looking back towards Rachel.

"You only heard what they wanted the mortals to hear; you should listen to what really happened, from one of the last survivors of the battle of Manhattan."

Percy is sitting on his bunk, his hands folded in his lap as he looks out towards the ocean, he wants to go out and swim, but they were given strict orders to stay in for the night.

Connor sits across from him a pack of cards in his hands as he shuffles his eyes scan the room where everyone is doing their own things, Will is talking to someone over on the opposite side of the room his bow in his hand as he polishes it, the boy he is talking to is sorting through his own arrows so Percy can guess that it is one of his siblings.

Well half siblings.

"This is the longest I have gone without seeing my brother." Connor comments as he hands Percy his cards.

"Do you miss him?" he asks, it is a stupid question but it is all he can think off, and he wants someone to keep talking, so then he can shut his brain down.

"I do, but I would rather not see him, than actually see him." he looks up at Percy who really looks and is confused. "Because it hurts seeing him after not seeing him, like right now, I can pretend he is safe and not in danger or I can pretend I don't have a brother."

He looks out the window and Percy wonders if he is going to cry, because he looks like it.

"And I know it sounds bad, but I would rather he didn't exist then him going through this."

Percy nods his head softly.

"I guess I am lucky."

Connor looks at him and smiles sadly. "It would certainly make me feel better knowing I wouldn't have that slight chance of going up against someone in my family."

They go quiet then and Percy thinks, and really he doesn't want. He doesn't want to think about the people he hurt for no good reason a part from someone's entertainment.

He tries not to think about the girl he attacked or what she probably would feel like right now, whether she would be in pain or not.

And what feels worse is knowing that someone in his cabin, one of his new family members was probably related or knew one of them. That is probably why no one congratulated him for his win, instead they all just shared a grim smile and that was better than a congratulatory party, he didn't feel like a hero or a winner no he felt like a game piece on the game of life, a dodgy game piece.

He looks over at the boy in the corner who went into the beast hunt, his arm is bandaged and he shakes every few minutes, beside him sits Clarisse who has an arm over his shoulder, she ignores her own protesting leg which had been sprained in the games.

Tomorrow, she will be going back into the arena and Percy hopes her ankle gets better, an injury like that would destroy her chances of getting a sponsor and if anyone here should get a sponsor it was defiantly her, he had watched her train before and yeah he was a little envious of her.

She was amazing.

She looked over at him with a blank face and Percy smiled slightly, she nods her head and turns back around before hobbling over towards her bed.

If Percy can thank these gladiatorial games for something, it would defiantly be for bringing them closer and that could be either a good thing for them or a bad one.

He just hoped that they would not change the rules to accommodate murder.

The next morning before breakfast Percy sneaks out to one of the training arenas his sword in his hand, he needs to get this anger and frustration and sadness out of his system and he sees no other way to do that unless he runs some training drills.

When he arrives down there he spots two people, one is Annabeth, because yes he can point her out in crowd with thousands, beside her is a young boy with the same blonde hair, the two encourage each other on and Percy can point out all the mistakes each are making with their swords.

"Need some help?" he calls walking into the arena with a smile, Annabeth spins towards him and frowns a little but Percy can see her trying to hide the smile.

The little boy looks up with a shocked expression before turning back to Annabeth with a glorified expression.

Percy frowns in confusion and looks back at Annabeth who is now smiling widely as if this is all some kind of joke.

"Actually we were expecting you." She says with a smile picking up her sword which was laying on the floor beside her. "I figured we enter a truce."

Percy cocks his head to the side and looks at Annabeth. "What kind of truce?"

She smiles and the little boy moves forward. "We teach you battle strategies and you teach us" She gestures to herself and the boy with a faint smile. "How to properly fight with a sword."

Percy smiles and nods his head quickly, he really like this girl. "Fair enough."

She holds out her hand for him to shake and quirks an eyebrow. "Deal?"

Percy pulls out his hand and shakes hers, trying to ignore the way her hand fits perfectly in his.
