Hey guys! Last chapter of A New Princess! Longest, (And I think best) one yet! Enjoy!

Chapter 14: Happy Endings Do Exist

"Come on Jake, time to go to Candy Kingdom!" Finn says excitedly.

"Huh? Who do what to where?" Jake says opening his eyes sleepily.

"Were you just taking a nap?" Finn asks and starts laugh.

"You got a problem with that?" Jake asks and raises one eyebrow.

"Ha-ha no dude I just thought you weren't asleep. You ready to go?" Finn asks.

"Do what?" Jake asks.

Finn starts laughing again and pats Jake on the back.

"Ha-ha quit kidding around man lets go." Finn says and walks out the front door.

"I still don't know where we're going, but okay!" Jake says and runs out the door with Finn.

Finn jumps on Jake's back and tells Jake about his phone call with Princess Bubblegum.

"Ooohhh we have to set up for a party! Okay!" Jake says. "I'm all about parties' man!"

"You think I don't know that?" Finn asks. "I see you sneak out of the Treehouse every night to go party in the Cloud Kingdom! Without me!"

"Heroes need their sleep man!" Jake says and starts cracking up. "I never knew you wanted to come."

"You never invited me." Finn mumbles and crosses his arms.

"Fine, next time I'll invite you. Deal?" Jake asks.

"Deal." Finn says.

So Finn and Jake finally make their way to the Candy Kingdom. It was a perfectly sunny day, not a cloud in the sky. Jake slowed down a little bit just to enjoy the walk.

"We're in no hurry right?" Jake asks Finn.

"Not really man. Not like we're saving a Princess or somethin." Finn replies.

"Which reminds me man; I wonder what happened to Flame Princess." Jake says.

Finn turns his head away from Jake and stares off in the distance.

"I don't wanna talk about it man." Finn says.

"Well she seemed pretty mad. She's sure to find someone else. Just like you did." Jake says.

Finn takes Jake's comment into deep thought. He did find someone else. Twice. First Bubblegum, then FP, now Gummy. Jake has only had one girlfriend in his life.

"Do you think Gummy is 'the one'?" Finn asks.

"You guys seem pretty into each other!" Jake says. "You made it to tier 2 on your first day out with her!"

"What was it like when you met Lady?" Finn asks.

"Oh man, the same thing!" Jake says. "When I met her, I just knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her."

"Then why do you live with me?" Finn jokes.

"Because bros gotta stick together, man!" Jake says matter-a-factly.

When Finn and Jake finally arrive at the Candy Kingdom, everything seems pretty normal. The Candy Citizens are walking around doing their usual jobs. The only weird thing is the Candy Staff was starting to assemble a small stage to the left of the castle. None of the Candy Citizens seemed to notice. Then Finn saw Bubblegum, not in her usual clothes. Now she was wearing a pink shirt and jean shorts, and her long pink hair was up in ponytail.

"Alright, now put the microphone center stage." She says no one in particular.

Cinnamon Bun picks up the microphone and places it on the front of the stage. Bubblegum gives a thumbs up. Finn jumps off of Jake and goes over to talk to her.

"Wow you look different." Finn says.

"Yeah, you usually see me wearing my formal princess junk." Bubblegum says. "I just wanna look like this so it doesn't look like I'm upstaging Gummybear."

"Do the Candy People know about this party?" Finn asks.

"Nope. Not one except for me!" Bubblegum says giggling.

"What about the people helping set up?" Finn asks.

"They think they're setting up for a concert." Princess replies.

"What can I do to help?" Finn asks.

"Nothing really. It's almost set up. I just need you to talk to Gummy. Tell her than in an hour there's going to be a concert outside. Oh yeah, also have her wear her blue dress." PB tells Finn.

"No problem!" Finn says and runs up to the Candy Castle.

"Jake, can you go find Party Pat and tell him we need him to get a party going at the Candy Castle? I'm sure he'll come." Princess asks Jake.

"Yeah no problem! I think he's still at the Cloud Kingdom!" Jake says. "Can I tell him what the party is about?"

"Yeah, just tell him it's a surprise party though. That way he won't let out any hints to any of the Candy Citizens." Princess says.

Meanwhile upstairs in the Candy Tower...

"Hey Gummy!" Finn says and barges in the door.

"Finn! What a surprise! I'm so happy to see you!" Gummy says and gives him a tight hug.

"Yeah, I have a surprise for you!" Finn says excitedly.

"Yeah, what is it?" Gummy asks.

"We're going to a concert in an hour!" Finn exclaims.

"Oh my Gob yay! I've never been to a concert before!" Gummybear says.

"Just a few things though. It's more of a... Formal concert. So you should probably wear your formal princess dress." Finn says.

"My formal princess dress? How did you know about that?" Gummy asks suspiciously.

Finn stutters and looks and the ground waiting for an answer to come to his head.

Why can't I be quick with answers like this just like Jake is? Finn thinks to himself.

"Because... Your sister is coming. And she told me to suggest you wear that." Finn says.

"Oh okay!" Gummy says and a smile brightens her face. "I'll be right back!"

Finn goes out on Gummy's porch looking out the Grasslands. He can see everything from up here. The Treehouse, the Ice Kingdom, even way over to the ocean sparkling in the sunlight.

"It's a beautiful view. Isn't it?" Gummy says from behind him.

"Yeah. It really is. My view looks like something similar on the roof of the Treehouse." Finn says not turning around.

"Well I'm going to do my hair now. I'll be out in 5 minutes." Gummybear says.

"Hey Finn how's it going?" Jake says from behind him.

"Jake hi!" Finn says and turns around. "What are you doing up here?"

"I don't know." Jake says. "Just thought I'd say hi after I got Party Pat."

"Woah you got Party Pat?" Finn asks.

"Keep your voice down!" Jake whispers loudly. "It's supposed to be a surprise party. Remember?"

"Oh yeah." Finn whispers. "You better go. Gummy would wonder why you're here when she comes out of the bathroom."

"See you in 10 minutes!" Jake says and jumps of the balcony.

Finn rolls his eyes as he watches Jake do flips of the balcony. He was always showing off like this. A couple minutes later, Gummy walks out of the bathroom.

"How do I look?" She asks and slips on a pair of blue flip flops.

Finn takes in the beautiful girl he sees. She's wearing an aqua strapless dress that comes down just below her knees. And now instead of a side ponytail, she has her hair down at her shoulders.

"You look... Beautiful." Finn says. "Why is your princess dress so much shorter than Bubblegum's?"

"Thanks! And that's because she rules the Candy Kingdom. She needs to wear something more proper. Now come on, we don't wanna be late!" Gummy says and grabs Finn's hand.

They literally run down the stairs hand in hand until they reach outside. Bubblegum rings a big bell and begins to shout.


"Mandatory announcement? And my sis is wearing casual clothes? What's going on?" Gummy asks.

"You'll see." Finn says and kisses her on the cheek. "Stay here and wait for your sister to get up on stage."

Finn leaves Gummy towards the back, so she would blend in with the rest of the Candy People. He finds Jake and Lady at the front and sits next to him. When all the Candy People arrive, Princess Bubblegum walks up on stage.

"Welcome Candy Citizens!" She says. "I have very important and exciting news!"

Bubblegum tells the story of Gummy, and how she is now here now, and here to stay. She tells them Gummy was hidden for her own protection, but now the curse has been lifted. The crowd in awe, and some even started crying tears of joy. Finn looks back at Gummy who stares wistfully around her, seeing how much she is loved.

"And that is why; I think it is time for something." Bubblegum says.

"Dude that's your Q!" Jake says to Finn.

Finn goes back into the crowd and takes Gummy's hand. He leads her up on stage and over to her older sister.

"Gummybear, I now make you an official Princess of Candy Kingdom." Bubblegum says and places a crown on Gummy's head.

Gummybear smiles and walks up to the microphone.

"Wow." She says. "I never knew how much I was loved. I want to thank my sister for protecting me through all these years, and putting this whole thing together for me! Also though, there is also someone else I'd like to thank..."

She looks back at Finn and holds out her hand.

"My new boyfriend. Finn. If it wasn't for him, I never would've realized what kind of person I was, what love was, and never would've had the curse lifted. And I never would've met all of you awesome people!" She says.

The crowd cheers at this remark.

"I like you a lot Princess." Finn says to Gummy.

"I love you too, Finn." Gummy says.

Then, she leans in, and kisses Finn right up on stage. At this point, everyone is crying happiness, and awing at the two. Then a bear walks up on stage.

"Enough of this!" He says jokingly. "Who is ready to PAR-TAY?"

The crowd cheers in consent, and Party Pat blasts the music. Everyone starts dancing, and the whole day just turns out to be a fun one. And that is the story of how Finn finally found someone just his age, not too dangerous, and had the right kind of personality. This is the story of how Finn met his new Princess. His Princess he would forever love. The end.

Thanks for reading! I really hoped you guys liked this story and GummyxFinn. Please review and stuff! Tell me if you want a sequel maybe? Give me 3 reviews for this chapter and maybe I will make one! Also, remember to check out "Princess Bubblegum's Sick Day", "A Day in Jake's life", and my upcoming story "13 Again." I love you guys! Thanks! ~Sydthekidhollis