Greetings scrawny humans, you will bow before me!

Er, I mean welcome to the first chapter of this Cherimon collaborative journey! *audience claps*. Today I am proud to release to you, the first three chapters!

Just as a note these were pretty much written by StuckWithWords, and edited by me. Chapter 4 (which we are working on as I type) will be more of the both of us.

Stay tuned, and please, please review! We will both reply to them on our individual accounts


"Hurry up, Charlie!"

I rolled my eyes as I hastily locked the door to my and Alex's house. He could be so impatient sometimes. I turned around, shoved my key into my pants pocket, and carefully descended the steps on the brick path leading to the driveway. The chill hit my neck, and I zipped my favorite blue hoodie a little higher against the frigid air. I really should have been wearing a winter jacket, but it was too late to turn back now.

The small shrubs lining the walkway, once a cheery green, were now brittle and bare, as well as the trees all over town. A thin layer of snow topped ice created a frozen slick over the lawn and pavement, causing me to lose my footing every few steps. The biting wind tugged at my hair, and with in seconds I looked like I'd just crawled out of bed. I hated this type of weather. But, whether I liked it or not, it was the beginning of February.

As I approached Alex's silver Taurus, he honked the horn obnoxiously from the front seat. The noise startled me, and nearly sent me tripping over my feet. When I regained my footing I could see him grinning impishly through the windshield. Apparently, he was rather pleased with himself for scaring the Daleks out of me, and nearly sending me sliding down the driveway. I carefully jogged the remaining five feet to the passenger seat. Alex always insisted on driving every time we took the same car, and how could I argue with a free chauffeur?

I opened the door and climbed inside. Essence of Alex's Ralph Lauren Polo 3 cologne lingered in the air, and it drove me crazy. I smiled as he put the heat on full force, and attempted to thaw my fingers in front of the vent. The stereo was connected to Alex's iPhone, quietly playing... Forever Yours? I smirked, trying to cover a chuckle as I buckled my seat belt. He could be pretty cocky sometimes, and God was it cute. He smiled back at me with that cheeky grin of his, as if reading my thoughts.

It was that same grin that made The Nermie Army swoon, myself included. 'Nice attempt at modesty, Alex'. I thought as I tried to resist laughing out loud. Alex lifted his left elbow to lean against the top of his seat. He turned to survey the surroundings before slowly backing out of the driveway. Sure, he could be cocky, but he usually didn't let it go to his head.