I do not own Naruto or Sekirei. Kishimoto owns Naruto while sekirei but I own the plot of this story.

AN This story begins after the Invasion of Pain arc and before the Five Kage Summit arc. It is a bit AU and Tsunade already woke up from her coma. For the inconvenience and so that you guys/girls wouldn't flame me for this being plagiarism, some bits of this story would come from sekirei.

Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto, toad sage and jinchūriki of the Kyūbi no Yōko, was sitting in a bus, quietly waiting for the ride to reach its destination. There was no one else on board except for him and the bus driver, who was smoking a cigar. Staring out and looking at the window, he couldn't help but admire the beauty of the countryside and the clear blue sky and started to feel at ease because of the warm sunlight. Today is a good day, he thought.

Are you that new person the Hokage told me about?" the bus driver suddenly asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Um, yeah, I am."

They started to enter a dark tunnel. "Hmm, you know, the place where you're going to, it's kinda dangerous. No wait, scratch that, it's a very dangerous and horrifying place." The bus driver said, looking over his shoulder at him. Naruto was able to make out his eyes and noticed that they were glowing.

Naruto scoffed, "I've seen worse."

Naruto was dropped off in front of a bus stop of capital city with a pumpkin head. He was wearing a black strapped hitai-ate, with the symbol of Konoha engraved on the metal, and his sage clothes, In histhe scroll on his back was carrying a suitcase and bag. Dropping his bag and suitcase, he started to remember the mission the baa-chan Gondaime gave this scroll it has ninja equipment and other stuff.


The day before

Naruto knocked on the door of the makeshift Hokage office in the evacuation centre of Konoha. A few seconds later, Tsunade called for him to come in. As he entered he saw that the room was not very big, with only a desk and two chairs for the receptions and a plain office chair where Tsunade was seated at. On the desk, there was a massive stack of paperwork.

"Ah Naruto, your here, come sit." Tsunade said, looking up from her paperwork and gesturing to the seat at her left-hand side.

Naruto walked towards the seat and sat down. Tsunade then stopped signing and laced her fingers together and looked at him with a serious expression. After a few seconds of staring, Tsunade started to speak.

"You will not interrupt me when I tell you this so listen carefully. You are to going capital city in order for your protection against the Akatsuki. They do not know of the existence or the location of the place and the Daimino has sworn that he would protect you. Once you arrive, report to him immediately. I will sent you capital because some things are happen that we ninja can't predict I sent you go to the town and gather information what you have got . Do not mention this to anyone except for Kakashi and Sakura. This is classified as an extended S-rank mission and may take years before you will be able to return. You will leave tomorrow morning and will be escorted to a nearby 'bus' stop and shall be picked up there. Now you are dismissed, go now and start packing your essentials and say goodbye only to Kakashi and Sakura." Tsunade ordered.

Naruto slammed his hands on the table. "What? Why? I can take those bastards on! I defeated Pein so the rest of them will be no sweat. I can't just leave Konoha unprotected! When this village's enemies find out they'll attack us and we'll be overpowered! You guys will need me and I can't just abandon the village now that they have finally accepted me. I refuse to accept the mission." Naruto said defiantly.

Tsunade was able to keep her composure and continued looking at Naruto. If this were one of those other times, she would have slammed him into the wall for this. But she understood what he feels about the mission and, finally, after all the years of abuse and criticism, was able to get the villagers respect and admiration, and leaving them now for him felt like he was abandoning them. She waited for him to finish his outburst and then spoke.

"You are to accept this mission. As your Hokage, I order you to. If you do not, I will kick you out of the village and declare you a missing-nin. You will be hunted by the hunter nins and ANBU and never be able to return. Do you understand?" Tsunade warned while staring at him with fire in her eyes.

Naruto was taken aback. 'Where was all of this coming from?' he thought.

"H-Hai... Hokage-sama." Naruto hesitantly said. He gave her a stiff, tense bow and was about to leave before Tsunade called him back.

"Wait Naruto, I want to give you something first."

She stood up and walked over to Naruto. At first, he thought she was going to punch him, but instead she lifted his hitai-ate and kissed him on the forehead.

"Wow Naruto, you really have grown. You're not that obnoxious little twelve year old boy anymore; you're growing up to be a fine man now. Just like your father. I'll miss you baka." Tsunade said, with tears starting to form in her eyes.

Naruto didn't know what to say, so instead, he enveloped her into a hug.

"And I'll miss you baa-chan, just make sure that by the time I come back, everyone will still be here." Naruto said and quickly left before she saw the tears falling from his eyes.

Tsunade stood there for a second, but then shook her head and wiped her eyes and went back to her paperwork. Suddenly, another knock came to the door. She called for the person to come in and was shocked to see that it was Naruto.

"Oh yeah, about that paperwork, why can't you just use Kage Bunshins? When they dispel, the knowledge they get goes back to you." He cheerfully said and closed the door and left again.

The last thing he heard was a loud 'thud' and different types of swear words coming from Tsunade's office.


Naruto stand the bus stop of city of capital .Naruto's other things like food supply,new elemental scroll,his cloth and vice versa are cover in his in his backpack. He was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and black boots, a formfitting white sleeveless t-shirt, a black sleeveless haori with a hood, a pair of black fingerless gloves and an armband with the symbol of a leaf on a metal plate wrapped around his left bicep.

He received many odd looks, both because even though he was technically from this region of the world he didn't look Japanese at all. When most people saw him they normally assumed he was American due to his blue eyes and brightly colored hair. The other thing that grabbed peoples attention and caused the unusual stares was the haori, since it was pretty warm during this season, along with the fact that most people simply didn't wear more traditional clothing like that now a days. Not that the looks he received would cause him to change the style he had been wearing for most of his life.

"Guh, man this place has changed so much," the blond male complained as he got off another tram, this one leading further into the city. He had been walking and riding trains for the past two hours and still had yet to get a good feel for the place. "Man, it looks like they changed the entire layout of this city. Now how I am going to find my publisher if I can't even find out where I am?"

The streets were busy, with hundreds of cars moving along them, or stopped up in traffic. The people walking down the sidewalks were all crowded together and would make it impossible for anyone to walk against the flow. It was a lot busier then he had remembered last time he had been there.

"And in other breaking news, Hiroto Minaka, the President of the giant conglomerate M.B.I. has bought up eighty percent of all Shinto Teito stalks..." Naruto looked up at the screen when he heard the announcement to see a man with white messy hair, glasses and a high-collared cape(?) of some kind sitting in a high backed chair. The man looked like he was trying to pose as some kind of king with the way he was seated; with his hands on the large arm rests on either side and his legs crossed as he sat straight up with an imperious look on his face.

What the keck this place, why grandma tsunade sent me this weird place all things tipical,naruto where I lived I don't know this place let try this way.

Fortunately for Naruto he was not only much bigger then most, especially people living in Japan, but also very powerful physical, he did not do anything more then move back a step. He shook his head, silently berating himself for not watching where he was going, then looked down to see who he had accidentally knocked over.

It was a young man with black hair and eyes who had been mumbling about 'failing twice' and 'entrance exams' or some such nonsense.

"Sorry about that," the blond said as he held his hand out to the kid. The other guy rubbed his backside before looking up. The blond blinked when he got a good look at the kids face – it was the kind of nondescript 'I've got nothing going for me in my life' face that some of the younger generation seemed to posses now a days – before breaking into a sheepish smile. "You ok?"

"It's alright I wasn't looking either. My name's Minato." The boy said causing Naruto's eyes to widen. "Is something wrong?"

"No it's just my father's name was Minato. He died a long time ago." Naruto responded.

"I'm sorry. So where are you headed?"

I only come here because university result was declared in this city. "Actually I've been just looking around. This is my first time seeing the city .

"Well I'm about to head to the subway if you want to walk with me."

Naruto thanked him as the two walked down the stairs of the subway. Minato talked about a school. Naruto responded by explaining his time in the academy which he hated. Naruto left out what the academy was. So Minato simply thought it was a school like his and Naruto didn't do well in.

"I suppose we'll just say we should both be more careful," the Naruto replied with a good natured chuckle. "Anyways, good luck on your next entrance exams."

"What! How did you know about my entrance exams!" asked the kid in surprise.

The Naruto sweat dropped. "You were just talking out loud about failing your entrance exams twice before I ran into you."

Oh..." the black haired kid looked embarrassed, Naruto figured it was about asking such an obvious question or somewhere along those lines. It wasn't like he cared though, and so he put the thought out of his mind.


My name is Minato Sahashi, and I now a second year Rounin student looking to be accepted into Shinto University. Currently I wear a white t shirt and a pair of jeans along with a pair of white sneakers. I have a backpack on my back with books and other school supplies in it, but right now I hardly have the motivation to use them.

Stepping off the train at my stop, I start walking back toward my apartment.


As the two continued to talk they heard someone yell from behind them. Turning around they were both stunned to see a girl flying toward them.

"AH! Get out of the way please!"

Both looking up the blond had just enough time to see that the girl falling before them was brunette and had extremely large breasts before she smashed into kid stomach with enough force to send him crashing into the ground and creating a decently sized his leg was covered naruto end result trio fall on back sides.

"Ugh... what the... fuck...?" kid blinked as he saw a tight, toned and shapely ass clad in white panties.

she just groaned.

Naruto angreed that girl who was falling in to when he seen her cute face his anger was gone in couple of second. "what a cute girl."he through.

Minato move his own body back ,the girl look at Minato .Minato eye wide when he look her face.

"What a cute girl"Minato same thoughts that Naruto was think about that girl.

Minato assumed she was simply injured – asked, "hey, are you alright?"

"I m all right Thank you sir you must have caught me." The girl said to Minato.

No,we both catch you .Minato said frankly and his hand pointed on NarutoSo The Girl can see him.

The girl can see Naruto who standing besides Minato.

The girl stand up on his feet and moving her head toward Naruto and said,thank you both of you to catch me.

Naruto smiled and said," it's our pleasure."

Naruto and Masubi sensed . Naruto sensing something was coming grabbed Minato by the shirtwhile girl are jump and move to landed besides Naruto. Naruto grab Minato shirt shifting him backside away from the explosion. When the dust settled Naruto saw identical twins standing on a tower looking down on all three of them.

"There's no use running. Now come on and fight us!" One of the twins yelled.

"I can't fight yet"Girl said to the two girl.

If you don't want to fight to one of the girl said to that girl her hand was glowing in purple light.

Naruto and Minato eye was wide when he seen the girl kind of power.

Seeing they were talking to the girl with him Naruto stood with the girl walking beside him, "Two on one isn't fair. So I think I'll even up the odds."

"Sir I don't think that's a good idea. I don't want you to get hurt trying to help me." The girl said only to have Naruto smile back at her. "Don't worry about me I can take care of myself."

"Oh I will help you too Minato" said to Naruto" no Minato this is not a game I know you want to protect this girl am I right ?"

Minato nobbed ."so stay with her I can take this girls".

"Sir I don't think that's a good idea. I don't want you to get hurt trying to help me." Girl said again.

Don't worry about me I can take care myself Naruto said with smile to the girl.

The girl apparently didn't believe Naruto because she grabbed him and Minato by the hands as she took off in the other direction. Naruto allowed the girl to drag him around impressed by her speed. However, when he noticed they weren't be chased he put his feet on the ground jerking the girl to a Minato was flying on the air he will never experience such things.

"Damn it she run away" Hikari said.

"What kind of fight she could put on without his owner "the dark grey hair man said.

Both girls are blink and turn her head towards the man who was standing behind them.

That Grey hair man was wear black colour suit and and black pant .his face was black mask coverd his mouth.

"Himaru" both girl said."you again ? you always getting in the way in our work."

"If you are wingingless to chase her then I'll be your opponent"Himaru said. His right hand was glowing burning fire.

Hikari and girl was freeze when they seen the man hand's burning were sence that he was more powerful then anyother man.

Hikari was angree that man because he always came her smarl was come out hikari body she started to attack her.

Before she start the fight the girl grabbed her hand and said hikari its dangerous .we have retreat now.

Hikari sigh and said we have retreat hibiki

both started to run opposite to the 'll come back again Himaru just wait. Hikari shouted.

Wait Hiakri ,hibiki said behind her.

They were gone some his hand fire was gone look towards road were the girl was run.

That sekirei.. I hoped its owner soon himaru said and gone that place were he was standing.


"We should be safe here. Are you two alright? I'm sorry for getting the two of you involved like this." The girl said while Minato coughed up a storm.

"Don't worry about it." Naruto answered.

"Now that I think about it I could have just run away myself. Why do you think I took your hand thoughtlessly?

"Maybe because I caught you and saved your life."

"Oh I haven't introduced myself. They call me Musubi."

"I'm Minato Sahashi."

I'm Uzumaki Naruto.

'I wonder why those girls were chasing Musubi." Naruto through and look at Masubi.

Baa chan was right some thing was happening in this city I want to investigate and report to her before she angree at me .she more scrarier then Sakua chan. Naruto through.

Minato only to catch said girl as she fainted.

"Is she alright ?" minato asked.

I think she used all the power of running those two girls that chess after him, she may be exhausted. So don't would wake up some time said.

"Ok let my home I think we could safe there for some time". Minato said.

Naruto hearing her stomach growling lifted Musubi up bridal style. Minato then told Naruto to follow him back to where he was staying. Naruto and Minato exchange there information the way were Minato living.


Minato reached his apartment then he open the and Minato enter his apartment Naruto pick down Masubi in Minato's Naruto look arounds its looks like 1 bhk room.

"so you are living this place".Naruto asked.

"Yeah I had my budget so I can preferred this apartment"Minato replied.

Some couple of time Masubi wake look around she was in a aprtment. She was laying in a futon.

"Well you wake up finally I'm glad you are alright"Minato Naruto was making some rools in Minato's kichen.

As if in answer to his words Musubi's stomach rumbled, that is, if having what sounded like a roaring dinosaur shake the room they were in could truly be considered a mere rumble.

The moment Minato got into the kitchen he grabbed some rolls off the table. He then lightly smacked Musubi on the side of the face waking her up. The girl quickly took the rolls from Minato wolfing them down before turning to Naruto who gave her his own sandwiches.

Musubi's eyes grew really large as a puppy dog like look came to her face. It was quite easily the most adorable thing he had ever seen.

You both are truly my life savor and now this …. Masubi said with his large puppy eye.

Minato waving his hand and said" its ok just eat what you want".Minato he asked Masubi and Naruto were they are living ?

Both look each other and said.

So where are you living? Minato asked again.



'You both don't have place for return to ?' Minato shouted.

Well you don't bother …. Can you stay me here? Masubi asked.

Can you please stay me here today ,so tomorrow I can find new place for living ? Naruto asked.

Minato look both them and said. I guess that fine

Thank goodness both Naruto and Masubi said.

Minato look at them and thing Mom I get new friends in this one is strange cute girl name Masubi and one good looking guy that Naruto Uzumaki.

I don't know what happen next but I feels so strange feeling about these girl. I wonder whats happen in my through.

when Minato look at Naruto" I really thing that Yukari fall in love this man" Minato through.

"You truly are my savior Minato san helping me and now this." Musubi said with tears in her eyes as Minato waved her off. "Don't worry about it I'm just happy I could help."

While Naruto goes to the kichen making some dinner tonight.

"what happen this why she react this?"Minato throughs.

"Minato I wish someone like you could be my Ashikabi-sama." Musubi said thoughtfully.

'Ashikabi that's a weird word I wonder what it's about?'

"I've been looking for one someone precious whom I've never met before. Each of us we're born after our Ashikabi to guide him to the ascension."

As Musubi said this she moved closer to Minato. Musubi was so close she would be on his lap had he been sitting down. "I hope you find that person Musubi. Someone helped me a great deal in life.

Musubi stared at Minato amazed. What he'd said had to be one of the most inspiring things she'd ever heard. It was that moment when she looked at Minato her body began to become hot. Unable to control herself she fell onto Minato's chest looking up at him.

Without warning Musubi jumped into Minatos arms knocking them both to the floor. With the ninja lying on top of the girl, both staring into each other's eyes. Musubi placed her hand on Minato's chest allowing her to feel his muscles through his shirt. Minato on the other hand had the left side of Musubi's face in the palm of his Masubi's lips meets Minato's eye widened when he sees the Naruto making dinner he sensed some energy come from moved backward sees that Masubi kissing Minato.

Is that powerful chakra coming from that girl whose this girl ? Naruto his mind many question has ran in his mind.

Musubi began glowing a light purple, the chakra forming around her in prism like rays of light. A symbol appeared on her back and began to project itself outwards in a physical manifestation of energy. The symbol was of a bird with a yin and yang circle under it and two tomoes on either side, making that four total. With the the yin and yang crest they formed a U with the tomoes under the bird. From the projected symbol ten wings spread out from her back, brilliant rays of light that shone in the darkness of the alley.

What that light ? Naruto through.

The light soon began to fade, the wings disappeared, the symbol made from energy vanished the brown haired girl who broke the kiss just as Minato started to get into it.

"I've found you my Ashikabi-sama." Musubi said as she threw her arms around Minato's neck. "Wait a second I remember you saying something about this earlier."

"She found her askikabi was Minato"Naruto throughs.

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! An electronic beeping noise rises out of his right hip pocket. He nearly jumps at the noise, and he reaches into his pocket and withdraws his cellular phone. He looks at the front display, and not recognizing the number, he flips it open and puts the phone to his ear. On the screen, I can see the corner of a face, and a familiar man's voice blares from the speaker.

"Ah, Sahashi Minato-san!" Minaka's voice booms from the speaker.

Minato reflexively pulls the phone from his ear, and looks at the screen, seeing the white haired man's face on the screen. I can't help scowl at the face on the screen while Minaka smiles a beaming smile.

"So, you managed to get a Sekirei partner…" Minaka begins.

"Uh, just who are you?" Minato asks the face on the phone.

Minaka shakes his head in disgust.

"You don't know who I am? You really should watch the news more often, Minato Sahashi-san."

"He's Minaka Hiroto, president of MBI and the one behind the Sekirei Plan." I explain, distaste in my voice when I say the president's name.

"Professor is that you?" Musubi asked.

"Oh number 88 Musubi. Are you doing well?" The Professor asked.

"Musubi you know this guy? What does he mean by number 88?" Minato asked. "Yes he's our professor and CEO. 88 is my Sekirei number."

"You must be Uzumaki Naruto"Minaka said to blinked and nobbed.

"Listen Naruto Uzumaki since you don't have sekirei means you must have eliminated by MBI forces'Minaka said

'You cant eliminate Naruto san he also protect my life. Please give a chance to slove this problem"Masubi tod to Minaka..

"ok if my honorable sekirei insist so then I was given you to 1 week to find sekirei just like Masubi if you don't find I will sent you M.B.I FORCES TO ELIMINATED YOU GOT IT"Minaka explained.

"Ok take care Masubi"

"By professor "

Naruto was confused were M.B.I,ashikabi,sekirei and etc .


Sorry Naruto san but you also help me with those lighting sekirei and you are Minato friend so you are my friend too.

"Yes Naruto Masubi chan right we are friends now and friends also protect each other" Minato said.

Naruto reminds what Jiraya sensei said,"the person who care about you and take care of about things that not harm you and protect you those persons were called true friends.

Naruto got it that jiraya sensei look both of them then closed his eyes ,take a deep breath then again look them again.

Ok thank you Masubi chan for saved me and Minato thank you for remind me those things was important to joyfuuly said to both of them.

You are welcome Minato said .Mee too Masubi said with jumping on the floor.

"So Naruto san can you find a sekirei in the week" Masubi asked.

"Well I had one week so I can find sekirei" Naruto said

"I exciting when you find your sekirei Naruto san "

"Ok but stop calling me Naruto san It kinda odd you know but you called me Naruto or Naruto kun I like that Naruto said to Masubi.

She giggle Minato small laugh and then said,"ok Naruto kun its ok .

That better Naruto said with rise his head .

Things are complicated how to explained grandma tsunade when i going to this sekirei things. Kami help me Why do I think that this will become a very weird situation...?" Naruto through.

Story to be continued ….

I hope you like it…..