So, what do you know? After all this time, I'm back with a new chapter for this fic that I said was complete, but… this simply appeared in my mind, and it was only fair to post it.

I grimaced.

What was that noise? Where was it coming from?

I could hear the soft sound of someone's whispers, but I couldn't understand what was being said. It stopped after a while, the whispering, and I fell back into my state of unconsciousness.

I woke up to the feeling of someone's arms around me, holding me protectively; a familiar comforting warmth underneath me. It hadn't been a dream. Christian had spent the whole night there, with me, watching over me. I stirred unwittingly.

-Feeling better?- he asked me softly.

-Yeah.- I blinked a couple of times trying to shake off the drowsiness; my eyes stung due to all the crying -What time is it?- I asked back sleepily.

-6 am.- he made a pause while I sat up -Your parents called while you were sleeping.- he told me cautiously -I didn't want to wake you up, so…

That explained the whispering.

-What did they say?- I asked him, though I really didn't want to know.

-Today is your grandmother's burial.- he replied -They are picking you up at 8.

I nodded absently, mechanically. I snuggled up to him, and he put his arms around me.

-I don't wanna go.- I admitted quietly, feeling new tears forming in my eyes -I don't wanna see her that way.

-You have to go Tara.- he said softly.

-You don't understand; that's not the way I want to remember her.

-I know, and it doesn't have to be that way,- he said and paused -but if you don't go, you'll regret it for the rest of your life.

I remained silent, contemplating his words.

-I can go with you if you want me to.- he offered. I looked up to him.

-Would you do that for me?

-Of course.- he replied, looking at me.

We stayed in bed for a couple more minutes before deciding it was time to get ready for the trip.

My parents picked us up when they said they would. They didn't say anything, but I knew they were thankful and relieved that Christian was coming too. They both hugged me as soon as they saw me, but said nothing. There was nothing that they could say or do to make me feel better. They knew that from all the people there, I was probably the most affected one by the situation.

The way to Melbourne was exhausting, and it felt longer than it actually was.

I spent the whole time observing the landscape through the car's window. For some reason I was incapable of feeling sad; I felt oddly at ease. I wasn't oblivious to the furtive glances my parents would give me once in a while, evidently worried that I wasn't taking things the way I should. I didn't know it myself.

Christian slipped his hand in mine. I turned to look at him, a little taken aback by his gesture; he was looking in the other direction absent-mindedly, apparently uninterested. He rarely gave any display of affection, but this was his way of showing me he was there, and I appreciated it greatly.

Before going to the funeral, we made a quick stop at my grandmother's house to change clothes. I avoided her bedroom at all costs; the room where I would spend countless nights just to get her to tell me some stories from the time when she had been a ballet dancer.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror of the room I had chosen to change. The black dress I was wearing didn't mean anything to me. Everything still felt like a weird dream. I sighed and made my way out of that bedroom; Christian was already outside, waiting for me.

-Are you ok?- he asked and I nodded. I looked at him; he was giving me a suspicious look.

-It's just… I don't feel sad.- I confessed worriedly -What's wrong with me?

-Nothing is wrong with you.- he assured me, looking straight into my eyes.

-Then, what does that make me?- I asked him, slight desperation in my voice.

-It makes you a human. People take things differently, that's all.

I sighed, feeling a bit calmer. Christian grabbed my hand and led the way; I let him. That wasn't any different from what things were when we actually got to the funeral. I stayed by his side all the time, not daring to get near the place where my grandmother was resting in peace. I could only stare at that place, suddenly overwhelmed by a strange sensation. I knew I had to do it soon it or later; that I had to say goodbye.

Finally, I gathered enough strength and courage to do so; Christian was willing to go with me, but I pinned him with a look, letting him know that that was something I had to do alone. I let go of his hand, and took a white rose from a vase between my shaky fingers. I walked slowly, ever so slowly, wishing that the moment didn't have to come. I stopped next to my grandmother's casket, and carefully placed the rose on top of it. I kept my eyes fixed on that spot, and I touched it, absently running my fingers along the smooth surface.

Nothing, I still felt nothing; it was as if my feelings were numb. I turned around and went back to where Christian was awaiting. He was looking at me expectantly, but I averted my gaze for I was feeling quite confused at the moment. He didn't press me; he just took hold of my hand.

I remained unmoved while my grandmother's casket was being lowered. Something snapped in me abruptly; something I couldn't control. I was never going to see her again. I tighten my grip on Christian's hand subconsciously, and in a matter of seconds, I started crying; more like, burst into tears. Christian pulled me into an embrace, and I cried on his chest non-stop.

Hours later, we were on the same place, standing still. I had managed to calm down at last, and there was nobody there but us.

In a silent agreement, we started walking hand in hand in utter silence towards the car where my parents were waiting for us; the six o'clock sunlight casting over us. I looked at him and felt my heart fill with affection. He had been there for me since the very moment I found out that my grandmother had passed away.

There was something I needed him to know.

I halted. He stopped only when he felt a tug on his hand.

-What is it?- he asked me groggily.

-Thank you.- I said. I really meant it.

-You're welcome.- he replied and turned to resume our way. I didn't move, so he turned again with a puzzled expression on his face.

-Christian, I…

He approached me, stopping right in front of me. He stared at me as he took both of my hands in his.

-I know, but it's not the right moment.- he said, looking at me tenderly; his eyes expressing more than words would ever do.

Looking into his eyes, I realized that no matter what, I would always love that man.

I smiled genuinely for the first time in days.

Thanks for reading lovely people. I would love to read your reviews.