Crystal: Hi, just another idea I got ^_^ So I hope you enjoy and review ^_^ This story is HxA, sorry for my grammar mistakes ^_^ This story is set after the first Hey Arnold movie, but the second one didn't happen in this story ^_^ P.s.: They are not in high school ^_^ Special thanks to the amazing beta of this story, Hatter of Madness

The Disaster Project

Chapter 1
Helga G. Pataki Never Lies

It was a normal day at school for Arnold and the gang. Well, it was normal, until Mr. Simmons decided to give an extra "special" project to the class. Everyone was curious to see what Mr. Simmons' "special" project was. What they didn't know was that this project was going to change their lives forever.

"Okay, class, ready to know what your special project is?" asked Mr. Simmons excitedly.

The whole class grunted, but nodded nonetheless. Mr. Simmons started to pull out a hat with paper inside. After he was done, he put the hat in his desk and wrote in big letters on the chalkboard, The Marriage Project.

"Well, everyone, your project consists of selecting a partner from this hat, then for one week, you and your partner are going to be married!" exclaimed Mr. Simmons excitedly.

"WHAT?" Helga exclaimed loudly.

Everyone stared at her like she was crazy, but the glare she sent them in return made them all turn away…most of them, except a football headed kid with a blue cap on his head. He looked at her with a knowing smile and turned around, not one bit intimidated by her glare.

Gerald looked at Arnold and buried his face in his hand. That boy had been acting strangely ever since they saved the neighborhood hood, but Gerald didn't know why. Everything was a bit crazy since that, and it was just two months ago. Things were very confusing right now; even Helga G. Pataki was acting strangely. She didn't bother them anymore or even come their way, but of course Arnold being Arnold always had to go looking for her to make sure she was alright. Who does that anyway? Searching for your bully? It was very confusing.

"Oh, criminy," Helga mumbled to herself; she felt trapped. Hey, it's not that bad. I mean, what are the chances of you getting stuck with the little love god? Zip to none! So don't worry, Helga old girl, Helga thought to herself and smiled.

"Class, you are going to pick out your partners! Helga, you first!" Mr. Simmons said happily as he gave her the hat.

Please let it be me, Arnold thought while he looked over at her and smiled, seeing Helga put her arm inside the hat.

Please don't let it be him, Helga thought to herself as she grabbed a piece of paper. However, she didn't open it. She looked at Mr. Simmons worriedly and nervously, but opened the piece of paper and remained calm as she read what the piece of paper said…


"So, Helga, who did you get?" Mr. Simmons asked curiously.

"I got Brainy," Helga said while she shrugged her shoulders.

"So, Brainy, I guess you're married to Helga, then," Mr. Simmons said happily.

Arnold's smile fell from his face as he heard Simmons say that. He felt rather jealous that Brainy had Helga as his wife. She had confessed to Arnold that she loved him on top of a building—even though he had let her take it back and label it as a "heat of the moment" thing. That didn't mean he believed that one bit. He had been quite confused about his feelings ever since, yet was hoping for some time with her to talk it with her and see if it could work out between them. However, she had been avoiding him like the plague since what happened at the IFT building.

"Okay, Helga, now give me the paper," Mr. Simmons said as he reached out to grab the paper.

"NO!" Helga yelled as he started to take the piece of paper away from her.

Everyone looked at her, startled by the outburst and confused, yet Arnold immediately smirked; he knew what was going on. He looked at Helga, almost as though daring her to give the paper back to Mr. Simmons.

"I mean…why do you want this? I already told you I got Brainy and Helga G. Pataki doesn't lie," Helga said nervously.

"Helga, just give me the paper," Mr. Simmons said rather sternly.

Helga sighed and gave him the piece of paper. Mr. Simmons looked at the paper and the confusion was apparent on his face.

"Helga, your paper said Arnold, not Brainy," he said seriously.

"But I don't want to be married to that football headed geek!" Helga exclaimed.

"Helga, that is no way to talk about your classmate," he said sternly.

"But Mr. S—" Helga started, but was quickly interrupted.

"No buts, Helga, you're married to Arnold," Mr. Simmons said.

"Fine," Helga mumbled as she shifted angrily in her seat.

Mr. Simmons proceeded with the rest of the class. The second couple was Phoebe and Gerald; the third couple, Curly and Rhonda; then Eugene and Nadine; then Lila and Brainy; the list went on and on until everyone had a partner.

"Now class, remember, the rules of this project are simple: You have to be with your partner all day while you're in school, you have to socialize with each other's friends, and lastly, you have to prove to me that you two are a happy married couple by the end of this project," Mr. Simmons said cheerfully.

Everyone nodded their heads; some were happy (Arnold), some were disappointed (Brainy), and some were angry (Helga), but the couples were already decided. There was no turning back.

The class ended quickly and everyone was free from school. They hurried out of their seats and went out into the hallway.

"Man, Arnold, I'm sorry that you got stuck with Helga," Gerald said sympathetically.

"It's okay, Gerald," Arnold said. "Helga's not all that bad and besides, who knows? Maybe we will get along okay."

"Man, we're talking about Helga G. Pataki, the fourth grade terror and your own personal bully! Remember Arnold, she hates you!" Gerald said.

"Who knows, Gerald? Maybe this is my chance to be her friend," Arnold said, smiling and thinking to himself all the while. And sort out my feelings.

"Mmmmm! You're a bold kid, Arnold," Gerald said as he shook his head and opened the door of the school.

Arnold and Gerald waited at the bus stop with the other kids, but soon enough they all heard the voice of Helga Pataki. She looked quite mad, complete with a scowl on her face. A smiling Phoebe walked by her side.

"Football head, I need to have a word with you," Helga said angrily.

"Fine, Helga," Arnold said, a smile akin to Phoebe's on his face.

"Be careful, Arnold, maybe is a trap," Gerald said while he eyed Helga.

"Zip it, tall hair boy," Helga hissed, quickly grabbing Arnold by the arm and leading him away from their classmates. She started talking right away.

"Listen, paste for brains, and listen good. You will not hold my hand, sit with me on the bus, or talk to me more than necessary, got it?" she asked with a scowl.

"Why, Helga?" Arnold asked, smirking. "I thought you loved me… I mean, you did make it quite clear when you confessed to me on the rooftop."

"Um, i-it was a heat of the moment thing. Everything I said up there was just lies, remember? Heat of the moment thing," she said nervously.

"But I thought Helga G. Pataki never lies," he said as he continued to smirk, remembering her words from class.

"I—I," she started, but she was interrupted when she saw the bus pull to a stop in front of their friends. "Listen, football head just remember the rules, got it?"

"Whatever you say, Helga," he said, rolling his eyes.

"That's right! Whatever I say, bucko, and don't you forget it!" Helga said as she stomped over to the bus, Arnold right behind her, a smile on his face.

The end! ^_^ What do you think? I know I have horrible grammar. Sorry!