verisimilitude \ver-uh-si-MIL-i-tood, -tyood\, noun:

1. the appearance or semblance of truth; likelihood; probability: The play lacked verisimilitude.

2. something, as an assertion, having merely the appearance of truth.

"We're going undercover!" Kaito announced, dumping a multitude of clothes on his living room floor. The floor that had been clean just an instant ago. Sighing, Shinichi replaced his mug on the coffee table and crossed his arms as he leaned in to examine the pile.

The first thing that caught his eye was a dark green skirt that was terribly short. All in all, it wouldn't have come down to his knees. He eyed Kaito suspiciously, "You're not trying to put me in a skirt... are you?"

Kaito grinned nervously and focused on some point above the angry detective's head; a sure sign that he was lying. "Of course not..!" Shinichi tossed the offending article of clothing at the magician who promptly ducked.

"Liar." He said succinctly. Kaito shrugged.

"We all have our faults."

"Since I know you're not going to let me get of this... What exactly are you planning to make me do?" Shinichi asked, half wondering if he was going to regret this.

Kaito brightened and detailed the "mission", conveniently skipping over the reasons why Shinichi would be wearing something utterly ridiculous. Shinichi glared and Kaito muttered, "You're going as my date..?"

"Your date? Why on Earth would I do that?" Shinichi exclaimed, "Better yet, get one of the girls to do it. I'm sure Aoko would be happy to help you." He was only too aware of the girl's crush on their resident magician and he sympathized with her. Kaito could be heartbreakingly oblivious to anything having anything to do with romance.

"Aw, she'd be a pain to have along!" Kaito whined. "Please Shinichi? It won't be for long!"

He took one look at Kaito's face and caved. Despite being almost 25, he could still replicate the puppy dog eyes as well as he'd been able to at 17. "...Fine," he conceded, "but I'm not wearing a skirt!"

"Okay!" Kaito agreed. He rummaged through the pile of clothes, picking up different things and tossing them away just as quickly. Finally, he handed Shinichi a black t-shirt, grey striped hoodie, and a pair of bootcut jeans.

"I suppose you want to go all out?" Shinichi asked. Kaito looked at him speculatively.


Twenty minutes later, Shinichi stood in the living room again, fighting not to adjust the "assets" that Kaito had put on him as he waited for Kaito to finish with his own costume. Just as he was about to yell for him, the magician stepped into the room.

Kaito had somehow managed to force his hair flat, and had spirited away one of Shinichi's favorite button-down shirts and a tie. All in all, Shinichi had to admit, he looked good. "Ready?" He asked cheerfully, offering his arm to his "date" for the night.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Shinichi muttered, reaching for the arm. Kaito had forced him into high heels and as much as he would've loved to ignore the arm, he couldn't.

"Oh, wait a second..." Kaito halted, looking slightly nervous. Now he was worried. Was this undercover "mission" really going to be that dangerous? "Ah, I'm going to have to mark you... for verisimilitude you understand!"

"Mark?" Shinichi asked curiously, letting his concern drop away. "What kind of mark?"

"A-a love bite?" Kaito was behind the couch in record time as a soccer ball flew to the spot where his head had just been.

AN: I just wrote this 'cause I had time and I haven't done this in forever. They're just friends in this one and Kaito's really just fooling around with the "love bite" crap. It was the only thing I could think of, in my defence! Anyways, hope you enjoyed the entertainment!