So, Dance Academy Series 2 premiered on March 12th in Australia, and God knows when it's gonna premiere here in America. This is my way of coping with the long waiting.

This is a two chapter long fic, and it's just a little something I came up with. I hope you enjoy it.

The thing I like the most

"Why do I like Christian?" That's a question that had been spinning in my head for weeks. Don't take me wrong, I knew why I like him. I was just trying to figure out which was the thing that I like the most about him; his smile, the way he danced, his personality… anyway, little I knew back then, that the answer to that question would come to me a few days later, in the middle of a heartbreaking situation.

However, it's something I remember like if it had happened yesterday. It took place in an ordinary day, like so many others. It was one of those days in the Academy, in which Christian and I were behaving goofily; giggling, joking around, all that stuff; it was only when we heard Miss Raine's voice calling my name that we stopped.

-Miss Webster, the principal wants to speak to you.

"The principal wants to speak to you," I remember thinking that those words should never ever be in the same sentence because they couldn't mean anything good, and I was right. Once I got over the initial impression, I looked at Christian and he looked back at me, he seemed just as clueless as I was; I took a deep breath and made my way to Miss Raine.

-Go- she said simply, and so I did. She must've told Christian to come too, because I felt him following close behind on my way to the principal's office.

-Please take a sit.- was the first thing the principal said to me as soon as I got in his office; that was when I really started to sense that something wasn't right.

-It's not her fault, I… - Christian started before Miss Rain cut him off.

-It's not about that Christian.- she told him.

-Tara, please take a sit.- the principal insisted.

-I'm fine, thank you.- was my nervous reply -Can you tell me what's happening?- I sort of demanded for I was getting anxious.

Miss Rain took a deep breath and then spoke.

-We just received a phone call from your parents Tara.

-Why didn't you tell me?- I said, feeling slightly offended.

-They couldn't wait for you to answer the phone, because, you'll see, they are on their way to Melbourne; that's why they asked us to give you this information personally.

My heart skipped a beat before that last word: Melbourne…

-What's going on?- I said.


-What's going on?- I repeated desperately -Is everything alright?- Melbourne… -Is… is my grandma alright?

I only had to look at their faces to know the answer, it couldn't be…

-We are so sorry Tara.

It couldn't be…

-Your grandmother passed away last night.

Have you felt it? That sensation you get when you find out about something unpleasant; the daze, the confusion. That feeling that you're dreaming; that you are not really there because everything seems so absurd to be real. Well I felt all that, but for some reason, I didn't feel like crying. I don't know if it was the shock or that I simply couldn't; I just know that I didn't cry that day.

I don't really remember what happened from there; at some point after I had learned the news I went numb. I hold vague memories of Miss Rain and the principal telling me something, probably offering their condolences, and yet, there is one thing that somehow I remember vividly: Christian's arms surrounding me, and that, at that precise moment, I discovered what I like the most about him; that, no matter what happened between us, he was always there for me… handing me a handkerchief, rescuing me in the middle of the night, or simply, like then, holding me; keeping me sane amidst all the pain and desolation.

So what do you think so far? Did you like it? Let me know.

This is for all the Dance Academy fans out there.