A/N: Ok, this was written for Ri-chan, because on the way back from seeing the movie "The Secret World of Arrietty", we talked about Swedish Fish and our conversation eventually led to how Kaito would react to Swedish Fish. So even though she supports KaiAo, not Kaishin, I had to make this Kaishinnnnnnnnnnnn :3. And so I tried to make it as "not yaoi fangirlish" as possible. So yeah! XD

Title: Swedish Fish

Pairing: Kaishin

Summary: Kaito did not like the way his day was going. Not at all. But fortunately, his luck changed when he saw Shinichi. Or did it?


Kaito was having what he had personally dubbed the "Absolutely Horrible Terrible Prankless No-Good Very Bad Finny Thing Status Worthy Very Bad Day." So yeah, basically, for all the normal humans out there, his day reallt REALLY sucked.

But fortunately (or not so fortunately, as he would later think), he saw his favorite toy/childhood friend/almost-boyfriend walking nearby. Yeah, you probably guessed it…Shinichi.

"Shin-chan!" Kaito happily glomped the other, causing many-colored blobs of gelatin to spill into Shinichi's hands, held out impulsively to stop their one'way trip the concrete sidewalk. Kaito blinked, confused.

His Shinichi was holding a bag of gummy…things that were possibly candy. The wrapperwas partially visible, and Kaito could see bright colors and the English word "Swedish".

Totally serious, Kaito pulled Shinichi's cheek so that he was facing him. Kaito then spoke solemnly and truthfully. "Shin-chan, If the Muppet Show taught me anything, it's that…well, first that Gonzo was a terrible magician, and the real thing is that anything to do with Sweden is probably not edible, and if it is, you probably wouldn't want to eat it anyways."

Shinichi sighed long-sufferingly. "Kaito, these weren't made by the Swedish Chef, they were made by Americans. Here, try one." He turned and rummaged through the crinkly wrapper. He pulled one out. Kaito tentatively stole the gelationous blob and quickly shoved it in his mouth.

He chewed, swallowed, and perked up. Eyes gleaming, he turned to Shinichi. "Hey, this is actually pretty good! What are they called anyway?"

Shinichi frowned slightly, concentrating. Then he gave up and looked at the package. All at once, a shark grin stole over his face. "You know what Kaito, I belive they're called Swedish…"

"Swedish what?"


"Yeah, Swedish something, we've established that, now tell me!"




It must have been unpleasant for Shinichi to pick up the unconscious Kaito and drag him home, muttering evilly about payback the entire way there. But, of course, Kaito would never know that.


A/N: Heh…..sorry. I'm weird. Ignore me…..