Disclaimer:The characters of CSI: NY do not belong to me however this story is of my own and should only be used after permission has been asked and given. No copyright infringement intended and no profit is being made.
Summary: Danny and Lindsay are going to learn that sometimes you must lose, in order to gain.
Notes:This story is probably more of a T, but due to the sensitive subject I've rated it M. Also, as sensitive issues shall be delved into I wish to not cause any offense, therefore I'm suggest anyone who wishes not to read further to turn backā¦ now. Other than that, continue on.
The Parent's Apple
Do not say, 'it is morning,' and dismiss it with a name of yesterday.
See it for the first time as a new born child with no name.
- Rabindranath Tagore
Danny Messer rubbed at his eyes wearily as he ascended the elevator to the 35th floor Crime Lab. He felt exhausted and it was only 10am. He was supposed to have started work a half hour ago after dropping his three year old daughter off at pre-school however as soon as it was time for him to leave she'd wrapped her arms around his neck and begged him to stay. It had broken his heart to watch her sob as he tried to gently extricate himself from her grip and he'd inwardly cursed for not taking his wife's advice seriously. Lindsay had warned him that Lucy was going through a clingy phase and that since Bailey's mom had volunteered to help with morning snack, Lucy had been constantly asking why her parent's couldn't stay too. Apparently a full-time job wasn't something Lucy could come to terms with. She'd suggested that Danny get to the pre-school early enough that Lucy was already settled before he left and therefore he could avoid a possible tantrum but Danny had forgone the advice. He couldn't imagine his daughter causing a fuss when she was acting so sweetly all morning. Plus, he'd woken later than he was meant to and the thought of eating nothing substantial until lunchtime if he was lucky wasn't too appealing. It wasn't until the first fat tear welled in Lucy's eye that he knew he'd made a terrible mistake.
He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and groaned when he saw he had four missed calls from Jo Danville, all probably wondering where he was. Figuring he could tell her when he clocked in, Danny shoved his cell back into his pocket and bounced on the balls of his feet, impatiently urging the elevator to move faster.
When the car finally slowed to a stop Danny was out and heading towards the locker room before the doors had even completely slid open. He quickly deposited his stuff, intrigued but appearing nonchalant as he overheard one lab tech shakily tell another about how "there was so much blood". He ducked back into the corridor and chuckled to himself, wondering whether the lab tech had watched the same bad TV-movie horror that he and Lindsay had laughed through the night before.
Danny walked towards the office and was thankful to see it empty. He was hoping he could get started on his paperwork and then, when Jo finally caught up with him, try and downplay how late he was. His hand was hovering on the door handle when a distinctive Southern voice sounded from behind, calling his name. He whipped round, looking sheepish.
"I've been trying to reach you," she said almost frantically.
"Sorry, I had problems with Luce," he explained, scratching the back on his neck in uncomfortable embarrassment. She held a hand out to stop him and he noticed that she was looking very white, her lips a thin line.
"You have to get to the hospital," Jo told him.
"What, why?"
"It's Lindsay. Mac's with her, she's at Angel of Mercy," she said. Danny stood, rooted for a moment and his mind blank. Jo tilted her head sympathetically, tears rising in her eyes and her lower lip quivered.
"Danny, she's had a miscarriage."